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Liberate your communication
Key English Croatian State
room_list_quick_actions_favorite_add Add to favorites Dodaj u omiljeno
room_list_quick_actions_favorite_remove Remove from favorites Ukloni iz omiljenog
room_list_quick_actions_leave Leave the room Napusti sobu
notice_member_no_changes %1$s made no changes %1$s nije napravio/la izmjene
notice_member_no_changes_by_you You made no changes Niste napravili izmjene
command_description_spoiler Sends the given message as a spoiler
spoiler Spoiler
reaction_search_type_hint Type keywords to find a reaction. Unesite ključne riječi kako biste pronašli reakciju.
no_ignored_users You are not ignoring any users Nikoga ne ignorirate
help_long_click_on_room_for_more_options Long click on a room to see more options Napravite dugi klik na sobu za više opcija
room_join_rules_public %1$s made the room public to whoever knows the link. %1$s je učinio/la sobu javnom svakome tko zna poveznicu.
room_join_rules_public_by_you You made the room public to whoever knows the link. Soba je javna svima koji znaju poveznicu.
room_join_rules_invite %1$s made the room invite only. %1$s je učinio/la sobu dostupnom samo putem pozivnice.
room_join_rules_invite_by_you You made the room invite only. Sobi ste omogućili pridruživanje samo uz pozivnicu.
timeline_unread_messages Unread messages Nepročitane poruke
login_splash_title Liberate your communication Oslobodite svoju komunikaciju
login_splash_text1 Chat with people directly or in groups Ćaskajte s ljudima izravno ili u grupama
login_splash_text2 Keep conversations private with encryption Neka razgovori budu privatni uz šifriranje
login_splash_text3 Extend & customise your experience Proširite i podesite Vaše iskustvo
login_splash_submit Get started Započni
login_server_title Select a server Odaberite poslužitelja
login_server_text Just like email, accounts have one home, although you can talk to anyone Poput e-pošte, računi imaju jedan dom, no možete razgovarati s bilo kime
login_server_matrix_org_text Join millions free on the largest public server Pridružite se milijunima koji su slobodni na najvećem javnom poslužitelju
login_server_modular_text Premium hosting for organisations Plaćeno gošćenje za organizacije
login_server_modular_learn_more Learn more Naučite više
login_server_other_title Other Drugo
login_server_other_text Custom & advanced settings Prilagođene i napredne postavke
login_continue Continue Nastavi
login_connect_to Connect to %1$s Spoji se na %1$s
login_connect_to_modular Connect to Modular Spoji se na Modular
login_connect_to_a_custom_server Connect to a custom server Spoji se na prilagođenog poslužitelja
Key English Croatian State
login_signin_sso Continue with SSO Nastavi sa SSO-om
login_signin_to Sign in to %1$s Prijavi se na %1$s
login_signin_username_hint Username or email Korisničko ime ili e-pošta
login_signup Sign Up Otvori račun
login_signup_cancel_confirmation_content Your account is not created yet.

Stop the registration process?
Vaš račun još nije otvoren.

Želite li prekinuti proces registracije?
login_signup_cancel_confirmation_title Warning Upozorenje
login_signup_error_user_in_use That username is taken To korisničko ime je zauzeto
login_signup_password_hint Password Lozinka
login_signup_submit Next Dalje
login_signup_to Sign up to %1$s Otvorite račun na %1$s
login_signup_username_hint Username Korisničko ime
login_splash_submit Get started Započni
login_splash_text1 Chat with people directly or in groups Ćaskajte s ljudima izravno ili u grupama
login_splash_text2 Keep conversations private with encryption Neka razgovori budu privatni uz šifriranje
login_splash_text3 Extend & customise your experience Proširite i podesite Vaše iskustvo
login_splash_title Liberate your communication Oslobodite svoju komunikaciju
login_sso_error_message An error occurred when loading the page: %1$s (%2$d) Došlo je do greške pri učitavanju stranice: %1$s (%2$d)
login_terms_title Accept terms to continue Prihvatite uvjete za nastavak
login_validation_code_is_not_correct The entered code is not correct. Please check. Unešeni kȏd nije točan. Provjerite ga.
login_wait_for_email_notice We just sent an email to %1$s.
Please click on the link it contains to continue the account creation.
Upravo Vam je poslana e-pošta na %1$s.
Kliknite na sadržanu poveznicu da biste nastavili s otvaranjem računa.
login_wait_for_email_title Please check your email Provjerite svoju e-poštu
logout Sign out Odjavi se
low_priority_header Low priority Nizak prioritet
malformed_id Malformed ID. Should be an email address or a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain' Izobličeni identitet. Trebalo bi se raditi o adresi e-pošte ili identitetu u Matrixu poput '@lokalni_dio:domena'
malformed_message Malformed event, cannot display Nije moguće prikazati izobličen događaj
mark_as_verified Mark as Trusted
markdown_has_been_disabled Markdown has been disabled. Markdown je onemogućen.
markdown_has_been_enabled Markdown has been enabled. Markdown je omogućen.
matrix_only_filter Matrix contacts only Samo kontakti u Matrixu
media_file_added_to_gallery Media file added to the Gallery Medijska datoteka je dodana u galeriju


Liberate your communication
Oslobodite svoju komunikaciju
4 years ago
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English Croatian
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 1329