A chat app, under your control and entirely flexible. Riot lets you communicate the way you want. Made for [matrix] - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Get a free matrix.org account, get your own server at https://modular.im, or use another Matrix server.

Why choose Riot.im?

• COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Build rooms around your teams, your friends, your community - however you like! Chat, share files, add widgets and make voice and video calls - all free of charge.

• POWERFUL INTEGRATIONS: Use Riot.im with the tools you know and love. With Riot.im you can even chat with users and groups on other chat apps.

• PRIVATE AND SECURE: Keep your conversations secret. State of the art end-to-end encryption ensures that private communication stays private.

• OPEN, NOT CLOSED: Open source, and built on Matrix. Own your own data by hosting your own server, or selecting one you trust.

• EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and online at https://riot.im.
Aplikacja czatu, całkowicie pod twoją kontrolą i całkowicie
4 years ago
A chat app, under your control and entirely flexible. Riot lets you communicate the way you want. Made for [matrix] - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Get a free matrix.org account, get your own server at https://modular.im, or use another Matrix server.

Why choose Riot.im?

• COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Build rooms around your teams, your friends, your community - however you like! Chat, share files, add widgets and make voice and video calls - all free of charge.

• POWERFUL INTEGRATIONS: Use Riot.im with the tools you know and love. With Riot.im you can even chat with users and groups on other chat apps.

• PRIVATE AND SECURE: Keep your conversations secret. State of the art end-to-end encryption ensures that private communication stays private.

• OPEN, NOT CLOSED: Open source, and built on Matrix. Own your own data by hosting your own server, or selecting one you trust.

• EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and online at https://riot.im.
Aplikacja czatu, całkowicie pod twoją kontrolą i
4 years ago
A chat app, under your control and entirely flexible. Riot lets you communicate the way you want. Made for [matrix] - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Get a free matrix.org account, get your own server at https://modular.im, or use another Matrix server.

Why choose Riot.im?

• COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Build rooms around your teams, your friends, your community - however you like! Chat, share files, add widgets and make voice and video calls - all free of charge.

• POWERFUL INTEGRATIONS: Use Riot.im with the tools you know and love. With Riot.im you can even chat with users and groups on other chat apps.

• PRIVATE AND SECURE: Keep your conversations secret. State of the art end-to-end encryption ensures that private communication stays private.

• OPEN, NOT CLOSED: Open source, and built on Matrix. Own your own data by hosting your own server, or selecting one you trust.

• EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and online at https://riot.im.
Aplikacja czatu
4 years ago
A chat app, under your control and entirely flexible. Riot lets you communicate the way you want. Made for [matrix] - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Get a free matrix.org account, get your own server at https://modular.im, or use another Matrix server.

Why choose Riot.im?

• COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Build rooms around your teams, your friends, your community - however you like! Chat, share files, add widgets and make voice and video calls - all free of charge.

• POWERFUL INTEGRATIONS: Use Riot.im with the tools you know and love. With Riot.im you can even chat with users and groups on other chat apps.

• PRIVATE AND SECURE: Keep your conversations secret. State of the art end-to-end encryption ensures that private communication stays private.

• OPEN, NOT CLOSED: Open source, and built on Matrix. Own your own data by hosting your own server, or selecting one you trust.

• EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and online at https://riot.im.
4 years ago
A universal secure chat app entirely under your control.
Bezpieczna aplikacja czatu całkowicie pod Twoją kontrolą.
4 years ago
Riot.im - Communicate, your way
Riot.im - Rozmawiaj, we własny sposób
4 years ago
Riot.im - Communicate, your way
Riot.im -
4 years ago
No valid Google Play Services APK found. Notifications may not work properly.
Nie znaleziono prawidłowej aplikacji Usługi Google Play. Powiadomienia mogą nie działać prawidłowo
4 years ago
No valid Google Play Services APK found. Notifications may not work properly.
Nie znaleziono prawidłowej aplikacji Usługi Google Play. Powiadomienia
4 years ago
An unverified session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
Nowea niezweryfikowane urządzeniea sesja żąda kluczy szyfrujących.
Nazwa urządzeniasesji: %1$s
Ostatnio widzianea: %2$s
Jeśli to nie Ty zalogowałeś(-aś) się na innym urządzeniuej sesji, zignoruj to żądanie.
4 years ago
Your unverified session '%s' is requesting encryption keys.
Twoje niezweryfikowane urządzeniea sesja '%s' żąda kluczy szyfrujących.
4 years ago
A new session is requesting encryption keys.ession name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
Nowe urządzeniea sesja żąda kluczy szyfrujących.
Nazwa urządzeniasesji: %1$s
Ostatnio widzianea: %2$s
Jeśli to nie Ty zalogowałeś(-aś) się na innym urządzeniuej sesji, zignoruj to żądanie.
4 years ago
You added a new session '%s', which is requesting encryption keys.
Dodałeś(-aś) nowe urządzenieą sesję '%s', którea żąda kluczy szyfrujących.
4 years ago
To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.
Aby kontynuować, musisz zaakceptować Warunki użytkowania dla tej usługi.
4 years ago
Start the system camera instead of the custom camera screen.
Uruchom systemową kamerę zamiast niestandardowego ekranu kamery w aplikacji
4 years ago
No integration manager configured.
Nie skonfigurowano menedżera integracji.
4 years ago
Read DRM protected Media
Odczytaj media zabezpieczone DRM
4 years ago
Use the microphone
Użyj mikrofonu
4 years ago
Use the camera
Użyj aparatu
4 years ago
Block All
Zablokuj wszystko
4 years ago
