User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Group call
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Missed voice call
Ósvarað símtal
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Active video call
Virkt myndsamtal
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Active voice call
Virkt raddsamtal
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

This has no local addresses
Þessi spjallrás er ekki með nein staðvær vistföng
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

List in room directory
Setja á skrá yfir spjallrásir
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Anyone who knows the link, including guests
Hver sá sem þekkir slóðina á spjallrásina, að gestum meðtöldum
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Anyone who knows the link, apart from guests
Hver sá sem þekkir slóðina á spjallrásina, fyrir utan gesti
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Who can access this?
Hver hefur aðgang að þessu?
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Search room
Leita í spjallrás
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Trusted by you
Treyst af þér
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Find your contacts
Finndu tengiliðina þína
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Messages by a bot
Skilaboð frá vélmenni
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Notifications disabled
Tilkynningar óvirkar
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Device notifications
Tilkynningar tækis
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Confirm size when sending
Staðfesta stærð við sendingu
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

2 years ago
