No integration manager configured.
Nije podešen upravitelj integracijama.
4 years ago
User avatar mdimjasevic

Added to glossary

[Deprecated] Riot AndroidCroatian [Deprecated] Riot Android

upravitelj integracijama
4 years ago
A parameter is not valid.
Parametar je neispravan.
4 years ago
A required parameter is missing.
Nedostaje obavezan parametar.
4 years ago
Room %s is not visible.
Soba %s nije vidljiva.
4 years ago
Missing user_id in request.
U zahtjevu nedostaje korisnički identitet.
4 years ago
Missing room_id in request.
U zahtjevu nedostaje identitet sobe.
4 years ago
You do not have permission to do that in this room.
Nemate dozvolu to učiniti u ovoj sobi.
4 years ago
You are not in this room.
Niste u ovoj sobi.
4 years ago
Power level must be positive integer.
Razina baterije treba biti pozitivan cijeli broj.
4 years ago
Failed to send request.
Neuspjelo slanje zahtjeva.
4 years ago
Unable to create widget.
Neuspjela izrada grafičkog elementa.
4 years ago
User avatar mdimjasevic

Added to glossary

[Deprecated] Riot AndroidCroatian [Deprecated] Riot Android

grafički element
4 years ago
Committed changes 4 years ago
Read DRM protected Media
Čitaj medije ograničene DRM-om
4 years ago
Use the microphone
Koristi mikrofon
4 years ago
Use the camera
Koristi kameru
4 years ago
Block All
Sve blokiraj
4 years ago
4 years ago
Low priority
Nizak prioritet
4 years ago
