User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Did not receive an email?
Fékkstu ekki tölvupóst?
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Follow the instructions sent to %@
Farðu eftir leiðbeiningunum sem sendar voru á %@
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

%@ needs to verify your account
%@ þarf að sannreyna notandaaðganginn þinn
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Select your homeserver
Veldu heimaþjóninn þinn
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

What is the address of your server?
Hvert er vistfang netþjónsins þíns?
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Connect to homeserver
Tengjast við heimaþjón
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Where your conversations live
Þar sem samtölin þín eru
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Where your conversations will live
Þar sem samtölin þín verða
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Must be 8 characters or more
Verður að vera að minnsta kosti 8 stafir
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Others can discover you %@
Aðrir geta fundið þig %@
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

You can’t change this later
Þú getur ekki breytt þessu síðar
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Your display name must be less than 256 characters
Birtingarnafnið þitt verður að vera styttra en 256 stafir
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Take me home
Fara á forsíðuna
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Your account %@ has been created
%@ aðgangur þinn hefur verið útbúinn
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Looking to join an existing server?
Ætlarðu að ganga til liðs við fyrirliggjandi netþjón?
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Who will you chat to the most?
Við hverja muntu helst spjalla?
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Element is also great for the workplace. It’s trusted by the world’s most secure organisations.
Element er líka frábært fyrir vinnustaðinn. Heimsins öruggustu samtök treysta því.
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

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Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Messaging for your team.
Skilaboð fyrir teymið þitt.
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

End-to-end encrypted and no phone number required. No ads or datamining.
Enda-í-enda dulritað og ekkert símanúmer nauðsynlegt. Engar auglýsingar eða gagnasöfnun.
2 years ago
User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Choose where your conversations are kept, giving you control and independence. Connected via Matrix.
Veldu hvar á að geyma samtölin þín, sem gefur þér stjórnina og algert sjálfstæði. Tengt í gegnum Matrix.
2 years ago
