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Sender name of a message when it is send by you, e.g. You: Hello!
Key English Croatian State
verification_conclusion_compromised One of the following may be compromised:

- Your homeserver
- The homeserver the user you’re verifying is connected to
- Yours, or the other users’ internet connection
- Yours, or the other users’ device
sent_a_video Video. Video.
sent_an_image Image. Slika.
sent_an_audio_file Audio Zvuk
sent_a_file File Datoteka
send_a_sticker Sticker Naljepnica
verification_request_waiting Waiting… Na čekanju…
verification_request_other_cancelled %s cancelled %s otkazao/la
verification_request_you_cancelled You cancelled Vi ste otkazali
verification_request_other_accepted %s accepted %s prihvatio/la
verification_request_you_accepted You accepted Vi ste prihvatili
verification_sent Verification Sent Potvrda poslana
verification_request Verification Request Zahtjev za potvrdom
verification_verify_device Verify this session Potvrdite ovu sesiju
verification_verify_device_manually Manually verify Potvrdi ručno
you You Vi
verification_scan_notice Scan the code with the other user's device to securely verify each other Očitajte kȏd na uređaju drugog korisnika kako biste se na siguran način međusobno potvrdili
verification_scan_their_code Scan their code Očitaj njihov kȏd
verification_scan_emoji_title Can't scan Nije moguće očitati
verification_scan_emoji_subtitle If you're not in person, compare emoji instead Ako se ne nalazite pokraj te osobe, tada usporedite emojije
verification_no_scan_emoji_title Verify by comparing emojis Potvrdi usporedbom emojija
verify_by_emoji_title Verify by Emoji Potvrda emojijima
verify_by_emoji_description If you can’t scan the code above, verify by comparing a short, unique selection of emoji. Ako ne možete očitati kȏd, potvrdu izvršite usporedbom kratkog i jedinstvenog niza emojija.
a13n_qr_code_description QR code image Slika QR-kȏda
verification_verify_user Verify %s Potvrdite %s
verification_verified_user Verified %s %s potvrđen/a
verification_request_waiting_for Waiting for %s… Čekanje na %s…
verification_request_alert_description For extra security, verify %s by checking a one-time code on both your devices.

For maximum security, do this in person.
Za dodatnu sigurnost, potvrdite korisnika/cu %s provjerom jednokratnog kôda na oba uređaja.

Učinite to osobno za najveću sigurnost.
room_profile_not_encrypted_subtitle Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted. Poruke u ovoj sobi nisu šifrirane s kraja na kraj.
room_profile_encrypted_subtitle Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.

Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
Poruke u ovoj sobi su šifrirane s kraja na kraj.

Vaše su poruke osigurane ključanicama te samo Vi i primatelj imate jedinstvene ključeve za otključavanje.
room_profile_section_security Security Sigurnost
Key English Croatian State
widget_integration_failed_to_send_request Failed to send request. Neuspjelo slanje zahtjeva.
widget_integration_invalid_parameter A parameter is not valid. Parametar je neispravan.
widget_integration_missing_parameter A required parameter is missing. Nedostaje obavezan parametar.
widget_integration_missing_room_id Missing room_id in request. U zahtjevu nedostaje identitet sobe.
widget_integration_missing_user_id Missing user_id in request. U zahtjevu nedostaje korisnički identitet.
widget_integration_must_be_in_room You are not in this room. Niste u ovoj sobi.
widget_integration_no_permission_in_room You do not have permission to do that in this room. Nemate dozvolu to učiniti u ovoj sobi.
widget_integration_positive_power_level Power level must be positive integer. Razina upravljanja treba biti pozitivan cijeli broj.
widget_integration_review_terms To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service. Za nastavak trebate prihvatiti Uvjete korištenja ovog servisa.
widget_integration_room_not_visible Room %s is not visible. Soba %s nije vidljiva.
widget_integration_unable_to_create Unable to create widget. Neuspjela izrada grafičkog elementa.
widget_no_power_to_manage You need permission to manage widgets in this room Potrebna Vam je dozvola za upravljanje grafičkim elementima u ovoj sobi
x_plus %d+ %d+
yes YES DA
yesterday Yesterday Jučer
you You Vi
you_added_a_new_device You added a new session '%s', which is requesting encryption keys. Dodali ste novu sesiju '%s' koja zahtijeva ključeve za šifriranje.
you_added_a_new_device_with_info A new session is requesting encryption keys.ession name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
Nova sesija zahtijeva ključeve za šifriranje. Naziv sesije: %1$s
Zadnji puta viđena: %2$s
Ako se niste prijavili u drugoj sesiji, zanemarite ovaj zahtjev.
your_recovery_key Your recovery key Vaš ključ za obnovu
your_unverified_device_requesting Your unverified session '%s' is requesting encryption keys. Vaša nepotvrđena sesija '%s' zahtijeva ključeve za šifriranje.
your_unverified_device_requesting_with_info An unverified session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
Nepotvrđena sesija zahtijeva ključeve za šifriranje.
Naziv sesije: %1$s
Zadnji puta viđena: %2$s
Ako se niste prijavili u drugoj sesiji, zanemarite ovaj zahtjev.



English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
Sender name of a message when it is send by you, e.g. You: Hello!
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 1484