The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


%1$s, %2$s and %3$s read
Key English Croatian State
labs_allow_extended_logging Enable verbose logs. Omogući opširne zapise.
labs_allow_extended_logging_summary Verbose logs will help developers by providing more logs when you send a RageShake. Even when enabled, the application does not log message contents or any other private data. Opširni zapisi pomažu razvijateljima u vidu detaljnih informacija kada pošaljete Gnjevno drmanje. Čak i kada su omogućeni, aplikacija ne zapisuje sadržaj poruka ili bilo koje druge privatne podatke.
error_terms_not_accepted Please retry once you have accepted the terms and conditions of your homeserver. Pokušajte ponovno nakon što prihvatite uvjete korištenja Vašeg poslužitelja.
error_network_timeout Looks like the server is taking too long to respond, this can be caused by either poor connectivity or an error with the server. Please try again in a while. Čini se da poslužitelju treba previše vremena za odgovor. Mogući uzroci su loša povezivost ili greška na poslužitelju. Kasnije pokušajte ponovno.
send_attachment Send attachment Pošalji privitak
a11y_open_drawer Open the navigation drawer Otvori navigacijski pretinac
a11y_create_menu_open Open the create room menu Otvori izbornik za izradu soba
a11y_create_menu_close Close the create room menu… Zatvori izbornik za izradu soba…
a11y_create_direct_message Create a new direct conversation Započni novi izravni razgovor
a11y_create_room Create a new room Izradi novu sobu
a11y_close_keys_backup_banner Close keys backup banner Zatvori natpis o pričuvnim ključevima
a11y_show_password Show password Prikaži lozinku
a11y_hide_password Hide password Sakrij lozinku
a11y_jump_to_bottom Jump to bottom Skoči na kraj
two_and_some_others_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$d others read %1$s, %2$s i %3$d drugih su pročitali
three_users_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$s read %1$s, %2$s i %3$s su pročitali
two_users_read %1$s and %2$s read %1$s i %2$s su pročitali
one_user_read %s read %s je pročitao/la
fallback_users_read 1 user read %d korisnik je pročitao
error_file_too_big The file '%1$s' (%2$s) is too large to upload. The limit is %3$s. Datoteka '%1$s' (%2$s) je prevelika za slanje. Ograničenje je %3$s.
error_attachment An error occurred while retrieving the attachment. Došlo je do greške prilikom dohvaćanja privitka.
attachment_type_file File Datoteka
attachment_type_contact Contact Kontakt
attachment_type_camera Camera Kamera
attachment_type_audio Audio Zvuk
attachment_type_gallery Gallery Galerija
attachment_type_sticker Sticker Naljepnica
error_handling_incoming_share Couldn't handle share data Neuspješno baratanje podacima za dijeljenje
uploads_media_title MEDIA
uploads_media_no_result There are no media in this room Nema medijskih datoteka u ovoj sobi
uploads_files_title FILES DATOTEKE
Key English Croatian State
store_full_description A chat app, under your control and entirely flexible. Riot lets you communicate the way you want. Made for [matrix] - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Get a free account, get your own server at, or use another Matrix server.

Why choose

• COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Build rooms around your teams, your friends, your community - however you like! Chat, share files, add widgets and make voice and video calls - all free of charge.

• POWERFUL INTEGRATIONS: Use with the tools you know and love. With you can even chat with users and groups on other chat apps.

• PRIVATE AND SECURE: Keep your conversations secret. State of the art end-to-end encryption ensures that private communication stays private.

• OPEN, NOT CLOSED: Open source, and built on Matrix. Own your own data by hosting your own server, or selecting one you trust.

• EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and online at
Aplikacija za ćaskanje pod Vašom kontrolom i potpuno fleksibilna. Riot Vam omogućava da komunicirate na način kako Vama odgovara. Napravljen za [matrix] - standard za otvorenu i decentraliziranu komunikaciju.

Otvorite besplatan račun na, nabavite vlastitog poslužitelja na ili koristite nekog drugog poslužitelja Matrixa.

