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Please enable analytics to help us improve Riot.
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
settings_send_message_with_enter_summary Enter button of the soft keyboard will send message instead of adding a line break 軟體鍵盤的 Enter 按鈕將會傳送訊息而非換行
settings_deactivate_account_section Deactivate account 停用帳號
settings_deactivate_my_account Deactivate my account 停用我的帳號
settings_discovery_category Discovery 探索
settings_discovery_manage Manage your discovery settings. 管理您的探索設定。
startup_notification_privacy_title Notification Privacy 通知隱私
startup_notification_privacy_message Riot can run in the background to manage your notifications securely and privately. This might affect battery usage. Riot 可以在後臺安全隱密地管理通知。這可能會影響電池的使用。
startup_notification_privacy_button_grant Grant permission 獲取權限
startup_notification_privacy_button_other Choose another option 選擇其他選項
startup_notification_fdroid_battery_optim_title Background Connection 背景連線
startup_notification_fdroid_battery_optim_message Riot needs to keep a low impact background connection in order to have reliable notifications.
On the next screen you will be prompted to allow Riot to always run in background, please accept.
Riot 需要保持最低影響的背景連線以接收可靠的通知。 在下一個畫面,您必須允許 Riot 總是在背景執行,請接受。
startup_notification_fdroid_battery_optim_button_grant Grant permission 授予權限
settings_analytics Analytics 傳送分析資料
settings_opt_in_of_analytics Send analytics data 傳送分析資料
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_summary Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application. Riot 會收集匿名分析以讓我們可以改進此應用程式。
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_prompt Please enable analytics to help us improve Riot. 請允許收集匿名分析以讓我們可以改進此應用程式。
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_ok Yes, I want to help! 是的,我想要協助!
settings_data_save_mode Data save mode 節省流量模式
settings_data_save_mode_summary Data save mode applies a specific filter so presence updates and typing notifications are filtered out. 數據節省模式會套用特定的過濾器,這樣狀態更新與輸入通知就會被過濾掉。
devices_details_dialog_title Session information 工作階段資訊
devices_details_id_title ID ID
devices_details_name_title Public Name 公開名稱
devices_details_device_name Update Public Name 更新公開名稱
devices_details_last_seen_title Last seen 上次上線
devices_details_last_seen_format %1$s @ %2$s %1$s @ %2$s
devices_delete_dialog_text This operation requires additional authentication.
To continue, please enter your password.
此操作需要額外的身份驗證。 要繼續, 請輸入您的密碼。
devices_delete_dialog_title Authentication 授權
devices_delete_pswd Password: 密碼:
devices_delete_submit_button_label Submit 傳送
settings_logged_in Logged in as 登入爲
settings_home_server Home Server 家伺服器
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
settings_notification_privacy_metadata • Notifications only contain meta data • 通知僅包含中繼資料
settings_notification_privacy_need_permission The app needs permission to run in the background 應用程式需要權限以在後臺運行
settings_notification_privacy_no_background_sync The apps does <b>not</b> need to connect to the HomeServer in the background, it should reduce battery usage 應用程式<b>不</b>需要在背景連線到家伺服器,它應該可以降低耗電量
settings_notification_privacy_normal Normal 標準
settings_notification_privacy_nosecure_message_content • Notifications contain <b>meta and message data</b> • 通知含有<b>訊息與中繼資料</b>
settings_notification_privacy_reduced Reduced privacy 低隱私模式
settings_notification_privacy_secure_message_content • Message content of the notification is <b>located securely direct from the Matrix homeserver</b> • 通知的消息內容<b>將從 Matrix 主服務器安全取得</b>
settings_notification_ringtone Notification sound 通知音效
settings_notifications Notifications 通知
settings_notifications_targets Notification Targets 通知目標
settings_notification_troubleshoot Troubleshoot Notifications 疑難排解通知
settings_old_password Current password 目前的密碼
settings_olm_version olm version olm 版本
settings_opt_in_of_analytics Send analytics data 傳送分析資料
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_ok Yes, I want to help! 是的,我想要協助!
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_prompt Please enable analytics to help us improve Riot. 請允許收集匿名分析以讓我們可以改進此應用程式。
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_summary Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application. Riot 會收集匿名分析以讓我們可以改進此應用程式。
settings_other Other 其他
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices 其他第三方提醒
settings_password Password 密碼
settings_password_updated Your password has been updated 您的密碼已經更新
settings_phone_number Phone 電話號碼
settings_phone_number_code Code 代碼
settings_phone_number_country_error Please choose a country 請選擇一個國家
settings_phone_number_country_label Country 國家
settings_phone_number_error Invalid phone number for the selected country 無效的電話號碼
settings_phone_number_label Phone number 電話號碼
settings_phone_number_verification Phone verification 電話驗證
settings_phone_number_verification_error Error while validating your phone number 驗證您的電話號碼時出錯
settings_phone_number_verification_error_empty_code Enter an activation code 輸入驗證碼
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 633