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Decryption error
Key English Icelandic State
room_settings_copy_room_id Copy Room ID Afrita auðkenni spjallrásar
room_settings_copy_room_address Copy Room Address Afrita vistfang spjallrásar
room_settings_addresses_e2e_enabled Encryption is enabled in this room. Dulritun er virk í þessari spjallrás.
room_settings_addresses_e2e_disabled Encryption is disabled in this room. Dulritun er óvirk í þessari spjallrás.
room_settings_addresses_e2e_encryption_warning Enable encryption
(warning: cannot be disabled again!)
Virkja dulritun (aðvörun: er ekki hægt að gera aftur óvirkt!)
directory_title Directory Mappa
settings_theme Theme Þema
failed_to_load_timeline_position %s was trying to load a specific point in this room’s timeline but was unable to find it.
encryption_information_title End-to-end encryption information Enda-í-enda dulritunarupplýsingar
encryption_information_device_info Event information Upplýsingar um atburð
encryption_information_user_id User id Notandaauðkenni
encryption_information_curve25519_identity_key Curve25519 identity key Curve25519 auðkennislykill
encryption_information_claimed_ed25519_fingerprint_key Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key Tilkynnti Ed25519 fingrafarslykil
encryption_information_algorithm Algorithm Reiknirit
encryption_information_session_id Session ID Auðkenni setu
encryption_information_decryption_error Decryption error Afkóðunarvilla
encryption_information_sender_device_information Sender session information Upplýsingar um tæki sendanda
encryption_information_device_name Public name Heiti tækis
encryption_information_device_name_with_warning Public name (visible to people you communicate with)
device_name_warning A session's public name is visible to people you communicate with
encryption_information_name Public name Heiti
encryption_information_device_id ID Auðkenni tækis
encryption_information_device_key Session key Dulritunarlykill tækis
encryption_information_verification Verification Sannvottun
encryption_information_ed25519_fingerprint Ed25519 fingerprint Ed25519 fingrafar
encryption_export_e2e_room_keys Export E2E room keys Flytja út E2E dulritunarlykla spjallrásar
encryption_export_room_keys Export room keys Flytja út dulritunarlykla spjallrásar
encryption_export_room_keys_summary Export the keys to a local file Flytja dulritunarlyklana út í skrá
encryption_export_export Export Flytja út
encryption_export_notice Please create a passphrase to encrypt the exported keys. You will need to enter the same passphrase to be able to import the keys.
encryption_export_saved_as The E2E room keys have been saved to '%s'.

Warning: this file may be deleted if the application is uninstalled.
E2E-dulritunarlyklar spjallrásar hafa verið vistaðir í '%s'
Key English Icelandic State
encryption_export_notice Please create a passphrase to encrypt the exported keys. You will need to enter the same passphrase to be able to import the keys.
encryption_export_room_keys Export room keys Flytja út dulritunarlykla spjallrásar
encryption_export_room_keys_summary Export the keys to a local file Flytja dulritunarlyklana út í skrá
encryption_export_saved_as The E2E room keys have been saved to '%s'.

Warning: this file may be deleted if the application is uninstalled.
E2E-dulritunarlyklar spjallrásar hafa verið vistaðir í '%s'
encryption_import_e2e_room_keys Import E2E room keys Flytja inn E2E dulritunarlykla spjallrásar
encryption_import_import Import Flytja inn
encryption_import_room_keys Import room keys Flytja inn dulritunarlykla spjallrásar
encryption_import_room_keys_success %1$d/%2$d key(s) imported with success.
encryption_import_room_keys_summary Import the keys from a local file Flytja lykla inn úr skrá á tæki
encryption_information_algorithm Algorithm Reiknirit
encryption_information_block Blacklist Bannlisti
encryption_information_blocked Blacklisted Á bannlista
encryption_information_claimed_ed25519_fingerprint_key Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key Tilkynnti Ed25519 fingrafarslykil
encryption_information_cross_signing_state Cross-Signing
encryption_information_curve25519_identity_key Curve25519 identity key Curve25519 auðkennislykill
encryption_information_decryption_error Decryption error Afkóðunarvilla
encryption_information_device_id ID Auðkenni tækis
encryption_information_device_info Event information Upplýsingar um atburð
encryption_information_device_key Session key Dulritunarlykill tækis
encryption_information_device_name Public name Heiti tækis
encryption_information_device_name_with_warning Public name (visible to people you communicate with)
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_complete Cross-Signing is enabled
Private Keys on device.
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_disabled Cross-Signing is not enabled
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_not_trusted Cross-Signing is enabled.
Keys are not trusted
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_trusted Cross-Signing is enabled
Keys are trusted.
Private keys are not known
encryption_information_ed25519_fingerprint Ed25519 fingerprint Ed25519 fingrafar
encryption_information_name Public name Heiti
encryption_information_none none ekkert
encryption_information_not_verified Not Verified Ekki sannreynt
encryption_information_sender_device_information Sender session information Upplýsingar um tæki sendanda
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 760