User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Skip this question
تَخَطي هَذا السُؤال
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Not sure yet? %@
لَستَ مٌتَأكداً بَعدَ؟ يُمَكَّنَك %@
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Friends and family
الأصَدقاء والعائِلة
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

We’ll help you get connected
سنساعَدَك على الاتصال.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Who will you chat to the most?
مَنْ الذي ستَتَحَدَّثَ إليه أكْثَر؟
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Element is also great for the workplace. It’s trusted by the world’s most secure organisations.
Element رائِع أيضاً لمَكان العَمِلَ. تَثِقُ به أكثر المٌؤسَسات أمانًا في العالم.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Messaging for your team.
مُراسَلة لفَريقك.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

End-to-end encrypted and no phone number required. No ads or datamining.
مشفرة من النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة بين الطَرفين ولا حَاجة إلى رَقم الهَاتِف. لا توجَد إعْلانات أو التَنقيب في البَيانات.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Secure messaging.
رسائل آمِنة.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Choose where your conversations are kept, giving you control and independence. Connected via Matrix.
اختارَ المَكان الَّذي يَتُمَ فيه الاحتِفاظ بمُحادثاتك، مَمّا يمنَحَكَ التَحكَم والاسْتِقلاليّة. مُتَّصل عبر Matrix.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

You’re in control.
أَنت المُتَحكِم.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Secure and independent communication that gives you the same level of privacy as a face-to-face conversation in your own home.
اتصال آمِن ومُسْتَقِلّ يمنَحك نَفْس مُسْتَوى الخٌصوصيّة مِثْل مُحادثة وجهاً لوَجه في مَنْزِلك.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Own your conversations.
امْتَلَكَ مُحادَثَاتك.
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

I already have an account
لَدَّي حِساب بالفِعْل
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Create account
إنشاء حِساب
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

Tap to return to the call (%@)
مُكالَمَة نَشِطاضَغَطَ للعَوْدة إلى المُكالَمَة (%@)
2 years ago
User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

2 years ago
