User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests
Gelaren esteka dakien edonor, bisitariak ezik
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Only people who have been invited
Gonbidatua izan den jendea besterik ez
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Members only (since they joined)
Kideak besterik ez (elkartu zirenetik)
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Members only (since they were invited)
Kideak besterik ez (gonbidatu zitzaienetik)
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)
Kideak besterik ez (aukera hau hautatutako unetik)
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Who can access this room?
Nor sartu daiteke gelara?
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Who can read history?
Nork irakurri dezake historiala?
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

List this room in room directory
Zerrendatu gela hau gelen direktorioan
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Room Name
Gelaren izena
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Room Photo
Gelaren argazkia
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

We've sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below.
Aktibazio kodea duen SMS mezu bat bidali dizugu. Idatzi kode hori hemen azpian.
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Your Matrix account password has been updated
Zure pasahitza eguneratu da
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Fail to update Matrix account password
Huts egin du pasahitza eguneratzean
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Confirm password
berretsi pasahitza
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

New password
pasahitz berria
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Old password
pasahitz zaharra
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

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Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Change password
Aldatu pasahitza
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

This phone number is already in use
Telefono zenbaki hau erabilita dago
7 years ago
