This is not a valid Matrix server address
Hau ez da baliozko Matrix zerbitzari helbide bat.
4 years ago
New string to translate 4 years ago
Resource update 4 years ago
Committed changes 4 years ago
Read DRM protected Media
DRM bidez babestutako multimedia irakurri
4 years ago
Use the microphone
Mikrofonoa erabili
4 years ago
Use the camera
Erabili kameraKamera erabili
4 years ago
Use the camera
Erabili kamera
4 years ago
Block All
Blokeatu denak
4 years ago
This widget wants to use the following resources:
Trepeta honek honako baliabide hauek erabili nahi ditu:
4 years ago
4 years ago
This widget wants to use the following resources:
Trepeta honek honako baliabide hauek erabili nahi ditu:
4 years ago
Room ID
Gelaren ID-a
4 years ago
Widget ID
Trepetaren ID-a
4 years ago
Your theme
Zure gaia
4 years ago
Your user ID
Zure erabiltzaile ID-a
4 years ago
Your avatar URL
Zure abatarraren URL-a
4 years ago
Your display name
Zure pantaila-izena
4 years ago
Revoke access for me
Indargabetu sarbidea niretzat
4 years ago
Open in browser
Ireki nabigatzailean
4 years ago
