The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Key English Croatian State
a11y_close_keys_backup_banner Close keys backup banner Zatvori natpis o pričuvnim ključevima
a11y_show_password Show password Prikaži lozinku
a11y_hide_password Hide password Sakrij lozinku
a11y_jump_to_bottom Jump to bottom Skoči na kraj
two_and_some_others_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$d others read %1$s, %2$s i %3$d drugih su pročitali
three_users_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$s read %1$s, %2$s i %3$s su pročitali
two_users_read %1$s and %2$s read %1$s i %2$s su pročitali
one_user_read %s read %s je pročitao/la
fallback_users_read 1 user read %d korisnik je pročitao
error_file_too_big The file '%1$s' (%2$s) is too large to upload. The limit is %3$s. Datoteka '%1$s' (%2$s) je prevelika za slanje. Ograničenje je %3$s.
error_attachment An error occurred while retrieving the attachment. Došlo je do greške prilikom dohvaćanja privitka.
attachment_type_file File Datoteka
attachment_type_contact Contact Kontakt
attachment_type_camera Camera Kamera
attachment_type_audio Audio Zvuk
attachment_type_gallery Gallery Galerija
attachment_type_sticker Sticker Naljepnica
error_handling_incoming_share Couldn't handle share data Neuspješno baratanje podacima za dijeljenje
uploads_media_title MEDIA
uploads_media_no_result There are no media in this room Nema medijskih datoteka u ovoj sobi
uploads_files_title FILES DATOTEKE
uploads_files_subtitle %1$s at %2$s %1$s u %2$s
uploads_files_no_result There are no files in this room Nema datoteka u ovoj sobi
report_content_spam It's spam To je neželjeni sadržaj
report_content_inappropriate It's inappropriate Neprimjereno je
report_content_custom Custom report… Prilagođena prijava…
report_content_custom_title Report this content Prijavi ovaj sadržaj
report_content_custom_hint Reason for reporting this content Razlog za prijavu sadržaja
report_content_custom_submit REPORT PRIJAVI
content_reported_title Content reported Sadržaj prijavljen
Key English Croatian State
add_members_to_room Add members
alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1 While RiotX is in early development, some features may be missing and you may experience bugs. Obzirom da je RiotX u fazi ranog razvoja, neke značajke mogu nedostajati i moguće su greške u aplikaciji.
alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_fdroid If you find bugs please submit a report in the top left menu of Home, and we’ll fix them as quickly as we can. Ako nađete greške u aplikaciji, budite ljubazni pa pošaljite izvještaj pomoću izbornika u gornje-lijevom kutu Početne stranice. Razvijatelji će ispraviti greške čim prije.
alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay The latest feature list is always in the %1$s, and if you find bugs please submit a report in the top left menu of Home, and we’ll fix them as quickly as we can. Najnoviji popis značajki se uvijek nalazi na %1$s. Ako nađete greške u aplikaciji, budite ljubazni pa pošaljite izvještaj pomoću izbornika u gornje-lijevom kutu Početne stranice. Razvijatelji će ispraviti greške čim prije.
alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part Play Store description Opis za trgovinu Play
alpha_disclaimer_title Welcome to the beta! Dobrodošli u radnu inačicu!
are_you_sure Are you sure? Jeste li sigurni?
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Otkaži preuzimanje?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Otkaži slanje?
attachment_remaining_time_minutes %1$dm %2$ds %1$d m %2$d s
attachment_remaining_time_seconds %d s %d s
attachment_type_audio Audio Zvuk
attachment_type_camera Camera Kamera
attachment_type_contact Contact Kontakt
attachment_type_file File Datoteka
attachment_type_gallery Gallery Galerija
attachment_type_sticker Sticker Naljepnica
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Pročitajte i prihvatite pravila ovog poslužitelja:
auth_add_email_and_phone_message_2 Set an email for account recovery. Use later email or phone to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Postavite e-poštu za obnavljanje računa. Kasnije možete koristiti e-poštu i telefon kako bi Vas poznanici mogli pronaći.
auth_add_email_message_2 Set an email for account recovery, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Postavite e-poštu za obnavljanje računa te kako bi Vas kasnije poznanici mogli pronaći.
auth_add_email_phone_message_2 Set an email for account recovery. Use later email or phone to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Postavite e-poštu za obnavljanje računa. Kasnije možete koristiti e-poštu i telefon kako bi Vas poznanici mogli pronaći.
auth_add_phone_message_2 Set a phone, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Unesite broj telefona kako bi Vas poznanici mogli pronaći.
auth_email_already_defined This email address is already defined. Ova je adresa e-pošte već određena.
auth_email_placeholder Email address Adresa e-pošte
auth_email_validation_message Please check your email to continue registration Provjerite Vašu e-poštu za nastavak registracije
auth_flow_not_supported You cannot do that from mobile
auth_forgot_password Forgot password? Zaboravljena lozinka?
auth_home_server Home Server: Vaš poslužitelj:
auth_identity_server Identity Server: Poslužitelj identiteta:
auth_invalid_email This doesn’t look like a valid email address Ovo se ne čini valjanom adresom e-pošte


4 years ago
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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 1285