The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Key English Serbian State
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backing_up Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages. Креирање резервне копије кључева је у току. Ако се одјавите сад, изгубићете приступ вашим шифрованим порукама.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backup_not_active Secure Key Backup should be active on all of your sessions to avoid losing access to your encrypted messages. Сигурносна копија кључева би требало да буде активна на свим вашим уређајима како би избегли губитак приступа вашим шифрованим порукама.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_dont_want_secure_messages I don’t want my encrypted messages Не желим моје шифроване поруке
sign_out_bottom_sheet_backing_up_keys Backing up keys… Прављење резервне копије кључева у току…
keys_backup_activate Use Key Backup Користи резервну копију кључева
are_you_sure Are you sure? Да ли сте сигурни?
backup Back up
sign_out_bottom_sheet_will_lose_secure_messages You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages unless you back up your keys before signing out. Изгубићете приступ вашим шифрованим порукама уколико не направите резервну копију кључева пре него што се одјавите.
dialog_title_third_party_licences Third party licences
loading Loading… Учитавање…
ok OK У реду
cancel Cancel Откажи
save Save Сачувај
leave Leave Напусти
stay Stay Остани
send Send Пошаљи
copy Copy Копирај
resend Resend Пошаљи поново
redact Remove Уклони
quote Quote
download Download
share Share Подели
speak Speak
clear Clear
later Later
forward Forward
permalink Permalink
view_source View Source
view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source
delete Delete
rename Rename
Key English Serbian State
sas_verified_successful_description Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.
sas_verifying_keys Nothing appearing? Not all clients supports interactive verification yet. Use legacy verification.
sas_verify_start_button_title Begin Verifying
sas_verify_title Verify by comparing a short text string.
sas_view_request_action View request
sas_waiting_for_partner Waiting for partner to confirm…
save Save Сачувај
search Search
search_hint Search
search_members_hint Filter room members
search_no_results No results
security_prompt_text Verify yourself & others to keep your chats safe
security_warning_identity_server Previous versions of Riot had a security bug which could give your Identity Server (%1$s) access to your account. If you trust %2$s, you can ignore this; otherwise please logout and login again.

Read more details here:
seen_by Seen by
select_room_directory Select a room directory
send Send Пошаљи
send_anyway Send Anyway
send_a_sticker Sticker
send_attachment Send attachment
send_bug_report Report bug
send_bug_report_alert_message You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to open the bug report screen?
send_bug_report_app_crashed The application has crashed last time. Would you like to open the crash report screen?
send_bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened?
send_bug_report_description_in_english If possible, please write the description in English.
send_bug_report_failed The bug report failed to be sent (%s)
send_bug_report_include_crash_logs Send crash logs
send_bug_report_include_logs Send logs
send_bug_report_include_screenshot Send screenshot
send_bug_report_logs_description In order to diagnose problems, logs from this client will be sent with this bug report. This bug report, including the logs and the screenshot, will not be publicly visible. If you would prefer to only send the text above, please untick:
send_bug_report_placeholder Describe your problem here Опишите ваш проблем овде
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Serbian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml, string 41