The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
attachment_type_camera Camera
attachment_type_audio Audio
attachment_type_gallery Gallery
attachment_type_sticker Sticker
error_handling_incoming_share Couldn't handle share data
uploads_media_title MEDIA
uploads_media_no_result There are no media in this room
uploads_files_title FILES
uploads_files_subtitle %1$s at %2$s
uploads_files_no_result There are no files in this room
report_content_spam It's spam
report_content_inappropriate It's inappropriate
report_content_custom Custom report…
report_content_custom_title Report this content
report_content_custom_hint Reason for reporting this content
report_content_custom_submit REPORT
block_user BLOCK USER
content_reported_title Content reported
content_reported_content This content was reported.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
content_reported_as_spam_title Reported as spam
content_reported_as_spam_content This content was reported as spam.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
content_reported_as_inappropriate_title Reported as inappropriate
content_reported_as_inappropriate_content This content was reported as inappropriate.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
permissions_rationale_msg_keys_backup_export Riot needs permission to save your E2E keys on disk.

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to export your keys manually.
no_network_indicator There is no network connection right now
message_ignore_user Block user
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_all_noisy All messages (noisy)
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_all All messages
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_mentions Mentions only
room_list_quick_actions_notifications_mute Mute
room_list_quick_actions_settings Settings
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
recovery_key_export_saved_as_warning The recovery key has been saved to '%s'.

Warning: this file may be deleted if the application is uninstalled.
恢复密钥已被保存到 '%s' 。

recovery_passphrase Recovery Passphrase
redact Remove 移除
refresh Refresh
reject Reject 拒绝
rejoin Rejoin 重新加入
remove Remove 移除
rename Rename 重命名
rendering_event_error_exception RiotX encountered an issue when rendering content of event with id '%1$s'
rendering_event_error_type_of_event_not_handled RiotX does not handle events of type '%1$s'
rendering_event_error_type_of_message_not_handled RiotX does not handle message of type '%1$s'
reply Reply 回复
report_content Report content 举报消息
report_content_custom Custom report…
report_content_custom_hint Reason for reporting this content
report_content_custom_submit REPORT
report_content_custom_title Report this content
report_content_inappropriate It's inappropriate
report_content_spam It's spam
resend Resend 重新发送
reset_cross_signing Reset Keys
resource_limit_contact_action Contact Administrator 联系管理员
resource_limit_contact_admin contact your service administrator 联系您的服务管理员
resource_limit_exceeded_title Resource Limit Exceeded 超出资源限制
resource_limit_hard_contact Please %s to continue using this service. 请 %s 以继续使用本服务。
resource_limit_hard_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits. 本服务器其中一项资源已超出限制。
resource_limit_hard_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. 本服务器已达到每月活跃用户限制。
resource_limit_soft_contact Please %s to get this limit increased. 请 %s 以增加此限制的额度。
resource_limit_soft_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. 本服务器其中一项资源已超出限制,<b>部分用户将无法登录</b>。
resource_limit_soft_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. 本服务器已达到每月活跃用户限制,<b>部分用户将无法登录</b>。


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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 1298