User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Got it
Náði því
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised.
Ef þetta samsvarar ekki, getur verið að samskiptin þín séu berskjölduð.
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Session key
Dulritunarlykill setu
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Session ID
Auðkenni setu
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Session name
Nafn á setu
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session:
Staðfestu með því að bera eftirfarandi saman við 'Stillingar notanda' í hinni setunni þinni:
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Manually Verify by Text
Sannreyna handvirkt með textaskilaboðum
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

They match
Þau samsvara
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

They don't match
Þau samsvara ekki
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Use Security Key
Nota öryggislykil
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Other users may not trust it.
Aðrir notendur gætu ekki treyst því.
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Verify this session
Sannprófa þessa setu
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Start verification
Hefja sannvottun
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
