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Connect to a custom server
Key English Croatian State
login_splash_title Liberate your communication Oslobodite svoju komunikaciju
login_splash_text1 Chat with people directly or in groups Ćaskajte s ljudima izravno ili u grupama
login_splash_text2 Keep conversations private with encryption Neka razgovori budu privatni uz šifriranje
login_splash_text3 Extend & customise your experience Proširite i podesite Vaše iskustvo
login_splash_submit Get started Započni
login_server_title Select a server Odaberite poslužitelja
login_server_text Just like email, accounts have one home, although you can talk to anyone Poput e-pošte, računi imaju jedan dom, no možete razgovarati s bilo kime
login_server_matrix_org_text Join millions free on the largest public server Pridružite se milijunima koji su slobodni na najvećem javnom poslužitelju
login_server_modular_text Premium hosting for organisations Plaćeno gošćenje za organizacije
login_server_modular_learn_more Learn more Naučite više
login_server_other_title Other Drugo
login_server_other_text Custom & advanced settings Prilagođene i napredne postavke
login_continue Continue Nastavi
login_connect_to Connect to %1$s Spoji se na %1$s
login_connect_to_modular Connect to Modular Spoji se na Modular
login_connect_to_a_custom_server Connect to a custom server Spoji se na prilagođenog poslužitelja
login_signin_to Sign in to %1$s Prijavi se na %1$s
login_signup Sign Up Otvori račun
login_signin Sign In Prijavi se
login_signin_sso Continue with SSO Nastavi sa SSO-om
login_server_url_form_modular_hint Modular Address Adresa u Modularu
login_server_url_form_other_hint Address Adresa
login_server_url_form_modular_text Premium hosting for organisations Plaćeno gošćenje za organizacije
login_server_url_form_modular_notice Enter the address of the Modular Riot or Server you want to use Unesite adresu Modular Riota ili poslužitelja koji želite koristiti
login_server_url_form_other_notice Enter the address of a server or a Riot you want to connect to Unesite adresu poslužitelja ili Riota na koji se želite spojiti
login_sso_error_message An error occurred when loading the page: %1$s (%2$d) Došlo je do greške pri učitavanju stranice: %1$s (%2$d)
login_mode_not_supported The application is not able to signin to this homeserver. The homeserver supports the following signin type(s): %1$s.

Do you want to signin using a web client?
Aplikacija se ne može prijaviti na ovog poslužitelja. Poslužitelj podržava sljedeće vrste prijava: %1$s.

Želite li se prijaviti pomoću web-klijenta?
login_registration_disabled Sorry, this server isn’t accepting new accounts. Nažalost ovaj poslužitelj ne prihvaća nove račune.
login_registration_not_supported The application is not able to create an account on this homeserver.

Do you want to signup using a web client?
Aplikacija ne može otvoriti račun na ovom poslužitelju.

Želite li otvoriti račun pomoću web-klijenta?
login_login_with_email_error This email is not associated to any account. Ova e-pošta nije vezana ni uz koji račun.
login_reset_password_on Reset password on %1$s Poništi lozinku na %1$s
Key English Croatian State
last_edited_info_message Last edited by %1$s on %2$s %1$s zadnji/a uredio/la dana %2$s
later Later Kasnije
leave Leave Napusti
light_theme Light Theme Svijetla tema
link_copied_to_clipboard Link copied to clipboard Poveznica kopirana u spremnik
list_members List members Nabroji članove
loading Loading… Učitavanje…
local_address_book_header Local address book Lokalni imenik
lock_screen_hint Type here… Ovdje tipkajte…
login Log in Prijavi se
login_a11y_captcha_container Please perform the captcha challenge Riješite izazov u captchi
login_a11y_choose_matrix_org Select Izaberi
login_a11y_choose_modular Select modular Izaberi modular
login_a11y_choose_other Select a custom homeserver Izaberi prilagođenog poslužitelja
login_connect_to Connect to %1$s Spoji se na %1$s
login_connect_to_a_custom_server Connect to a custom server Spoji se na prilagođenog poslužitelja
login_connect_to_modular Connect to Modular Spoji se na Modular
login_connect_using_matrix_id_notice Alternatively, if you already have an account and you know your Matrix identifier and your password, you can use this method: Druga je opcija da ukoliko već imate račun i znate koji je Vaš identifikator i lozinka u Matrixu, možete koristiti sljedeću metodu:
login_connect_using_matrix_id_submit Sign in with my Matrix identifier Prijavi se pomoću mojeg identifikatora u Matrixu
login_continue Continue Nastavi
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON Izobličen JSON
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password Neispravno korisničko ime/lozinka
login_error_homeserver_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at this URL, please check it Poslužitelj na ovom URL-u je nedostupan, provjerite ga
login_error_invalid_home_server Please enter a valid URL Unesite ispravan URL
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent Poslano je previše zahtjeva
login_error_limit_exceeded_retry_after Too many requests have been sent. You can retry in %1$d second… Poslano je previše zahtjeva. Možete pokušati ponovno za %1$d sekundu…
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet Još uvijek niste kliknuli na poveznicu u e-pošti
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// URL mora početi s http[s]://
login_error_network_error Unable to login: Network error Neuspjela prijava: mrežna greška
login_error_no_homeserver_found This is not a valid Matrix server address Ovo nije ispravna adresa poslužitelja Matrixa


Connect to a custom server
Spoji se na prilagođenog poslužitelja
4 years ago
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English Croatian
custom prilagođen [Deprecated] Riot Android

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 1344