Zašto odabrati

• POTPUNA KOMUNIKACIJA: napravite sobe za Vaše timove, prijatelje i zajednicu na način koji Vama odgovara! Ćaskajte, dijelite datoteke, dodajte grafičke elemente i zovite glasovno i video pozivima - besplatno.

• NAPREDNE INTEGRACIJE: Koristite uz poznate i voljene alate. Pomoću čak možete ćaskati s korisnicima i grupama iz drugih aplikacija za ćaskanje.

• PRIVATNO I SIGURNO: Zadržite Vaše razgovore tajnim. Najmodernije šifriranje s kraja na kraj osigurava da privatno komuniciranje zaista bude privatno.

• OTVORENO, A NE ZATVORENO: slobodan softver i softver otvorenog kȏda koji implementira Matrix. Imajte kontrolu nad vlastitim podacima tako što ćete uspostaviti vlastitog poslužitelja ili odabirom poslužitelja kojem vjerujete.

• UVIJEK S VAMA: Ostanite u kontaktu gdje god se nalazili pomoću potpuno sinkronizirane povijesti poruka na svim Vašim uređajima i na
store_riotx_full_description RiotX is a new client for the Matrix protocol ( an open network for secure, decentralised communication. RiotX is a full rewrite of the Riot Android client, based on a full rewrite of the Matrix Android SDK.

Disclaimer: This is a beta version. RiotX is currently in active development and contains limitations and (we hope not too many) bugs. All feedback is welcome!

RiotX supports: • Login to an existing account • Create room and join public rooms • Accept and reject invitations • List users rooms • View room details • Send text messages • Send attachment • Read and write messages in encrypted rooms • Crypto: E2E keys backup, advance device verification, key share request and answer • Push notification • Light, Dark and Black themes

Not all features in Riot are implemented in RiotX yet. Main missing (and coming soon!) features: • Room settings (list room members, etc.) • Calls • Widgets • …
store_riotx_short_description A faster and lighter client for Matrix using the latest Android frameworks Brži i lakši program za Matrix koji koristi najnovije biblioteke Androida
store_riotx_title RiotX - Next Generation Matrix Client RiotX - program sljedeće generacije za Matrix
store_short_description A universal secure chat app entirely under your control. Univerzalna aplikacija za sigurno ćaskanje pod Vašom kontrolom.
store_title - Communicate, your way - Komunicirajte onako kako Vama odgovara
store_whats_new We’re always making changes and improvements to The complete changelog can be found here: %1$s. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, just keep your updates turned on. Stalno radimo na izmjenama i poboljšanjima Cjelovit dnevnik izmjena je moguće pronaći u %1$s. Kako biste ostali informirani o novostima, imajte omogućeno ažuriranje.
system_alerts_header System Alerts Upozorenja sustava
tab_title_search_files FILES DATOTEKE
tab_title_search_messages MESSAGES PORUKE
tab_title_search_people PEOPLE OSOBE
tab_title_search_rooms ROOMS SOBE
terms_description_for_identity_server Be discoverable by others Budite drugima vidljivi
terms_description_for_integration_manager Use Bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs Koristite botove, mostove, grafičke elemente i pakete naljepnica
terms_of_service Terms of Service Uvjeti korištenja
three_users_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$s read %1$s, %2$s i %3$s su pročitali
timeline_unread_messages Unread messages Nepročitane poruke
tiny Tiny Sićušna
title_activity_bug_report Bug report Izvješće o grešci
title_activity_choose_sticker Send a sticker Pošalji naljepnicu
title_activity_emoji_reaction_picker Reactions Reakcije
title_activity_group_details Community details Detalji o zajednici
title_activity_historical Historical Prijašnje
title_activity_home Messages Poruke
title_activity_keys_backup_restore Use Key Backup Koristi pričuvne ključeve
title_activity_keys_backup_setup Key Backup Pričuvni ključevi
title_activity_member_details Member Details Detalji o članu
title_activity_room Room Soba
title_activity_settings Settings Postavke
title_activity_verify_device Verify session Potvrdi sesiju


%1$s, %2$s and %3$s read
%1$s, %2$s i %3$s su pročitali
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Croatian
read receipt potvrda o pročitanim porukama [Deprecated] Riot Android

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 1275