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We’ve sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below.
Key English Croatian State
settings_confirm_password Confirm new password Potvrdite novu lozinku
settings_change_password_submit Update Password Promijeni lozinku
settings_fail_to_update_password Failed to update password Neuspjela promjena lozinke
settings_fail_to_update_password_invalid_current_password The password is not valid Lozinka je neispravna
settings_password_updated Your password has been updated Vaša je lozinka promijenjena
settings_unignore_user Show all messages from %s?

Note that this action will restart the app and it may take some time.
Prikazati sve poruke od %s?

Ova će radnja ponovno pokrenuti aplikaciju i to bi moglo potrajati.
passwords_do_not_match Passwords do not match Lozinke se ne podudaraju
settings_delete_notification_targets_confirmation Are you sure you want to remove this notification target? Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti ovo obavijesno odredište?
settings_delete_threepid_confirmation Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s %2$s? Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti %1$s %2$s?
settings_select_country Choose a country Odaberite državu
settings_phone_number_country_label Country Država
settings_phone_number_country_error Please choose a country Odaberite državu
settings_phone_number_label Phone number Telefonski broj
settings_phone_number_error Invalid phone number for the selected country Nevaljajući telefonski broj za odabranu državu
settings_phone_number_verification Phone verification Potvrda putem telefona
settings_phone_number_verification_instruction We’ve sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below. Poslan je SMS s aktivacijskim kôdom. Niže unesite taj kôd.
settings_phone_number_verification_error_empty_code Enter an activation code Unesite aktivacijski kod
settings_phone_number_verification_error Error while validating your phone number Došlo je do greške tijekom potvrde Vašeg telefonskog broja
settings_phone_number_code Code Kôd
account_phone_number_error An error occurred while verifying your phone number. Došlo je do greške tijekom potvrde Vašeg telefonskog broja.
account_additional_info Additional info: %s Dodatne informacije: %s
settings_media Media Mediji
settings_default_compression Default compression Zadano komprimiranje
compression_opt_list_choose Choose Izaberite
settings_default_media_source Default media source Zadani izvor medija
media_source_choose Choose Izaberite
settings_play_shutter_sound Play shutter sound Reproduciraj zvuk poklopca
settings_flair Flair Sklonost
settings_without_flair You are not currently a member of any communities. Trenutno niste član ni jedne zajednice.
media_saving_period_3_days 3 days Tri dana
media_saving_period_1_week 1 week Jedan tjedan
Key English Croatian State
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_prompt Please enable analytics to help us improve Riot. Omogućite analitiku ako želite pomoći unaprijediti Riot.
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_summary Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application. Riot skuplja anonimnu analitiku kako bi se unaprijedila aplikacija.
settings_other Other Drugo
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices Druge obavijesti trećih strana
settings_password Password Lozinka
settings_password_updated Your password has been updated Vaša je lozinka promijenjena
settings_phone_number Phone Telefon
settings_phone_number_code Code Kôd
settings_phone_number_country_error Please choose a country Odaberite državu
settings_phone_number_country_label Country Država
settings_phone_number_error Invalid phone number for the selected country Nevaljajući telefonski broj za odabranu državu
settings_phone_number_label Phone number Telefonski broj
settings_phone_number_verification Phone verification Potvrda putem telefona
settings_phone_number_verification_error Error while validating your phone number Došlo je do greške tijekom potvrde Vašeg telefonskog broja
settings_phone_number_verification_error_empty_code Enter an activation code Unesite aktivacijski kod
settings_phone_number_verification_instruction We’ve sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below. Poslan je SMS s aktivacijskim kôdom. Niže unesite taj kôd.
settings_pin_missed_notifications Pin rooms with missed notifications Prikvači sobe s propuštenim obavijestima
settings_pin_unread_messages Pin rooms with unread messages Prikvači sobe s nepročitanim porukama
settings_play_shutter_sound Play shutter sound Reproduciraj zvuk poklopca
settings_preferences Preferences Postavke
settings_preview_media_before_sending Preview media before sending Pregledaj medij prije slanja
settings_privacy_policy Privacy policy Pravila privatnosti
settings_profile_picture Profile Picture Profilna slika
settings_push_gateway_no_pushers No registered push gateways
settings_push_rules Push Rules Obavijesna pravila
settings_push_rules_no_rules No push rules defined Nije definirano ni jedno obavijesno pravilo
settings_rageshake Rageshake Gnjevno drmanje
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold Detection threshold Prag opažanja
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold_summary Shake your phone to test the detection threshold Prodrmajte Vaš uređaj kako biste testirali prag opažanja
settings_sdk_version Matrix SDK Version Inačica Matrix SDK-a


We’ve sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below.
Poslan je SMS s aktivacijskim kôdom. Niže unesite taj kôd.
4 years ago
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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 681