The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Passphrase doesn’t match
Key English Basque State
show_info_area_always Always Beti
show_info_area_messages_and_errors For messages and errors Mezu eta erroreentzat
show_info_area_only_errors Only for errors Erroreentzat besterik ez
generic_label %1$s: %1$s:
generic_label_and_value %1$s: %2$s %1$s: %2$s
plus_x +%d +%d
x_plus %d+ %d+
no_valid_google_play_services_apk No valid Google Play Services APK found. Notifications may not work properly. Ez da baliozko Google Play Services APK-rik aurkitu. Jakinarazpenak agian ez dira ongi ibiliko.
store_title - Communicate, your way - Komunikatu, zure erara
store_whats_new We’re always making changes and improvements to The complete changelog can be found here: %1$s. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, just keep your updates turned on. Etengabe egiten dizkiogu hobekuntzak eta aldaketak aplikazioari. Aldaketen zerrenda osoa hemen aurkitu daiteke: %1$s. Ezer galtzen ez duzula ziurtatzeko, mantendu eguneraketak piztuta.
store_short_description A universal secure chat app entirely under your control. Txat seguru eta unibertsala zure kontrolpean erabat.
store_full_description A chat app, under your control and entirely flexible. Riot lets you communicate the way you want. Made for [matrix] - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Get a free account, get your own server at, or use another Matrix server.

Why choose

• COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Build rooms around your teams, your friends, your community - however you like! Chat, share files, add widgets and make voice and video calls - all free of charge.

• POWERFUL INTEGRATIONS: Use with the tools you know and love. With you can even chat with users and groups on other chat apps.

• PRIVATE AND SECURE: Keep your conversations secret. State of the art end-to-end encryption ensures that private communication stays private.

• OPEN, NOT CLOSED: Open source, and built on Matrix. Own your own data by hosting your own server, or selecting one you trust.

• EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and online at
Txaterako aplikazio bat, zure kontrolpean eta erabat malgua. Riot-ek zuk nahi duzun eran komunikatzea ahalbidetzen dizu. [matrix] erabiltzeko egina, komunikaziorako estandar ireki eta deszentralizatua.

Eskuratu kontu bat doan, ezarri zure zerbitzari propioa bidez, edo erabili beste Matrix zerbitzari bat.

Zergatik erabili

* KOMUNIKAZIO OSOA: Sortu gelak zure lantalde, adiskide, edo komunitateentzat, zuk nahi bezalakoak! Txateatu, partekatu fitxategiak, gehitu trepetak eta egin ahots eta bideo deiak, den dena doan.

* INTEGRAZIO AHALTSUAK: Erabili jada ezagutu eta maite dituzun tresnekin. erabiliz beste txat aplikazioetako erabiltzaileekin ere aritu zaitezke.

* PRIBATUA ETA SEGURUA: Mantendu zure elkarrizketak sekretupean. Muturretik muturrerako zifratzeak pribatua den hori pribatu izaten jarraituko duela bermatzen du.

* IREKIA, EZ ITXIA; Kode irekikoa, eta Matrix sarearen gainean eraikia. Izan zure datuen jabe zure zerbitzaria ostatatuz, edo zuretzat fidagarria den bat aukeratuz.

* ZUREKIN EDONON: Mantendu kontaktua zure gailuetan zehar guztiz sinkronizatutako mezuen historial batekin, eta web bidez helbidean.
passphrase_create_passphrase Create passphrase Sortu pasaesaldia
passphrase_confirm_passphrase Confirm passphrase Berretsi pasaesaldia
passphrase_enter_passphrase Enter passphrase Idatzi pasaesaldia
passphrase_passphrase_does_not_match Passphrase doesn’t match Pasaesaldiak berdinak izan behar dira
passphrase_empty_error_message Please enter a passphrase Idatzi pasaesaldia
passphrase_passphrase_too_weak Passphrase is too weak Pasaesaldia ahulegia da
keys_backup_passphrase_not_empty_error_message Please delete the passphrase if you want Riot to generate a recovery key. Ezabatu pasaesaldia Riot aplikazioak berreskuratze gako bat sortu dezan nahi baduzu.
keys_backup_no_session_error No Matrix session available Ez dago Matrix saiorik eskuragarri
keys_backup_setup_step1_title Never lose encrypted messages Ez galdu inoiz zifratutako mezuak
keys_backup_setup_step1_description Messages in encrypted rooms are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.

Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them.
Zifratutako geletako mezuak muturretik muturrera zifratuta daude. Hartzaileak/ek eta zuk eta ez beste inork irakurri ditzakezue mezuok.

Egin zure gakoen babes-kopia segurua mezuak ez galtzeko.
keys_backup_setup Start using Key Backup Hasi gakoen babes-kopia erabiltzen
keys_backup_setup_step1_advanced (Advanced) (Aurreratua)
keys_backup_setup_step1_manual_export Manually export keys Esportatu gakoak manualki
keys_backup_setup_step2_text_title Secure your backup with a Passphrase. Babestu zure babes-kopia pasaesaldi batekin.
keys_backup_setup_step2_text_description We’ll store an encrypted copy of your keys on your homeserver. Protect your backup with a passphrase to keep it secure.

For maximum security, this should be different from your account password.
Zure gakoen zifratutako kopia bat gordeko dugu zure hasiera-zerbitzarian. Babestu babes-kopia pasaesaldi batekin seguru mantentzeko.

Segurtasun hobe baterako, pasaesaldi hau eta zure kontuaren pasahitza desberdinak izan beharko lirateke.
keys_backup_setup_step2_button_title Set Passphrase Ezarri pasaesaldia
keys_backup_setup_creating_backup Creating Backup Babes-kopia sortzen
keys_backup_setup_step1_recovery_key_alternative Or, secure your backup with a Recovery Key, saving it somewhere safe. Edo, babestu zure babes-kopia berreskuratze gako batekin, eta toki seguruan gorde.
keys_backup_setup_step2_skip_button_title (Advanced) Set up with Recovery Key (Aurreratua) Ezarri berreskuratze gakoa
Key English Basque State
open_chat_header Open header Ireki goiburua
open_settings Open Settings Ireki ezarpenak
open_terms_of Open terms of %s Ireki %s zerbitzariko baldintzak
option_send_files Send files Bidali fitxategiak
option_send_sticker Send sticker Bidali eranskailua
option_send_voice Send voice Bidali ahotsa
option_take_photo Take photo Atera argazkia
option_take_photo_video Take photo or video Atera argazkia edo bideoa
option_take_video Take video Grabatu bideoa
or or edo
or_other_mx_capabale_client or another cross-signing capable Matrix client edo zeharka sinatzeko gaitasuna duen beste Matrix bezero bat
passphrase_confirm_passphrase Confirm passphrase Berretsi pasaesaldia
passphrase_create_passphrase Create passphrase Sortu pasaesaldia
passphrase_empty_error_message Please enter a passphrase Idatzi pasaesaldia
passphrase_enter_passphrase Enter passphrase Idatzi pasaesaldia
passphrase_passphrase_does_not_match Passphrase doesn’t match Pasaesaldiak berdinak izan behar dira
passphrase_passphrase_too_weak Passphrase is too weak Pasaesaldia ahulegia da
passwords_do_not_match Passwords do not match Pasahitzak ez datoz bat
people_no_identity_server No identity server configured. Ez da identitate-zerbitzaririk konfiguratu.
people_search_filter_text Matrix users only Matrix erabiltzaileak besterik ez
people_search_invite_by_id <u>Invite by ID</u> <u>Gonbidatu ID bidez</u>
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_description Please enter one or more email address or Matrix ID Sartu e-mail helbide edo Matrix ID bat edo gehiago
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_hint Email or Matrix ID E-maila edo Matrix IDa
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_title Invite user by ID Gonbidatu erabiltzailea ID bidez
people_search_local_contacts LOCAL CONTACTS (%d) GAILUKO KONTAKTUAK (%d)
people_search_user_directory USER DIRECTORY (%s) ERABILTZAILE DIREKTORIOA (%s)
permalink Permalink Esteka iraunkorra
permalink_malformed Your link was malformed Zure esteka gaizki osatua dago
permissions_action_not_performed_missing_permissions Sorry. Action not performed, due to missing permissions Ez da ekintza burutu baimenak falta direlako
permissions_msg_contacts_warning_other_androids Riot can check your address book to find other Matrix users based on their email and phone numbers.

Do you agree to share your address book for this purpose?
Riot-ek zure helbide-liburua egiaztatu dezake Matrix erabiltzaileak bere e-mail helbide edo telefono zenbakiaren bidez aurkitzeko.

Honetarako zure helbide-liburua partekatzea onartzen duzu?
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 984