Riot needs permission to access your photo and video library to send and save attachments.

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to send files from your phone.
Riotek zure argazki eta bideoen liburutegia atzitzeko baimena behar du eranskinak gorde ahal izateko.

Baimendu sarbidea hurrengo laster-leihoan zure telefonotik fitxategiak bidali ahal izateko.
7 years ago
You need to log back in to generate end-to-end encryption keys for this session and submit the public key to your homeserver.
This is a once off.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Berriro hasi behar duzu saioa muturretik muturrerako zifratzerako gailu honek gakoak sortzeko eta gako publikoa zure hasiera zerbitzarira bidali behar duzu.
Hau behin bakarrik egin behar duzu.
Barkatu eragozpenak.
7 years ago
You have been invited to join this room by %s
%s erabiltzaileak gela honetara elkartzera gonbidatu zaitu
7 years ago
Jump to first unread message.
Jauzi irakurri gabeko lehen mezura.
7 years ago
Jump to first unread message.
Jauzi irakurri gabeko lehen mezura
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Save to downloads?
Gorde deskargetan
7 years ago
7 years ago
Sorry. Action not performed, due to missing permissions
Ez da ekintza burutu baimenak falta direlako
7 years ago
Riot needs permission to access your camera and your microphone to perform video calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to make the call.
Riotek zure kamera eta mikrofonoa atzitzeko baimenak behar ditu bideo deiak egin ahal izateko.

Baimendu sarbidea hurrengo laster-leihoan deia egin ahal izateko.
7 years ago
Riot needs permission to access your camera and your microphone to perform video calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to make the call.
Riotek zure kamera eta mikrofonoa atzitzeko baimenak behar ditu bideo deiak egin ahal izateko.
7 years ago

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to make the call.

Baimendu sarbidea hurrengo laster-leihoan deia egin ahal izateko.
7 years ago
Riot needs permission to access your microphone to perform audio calls.
Riotek zure mikrofonoa atzitzeko baimena behar du ahots deiak egin ahal izateko.
7 years ago

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to make the call.

Baimendu sarbidea hurrengo laster-leihoan deia egin ahal izateko.
7 years ago
