User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Homeserver is %@
Hasiera zerbitzaria %@ da
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Report bug
Arazte txostena
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Mark all messages as read
Markatu mezu guztiak irakurrita gisa
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

No build info
Konpilazio daturik ez
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Logout all accounts
Amaitu saioa kontu guztietan
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

You are trying to access %@. Would you like to join in order to participate in the discussion?
%@ atzitzen saiatzen ari zara. Elkartu nahi duzu elkarrizketan parte hartzeko?
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

This invitation was sent to %@, which is not associated with this account. You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to your account.
Zure gonbidapena bidali da %@ helbidera, hau ez dago kontu honetara lotuta.
Beste kontu batekin hasi dezakezu saioa, edo e-mail hau kontu honetara gehitu.
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

You have been invited to join this room by %@
%@ erabiltzaileak gela honetara elkartzera gonbidatu zaitu
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

%@ members
%@ kide
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

%@/%@ active member
kide aktibo %@/%@
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

%@/%@ active members
%@/%@ kide aktibo
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

New room
Gela berria
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Unknown sessions
Gailu ezezagunak
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Answer Anyway
Erantzun hala ere
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Call Anyway
Deitu hala ere
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

This room contains unknown sessions which have not been verified.
This means there is no guarantee that the sessions belong to the users they claim to.
We recommend you go through the verification process for each session before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.
Gela honetan egiaztatu gabeko gailu ezezagunak daude.
Ezin da bermatu Gailuak benetan dioten jabeenak direla.
Jarraitu aurretik gailu bakoitzeko egiaztaketa prozesua jarraitzea aholkatzen dugu, baina nahiago baduzu mezua egiaztatu gabe birbidali dezakezu.

Gailu ezezagunak:
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

This room contains unknown sessions which have not been verified.
This means there is no guarantee that the sessions belong to the users they claim to.
We recommend you go through the verification process for each session before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.
Gela honetan egiaztatu gabeko gailu ezezagunak daude.
Ezin da bermatu Gailuak benetan dioten jabeenak direla.
Jarraitu aurretik gailu bakoitzeko egiaztaketa prozesua jarraitzea aholkatzen dugu, baina nahiago baduzu mezua egiaztatu gabe birbidali dezakezu.

Gailu ezezagunak:
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Encryption Information
Zifratze informazioa
7 years ago
