The password is not valid
5 years ago
Update Password
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Enter button of the soft keyboard will send message instead of adding a line break
軟體鍵盤的 Enter 按鈕將會傳送訊息而非換行
5 years ago
Send message with enter
使用 Enter 傳送訊息
5 years ago
If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. This prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms.
如果使用者不為裝置充電,並讓其靜置一段時間,且將螢幕關閉,裝置將會進入 Doze 模式。這可能會導致應用程式無法存取網路,並延遲它們的工作、同步與標準警報。
5 years ago
If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. This prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms.
如果使用者不為裝置充電,並讓其靜置一段時間,且將螢幕關閉,裝置將會進入 Doze 模式。這可能會導致應用程式無法存取網路,並延遲它們的工作、同步與標準警報。
5 years ago
5 years ago
This invitation was sent to %s, which is not associated with this account.
You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to your account.
邀請已經被傳送給 %s,但與此帳號沒有進行關連。 你也許希望以不同帳號登入,或將電子郵件加入到您的帳號。
5 years ago
Send as
5 years ago
Your device is using an outdated TLS security protocol, vulnerable to attack, for your security you will not be able to connect
您的裝置正在使用過期的 TLS 安全協定,容易遭受攻擊,為了您的安全將不會連線
5 years ago
This URL is not reachable, please check it
這個 URL 不可用,請檢查
5 years ago
Please enter a valid URL
5 years ago
Sign in with single sign-on
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
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