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Check background restrictions
Key English Indonesian State
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing_quick_fix Add Account Tambah Akun
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_title Token Registration Pendaftaran Token
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_success FCM token successfully registered to HomeServer. Sukses mendaftarkan token FCM di HomeServer.
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_failed Failed to register FCM token to HomeServer:
Gagal mendaftarkan token FCM di HomeServer. %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_foreground_service_started_title Notifications Service Layanan Pemberitahuan
settings_troubleshoot_test_foreground_service_startedt_success Notifications Service is running. Layanan Pemberitahuan sedang berjalan.
settings_troubleshoot_test_foreground_service_started_failed Notifications Service is not running.
Try to restart the application.
Layanan Pemberitahuan terhenti. Coba nyalakan kembali aplikasi.
settings_troubleshoot_test_foreground_service_started_quickfix Start Service Mulai Layanan
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_restart_title Notifications Service Auto-Restart Nyalakan Layanan Pemberitahuan dengan Otomatis
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_restart_success Service was killed and restarted automatically. Layanan terhenti dan dinyalakan kembali secara otomatis.
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_restart_failed Service failed to restart Layanan tidak dapat dinyalakan kembali
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_title Start on boot Mulai ketika menyalakan perangkat
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_success Service will start when the device is restarted. Layanan akan dimulai ketika perangkat dinyalakan kembali.
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_failed The service will not start when the device is restarted, you will not receive notifications until Riot has been opened once. Layanan tidak akan mulai ketika perangkat dinyalakan kembali, Anda tidak akan menerima pemberitahuan hingga Anda membuka Riot.
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_quickfix Enable Start on boot Perbolehkan memulai ketika perangkat dinyalakan
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_title Check background restrictions Periksa halangan di balik layar
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_success Background restrictions are disabled for Riot. This test should be run using mobile data (no WIFI).
Halangan di balik layar dimatikan untuk Riot. Ujicoba ini harus dijalankan menggunakan jaringan data (bukan WIFI). %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_failed Background restrictions are enabled for Riot.
Work that the app tries to do will be aggressively restricted while it is in the background, and this could affect notifications.
Halangan di balik layar dinyalakan untuk Riot. Aktivitas yang dilakukan aplikasi ini akan terhalang ketika beroperasi di balik layar, dan ini dapat mempengaruhi pemberitahuan. %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_quickfix Disable restrictions Matikan penghalang
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_title Battery Optimization Optimisasi Baterai
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_success Riot is not affected by Battery Optimization. Riot tidak terpengaruh oleh Optimisasi Baterai.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_failed If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. This prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms. Apabila perangkat tidak sedang diisi atau dipergunakan dengan layar dimatikan, perangkat masuk mode Doze. Ini akan menghalangi aplikasi mengakses jaringan dan menunda tugas, sinkronisasi, dan alarm standar.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_quickfix Ignore Optimization Abaikan Optimisasi
settings_notification_privacy_normal Normal Normal
settings_notification_privacy_reduced Reduced privacy Kerahasiaan diperlemah
settings_notification_privacy_need_permission The app needs permission to run in the background Aplikasi ini membutuhkan permisi untuk beroperasi di balik layar
settings_notification_privacy_no_background_sync The apps does <b>not</b> need to connect to the HomeServer in the background, it should reduce battery usage
settings_notification_privacy_fcm • Notifications are sent via Firebase Cloud Messaging • Pemberitahuan dikirim melalui Google Cloud Messaging
settings_notification_privacy_metadata • Notifications only contain meta data • Pemberitahuan hanya memuat meta data
settings_notification_privacy_secure_message_content • Message content of the notification is <b>located securely direct from the Matrix homeserver</b> • Isi pesan pemberitahuan <b> tersimpan langsung dengan aman di homeserver Matrix</b>
settings_notification_privacy_nosecure_message_content • Notifications contain <b>meta and message data</b> • Pemberitahuan memuat <b>meta data dan data pesan</b>
Key English Indonesian State
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_with_quickfix One or more tests have failed, try suggested fix(es). Satu atau beberapa ujicoba gagal, coba sugesti yang kami tawarkan.
