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Key English Polish State
encryption_enabled Encryption enabled
encryption_enabled_tile_description Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. Learn more & verify users in their profile.
encryption_not_enabled Encryption not enabled
encryption_unknown_algorithm_tile_description The encryption used by this room is not supported
room_created_summary_item %s created and configured the room.
room_created_summary_item_by_you You created and configured the room.
qr_code_scanned_self_verif_notice Almost there! Is the other device showing the same shield?
qr_code_scanned_verif_waiting_notice Almost there! Waiting for confirmation…
qr_code_scanned_verif_waiting Waiting for %s…
error_failed_to_import_keys Failed to import keys
settings_notification_configuration Notifications configuration
settings_messages_at_room Messages containing @room
settings_messages_in_e2e_one_to_one Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats
settings_messages_in_e2e_group_chat Encrypted messages in group chats
settings_when_rooms_are_upgraded When rooms are upgraded
settings_troubleshoot_title Troubleshoot
settings_notification_advanced_summary_riotx Set notification importance by event
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown
auth_invalid_login_param_space_in_password Incorrect username and/or password. The entered password starts or ends with spaces, please check it.
room_message_placeholder Message…
upgrade_security Encryption upgrade available
security_prompt_text Verify yourself & others to keep your chats safe
bootstrap_enter_recovery Enter your %s to continue
use_file Use File
enter_backup_passphrase Enter %s
backup_recovery_passphrase Recovery Passphrase
bootstrap_invalid_recovery_key It's not a valid recovery key
recovery_key_empty_error_message Please enter a recovery key
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup Checking backup Key
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup_with_info Checking backup Key (%s)
bootstrap_progress_compute_curve_key Getting curve key
Key English Polish State
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_title Play Services Check Weryfikacja Usług Google
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_failed The service will not start when the device is restarted, you will not receive notifications until Riot has been opened once. Usługa nie zostanie uruchomiona przy starcie urządzenia, nie otrzymasz żadnych powiadomień, dopóki Riot nie zostanie uruchomiony.
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_quickfix Enable Start on boot Aktywuj uruchamianie przy starcie systemu
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_success Service will start when the device is restarted. Usługa zostanie uruchomiona przy starcie urządzenia.
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_title Start on boot Rozpocznij przy uruchomieniu systemu
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_restart_failed Service failed to restart Usługa nie uruchomiła się ponownie
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_restart_success Service was killed and restarted automatically. Usługa została zatrzymana i automatycznie uruchomiona ponownie.
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_restart_title Notifications Service Auto-Restart Automatycznie uruchom ponownie usługę powiadomień
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_failed Notifications are disabled in the system settings.
Please check system settings.
Powiadomienia są wyłączone w ustawieniach systemowych. Sprawdź ustawienia systemowe.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_success Notifications are enabled in the system settings. Powiadomienia są włączone w ustawieniach systemowych.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_title System Settings. Ustawienia Systemowe.
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_failed Failed to register FCM token to HomeServer:
Niepowodzenie przy rejestracji tokena FCM na serwerze domowym:
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_quick_fix Register token Zarejestruj token
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_success FCM token successfully registered to HomeServer. Token FCM z powodzeniem zarejestrowany na serwerze domowym.
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_title Token Registration Rejestracja Tokena
settings_troubleshoot_title Troubleshoot
settings_turn_screen_on Turn the screen on for 3 seconds Podświetl ekran na 3 sekundy
settings_unignore_user Show all messages from %s?

Note that this action will restart the app and it may take some time.
Pokazywać wszystkie wiadomości od %s? Zauważ, że ta czynność spowoduje ponowne uruchomienie aplikacji i może to trochę potrwać.
settings_user_interface User interface Interfejs użytkownika
settings_user_settings User settings Ustawienia użytkownika
settings_version Version Wersja
settings_vibrate_on_mention Vibrate when mentioning a user Wibruj gdy ktoś wspomni o Tobie
settings_when_rooms_are_upgraded When rooms are upgraded
settings_without_flair You are not currently a member of any communities. Nie jesteś obecnie członkiem żadnej społeczności.
share Share Udostępnij
share_confirm_room Do you want to send this attachment to %1$s? Czy chcesz wysłać załącznik do %1$s?
share_without_verifying Share without verifying Współdziel bez weryfikacji
share_without_verifying_short_label Share Udostępnij
show_info_area_always Always Zawsze
show_info_area_messages_and_errors For messages and errors Dla komunikatów i błędów


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English Polish
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml, string 1660