You do not have permission to do that in this room.
Ez duzu gela honetan hori egiteko baimenik.
7 years ago
You are not in this room.
Ez zaude gela honetan.
7 years ago
Power level must be positive integer.
Botere maila osoko zenbaki positibo bat izan behar da.
7 years ago
Failed to send request.
Eskariaren bidalketak huts egin du.
7 years ago
Unable to create widget.
Ezin izan da trepeta sortu.
7 years ago
Resource update 7 years ago
1 active widget
%d active widgets
%1$d trepeta aktibo
7 years ago
Are you sure you want to delete the widget from this room?
Ziur trepeta ezabatu nahi duzula?
7 years ago
Create conference calls with jitsi
Sortu konferentzia deiak jitsi bidez
7 years ago
%1$s removed by %2$s
%1$s kendu du %2$s erabiltzaileak
7 years ago
%1$s added by %2$s
%1$s, gehitu du %2$s erabiltzaileak gehituta
7 years ago
%1$s added by %2$s
%1$s, %2$s erabiltzaileak gehituta
7 years ago
Widget creation has failed
Trepetaren sorrerak huts egin du
7 years ago
You need permission to manage widgets in this room
Baimena behar duzu gela honetako trepetak kudeatzeko
7 years ago
Show timestamps in 12-hour format
Erakutsi denbora-markak 12 ordutako formatuan (adib 2:30pm)
7 years ago
Notification sound
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Black Theme
Gai beltza
7 years ago
Dark Theme
Gai iluna
7 years ago