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_run_button_title Run Tests Lansungkan Ujicoba
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_running_status Running… (%1$d of %2$d) Berlangsung… (%1$d of %2$d)
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_success_status Basic diagnostic is OK. If you still do not receive notifications, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Diagnosa dasar berlangsung lancar. Apabila Anda masih belum dapat menerima pemberitahuan, mohon kirim laporan bug untuk kami selidiki.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_failed Notifications are disabled for your account.
Please check account settings.
Pemberitahuan tidak diperbolehkan dalam pengaturan akun Anda. Mohon periksa pengaturan akun.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_quickfix Enable Perbolehkan
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_success Notifications are enabled for your account. Pemberitahuan diperbolehkan dalam pengaturan akun Anda.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_title Account Settings. Pengaturan Akun.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_failed If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. This prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms. Apabila perangkat tidak sedang diisi atau dipergunakan dengan layar dimatikan, perangkat masuk mode Doze. Ini akan menghalangi aplikasi mengakses jaringan dan menunda tugas, sinkronisasi, dan alarm standar.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_quickfix Ignore Optimization Abaikan Optimisasi
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_success Riot is not affected by Battery Optimization. Riot tidak terpengaruh oleh Optimisasi Baterai.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_title Battery Optimization Optimisasi Baterai
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_failed Background restrictions are enabled for Riot.
Work that the app tries to do will be aggressively restricted while it is in the background, and this could affect notifications.
Halangan di balik layar dinyalakan untuk Riot. Aktivitas yang dilakukan aplikasi ini akan terhalang ketika beroperasi di balik layar, dan ini dapat mempengaruhi pemberitahuan. %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_quickfix Disable restrictions Matikan penghalang
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_success Background restrictions are disabled for Riot. This test should be run using mobile data (no WIFI).
Halangan di balik layar dimatikan untuk Riot. Ujicoba ini harus dijalankan menggunakan jaringan data (bukan WIFI). %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_title Check background restrictions Periksa halangan di balik layar
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_failed Some notifications are disabled in your custom settings. Sebagian pemberitahuan dimatikan dalam aturan Anda.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_failed_to_load_rules Failed to load custom rules, please retry. Gagal memuat aturan, mohon coba lagi.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_quickfix Check Settings Periksa Aturan
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_success_with_warn Notice that some messages type are set to be silent (will produce a notification with no sound). Perhatikan bahwa sebagian jenis pesan tersetel diam (mengeluarkan pemberitahuan tanpa suara).
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_title Custom Settings. Pengaturan Sesukanya.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_failed Notifications are not enabled for this session.
Please check the Riot settings.
Pemberitahuan tidak diperbolehkan untuk perangkat ini. Mohon periksa pengaturan Riot.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_quickfix Enable Perbolehkan
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_success Notifications are enabled for this session. Pemberitahuan diperbolehkan untuk perangkat ini.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_title Session Settings. Pengaturan Perangkat.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed Failed to retrieved FCM token:
Gagal mengambil token FCM. %1$s
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing [%1$s]
This error is out of control of Riot. There is no Google account on the phone. Please open the account manager and add a Google account.
Error ini di luar kendali Riot. Tidak terdapat akun Google pada perangkat. Mohon buka pengelola akun dan tambahkan akun Google.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing_quick_fix Add Account Tambah Akun
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_service_not_available [%1$s]
This error is out of control of Riot. It can occur for several reasons. Maybe it will work if you retry later, you can also check that Google Play Service is not restricted in data usage in the system settings, or that your device clock is correct, or it can happen on custom ROM.
Error ini di luar kendali Riot, dan dapat muncul karena berbagai alasan. Coba lagi nanti, atau Anda juga dapat memeriksa apabila penggunaan jaringan data Layanan Google Play tidak terhalang oleh sistem, atau waktu pada perangkat sudah benar, atau ini dapat terjadi pada ROM tidak resmi.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_too_many_registration [%1$s]
This error is out of control of Riot and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
Error ini di luar kendali Riot dan menurut Google, error ini muncul ketika terlalu banyak aplikasi terdaftar dengan FCM pada perangkat tersebut. Error ini tidak seharusnya mempengaruhi pengguna biasa.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


No matching activity found.

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English Indonesian
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-id/strings.xml, string 526