You changed your avatar
Du skiftede din avatar
3 years ago
You withdrew %1$s's invitation
Du trak %1$ss invitation tilbage
3 years ago
You banned %1$s
Du bannede %1$s
3 years ago
You unbanned %1$s
Du unbannede %1$s
3 years ago
%1$s joined the room
%1$s forbandkom ind i rummet
3 years ago
You rejected the invitation
Du afslog invitationen
3 years ago
You left the room
Du gik ud af rummet
3 years ago
%1$s left the room
%1$s gik ud af rummet
3 years ago
You left the room
Du gik ud af rummet
3 years ago
You joined
Du kom ind
3 years ago
%1$s joined
%1$s kom ind
3 years ago
You joined the room
Du kom ind i rummet
3 years ago
You invited %1$s
Du inviterede %1$s
3 years ago
You created the discussion
Du oprettede diskussionen
3 years ago
%1$s created the discussion
%1$s oprettede diskussionen
3 years ago
You created the room
Du oprettede rummet
3 years ago
%1$s created the room
%1$s oprettede rummet
3 years ago
Your invitation
Din invitation
3 years ago
User avatar bmarty

New string to translate

Element Android / Element Android AppDanish

New string to translate 3 years ago
Resource update 3 years ago
