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Recovery Passphrase
Key English Croatian State
settings_notification_configuration Notifications configuration
settings_messages_at_room Messages containing @room
settings_messages_in_e2e_one_to_one Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats
settings_messages_in_e2e_group_chat Encrypted messages in group chats Šifrirane poruke u grupnom ćaskanju
settings_when_rooms_are_upgraded When rooms are upgraded Kad se sobe nadograde
settings_troubleshoot_title Troubleshoot Otkrivanje smetnji
settings_notification_advanced_summary_riotx Set notification importance by event Postavite važnost obavijesti po događajima
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown Šalje poruku u jasnom tekstu bez interpretacije u Markdownu
auth_invalid_login_param_space_in_password Incorrect username and/or password. The entered password starts or ends with spaces, please check it. Neispravno korisničko ime i/ili lozinka. Unešena lozinka počinje ili završava prazninama. Provjerite ju.
room_message_placeholder Message… Poruka…
upgrade_security Encryption upgrade available Dostupna nadogradnja šifriranja
security_prompt_text Verify yourself & others to keep your chats safe Potvrdite sebe i ostale kako bi Vaša ćaskanja ostala sigurna
bootstrap_enter_recovery Enter your %s to continue Unesite Vaš %s za nastavak
use_file Use File Koristi datoteku
enter_backup_passphrase Enter %s Unesite %s
backup_recovery_passphrase Recovery Passphrase Rečenična lozinka za obnovu
bootstrap_invalid_recovery_key It's not a valid recovery key To nije valjajući ključ za obnovu
recovery_key_empty_error_message Please enter a recovery key Unesite ključ za obnovu
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup Checking backup Key Provjera ključa iz sigurnosne kopije
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup_with_info Checking backup Key (%s) Provjera ključa iz sigurnosne kopije (%s)
bootstrap_progress_compute_curve_key Getting curve key
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss Generating SSSS key from passphrase Generiranje ključa SSSS iz rečenične lozinke
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss_with_info Generating SSSS key from passphrase (%s) Generiranje ključa SSSS iz rečenične lozinke (%s)
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss_recovery Generating SSSS key from recovery key Generiranje ključa SSSS iz ključa za obnovu
bootstrap_progress_storing_in_sss Storing keybackup secret in SSSS
new_session_review_with_info %1$s (%2$s) %1$s (%2$s)
bootstrap_migration_enter_backup_password Enter your Key Backup Passphrase to continue.
bootstrap_migration_use_recovery_key use your Key Backup recovery key
bootstrap_migration_with_passphrase_helper_with_link Don’t know your Key Backup Passphrase, you can %s.
bootstrap_migration_backup_recovery_key Key Backup recovery key
settings_security_prevent_screenshots_title Prevent screenshots of the application Spriječi izradu slike zaslona u aplikaciji
Key English Croatian State
auth_skip Skip Preskoči
auth_submit Submit Pošalji
auth_threepid_warning_message Registration with email and phone number at once is not supported yet until the api exists. Only the phone number will be taken into account.

You may add your email to your profile in settings.
Registracija uz istovremeno navođenje e-pošte i telefonskog broja nije podržano jer ne postoji odgovarajući API. U obzir će biti uzet samo telefonski broj.

Možete dodati Vašu e-poštu Vašem profilu u postavkama.
auth_user_id_placeholder Email or user name E-pošta ili korisničko ime
auth_username_in_use Username in use Korisničko ime je već u upotrebi
auth_user_name_placeholder User name Korisničko ime
auth_use_server_options Use custom server options (advanced) Koristi prilagođene opcije poslužitelja (napredno)
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters… Prikazuju se samo prvi rezultati, napišite više slova…
autodiscover_invalid_response Invalid homeserver discovery response Nevaljan odgovor na otkrivanje poslužitelja
autodiscover_well_known_autofill_confirm Use Config Koristi konfiguraciju
autodiscover_well_known_autofill_dialog_message Riot detected a custom server configuration for your userId domain "%1$s":
Riot je pronašao prilagođenu poslužiteljsku konfiguraciju za Vašu domenu korisničkih identiteta "%1$s":
autodiscover_well_known_autofill_dialog_title Autocomplete Server Options Automatsko određivanje opcija poslužitelja
autodiscover_well_known_error Unable to find a valid homeserver. Please check your identifier Postoje poteškoće u pronalaženju valjajućeg poslužitelja. Provjerite Vaš identifikator
avatar Avatar Avatar
backup Back up Izradi pričuvu
backup_recovery_passphrase Recovery Passphrase Rečenična lozinka za obnovu
black_them Black Theme Crna tema
bootstrap_crosssigning_print_it Print it and store it somewhere safe
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_default_key Defining SSSS default Key
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_initializing Publishing created identity keys
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_key_backup Setting Up Key Backup
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_pbkdf2 Generating secure key from passphrase
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_save_msk Synchronizing Master key
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_save_ssk Synchronizing Self Signing key
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_save_usk Synchronizing User key
bootstrap_crosssigning_save_cloud Copy it to your personal cloud storage
bootstrap_crosssigning_save_usb Save it on a USB key or backup drive
bootstrap_cross_signing_success Your %2$s & %1$s are now set.

Keep them safe! You’ll need them to unlock encrypted messages and secure information if you lose all of your active sessions.
bootstrap_dont_reuse_pwd Don’t re-use your account password. Nemojte koristiti lozinku za Vaš račun za druge svrhe.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application Rrečeničnau lozinkau za obnovu


Recovery Passphrase
Rečenična lozinka za obnovu
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Croatian
passphrase rečenična lozinka [Deprecated] Riot Android
recovery povrat [Deprecated] Riot Android
recovery key ključ za obnovu [Deprecated] Riot Android
recovery passphrase rečenična lozinka za obnovu [Deprecated] Riot Android

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 1670