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Your device is using an outdated TLS security protocol, vulnerable to attack, for your security you will not be able to connect
Key English Basque State
auth_reset_password_missing_password A new password must be entered. Pasahitz berri bat sartu behar da.
auth_reset_password_email_validation_message An email has been sent to %s. Once you’ve followed the link it contains, click below. E-mail bat bidali da %s helbidera. Honek dakarren esteka jarraitu eta gero egin klik azpian.
auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email Huts egin du e-mail helbidearen egiaztaketak, egin klik e-mailean zetorren estekan
auth_reset_password_success_message Your password has been reset.

You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.
Zure pasahitza berrezarri da. Saiotik atera zaizu saio guztietan eta ez dituzu jakinarazpenak jasoko. Jakinarazpenak berriro jasotzeko hasi berriro saioa gailu bakoitzean.
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Irakurri eta onartu hasiera-zerbitzari honen baldintzak:
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// http[s]:// gisa hasi behar da URLa
login_error_network_error Unable to login: Network error Ezin izan da saioa hasi: Sare errorea
login_error_unable_login Unable to login Ezin izan da saioa hasi
login_error_registration_network_error Unable to register: Network error Ezin izan da erregistratu: Sare errorea
login_error_unable_register Unable to register Ezin izan da erregistratu
login_error_unable_register_mail_ownership Unable to register : email ownership failure Ezin izan da erregistratu: e-mailaren jabetza egiaztaketak huts egin du
login_error_invalid_home_server Please enter a valid URL Sartu baliozko URL bat
login_error_unknown_host This URL is not reachable, please check it URL-a ez dago eskuragarri, egiaztatu mesedez
login_error_no_homeserver_found This is not a valid Matrix server address Hau ez da baliozko Matrix zerbitzari helbide bat
login_error_homeserver_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at this URL, please check it Ezin izan da hasiera-zerbitzari bat atzitu URL honetan, egiaztatu ezazu
login_error_ssl_handshake Your device is using an outdated TLS security protocol, vulnerable to attack, for your security you will not be able to connect Zure gailuak zaharkitutako TLS segurtasun protokolo bat darabil, erasotu daitekeena, zure segurtasunerako ezin izango zara konektatu
login_mobile_device Mobile Mugikorra
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password Erabiltzaile-izen / pasahitz baliogabea
login_error_unknown_token The access token specified was not recognised Ez da ezagutzen zehaztutako sarbide katea
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON Gaizki osatutako JSON
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON Ez zuen baliozko JSON-ik
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira
login_error_user_in_use This user name is already used Erabiltzaile-izen hau hartuta dago
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet Oraindik erabili ez den e-maileko esteka
e2e_need_log_in_again You need to log back in to generate end-to-end encryption keys for this session and submit the public key to your homeserver.
This is a once off.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Berriro hasi behar duzu saioa muturretik muturrerako zifratzerako saio honentzako gakoak sortzeko eta gako publikoa zure hasiera zerbitzarira bidali. Hau behin bakarrik egin behar duzu. Barkatu eragozpenak.
e2e_re_request_encryption_key Re-request encryption keys from your other sessions. Eskatu berriro zifratze-gakoak zure beste saioetatik.
e2e_re_request_encryption_key_sent Key request sent. Gako eskaria bidalita.
e2e_re_request_encryption_key_dialog_title Request sent Eskaria bidalita
e2e_re_request_encryption_key_dialog_content Please launch Riot on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session. Abiatu Riot beste mezua deszifratu dezakeen gailu batean, saio honetara gakoak bidali ditzan.
read_receipts_list Read Receipts List Irakurragirien zerrenda
groups_list Groups List Taldeen zerrenda
Key English Basque State
login_continue Continue Jarraitu
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON Gaizki osatutako JSON
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password Erabiltzaile-izen / pasahitz baliogabea
login_error_homeserver_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at this URL, please check it Ezin izan da hasiera-zerbitzari bat atzitu URL honetan, egiaztatu ezazu
login_error_invalid_home_server Please enter a valid URL Sartu baliozko URL bat
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira
login_error_limit_exceeded_retry_after Too many requests have been sent. You can retry in %1$d second… Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira. Segundo 1$d barru saiatu zaitezke berriro…
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet Oraindik erabili ez den e-maileko esteka
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// http[s]:// gisa hasi behar da URLa
login_error_network_error Unable to login: Network error Ezin izan da saioa hasi: Sare errorea
login_error_no_homeserver_found This is not a valid Matrix server address Hau ez da baliozko Matrix zerbitzari helbide bat
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON Ez zuen baliozko JSON-ik
login_error_outdated_homeserver_content This homeserver is running too old a version to connect to. Ask your homeserver admin to upgrade. Hasiera-zerbitzari honek konektatzeko zaharregia den bertsio bat darabil. Eskatu administratzaileari eguneratu dezala.
login_error_outdated_homeserver_title Outdated homeserver Zaharkitutako hasiera-zerbitzaria
login_error_registration_network_error Unable to register: Network error Ezin izan da erregistratu: Sare errorea
login_error_ssl_handshake Your device is using an outdated TLS security protocol, vulnerable to attack, for your security you will not be able to connect Zure gailuak zaharkitutako TLS segurtasun protokolo bat darabil, erasotu daitekeena, zure segurtasunerako ezin izango zara konektatu
login_error_threepid_denied Your email domain is not authorized to register on this server Ez da zure e-mail domeinuarekin zerbitzari honetan izena ematea onartzen
login_error_unable_login Unable to login Ezin izan da saioa hasi
login_error_unable_register Unable to register Ezin izan da erregistratu
login_error_unable_register_mail_ownership Unable to register : email ownership failure Ezin izan da erregistratu: e-mailaren jabetza egiaztaketak huts egin du
login_error_unknown_host This URL is not reachable, please check it URL-a ez dago eskuragarri, egiaztatu mesedez
login_error_unknown_token The access token specified was not recognised Ez da ezagutzen zehaztutako sarbide katea
login_error_user_in_use This user name is already used Erabiltzaile-izen hau hartuta dago
login_login_with_email_error This email is not associated to any account. E-mail hau ez dago kontu batera lotuta.
login_mobile_device Mobile Mugikorra
login_mobile_device_riotx RiotX Android RiotX Android
login_mode_not_supported The application is not able to signin to this homeserver. The homeserver supports the following signin type(s): %1$s.

Do you want to signin using a web client?
Aplikazioak ezin du hasiera-zerbitzari honetan saioa hasi. Hasiera-zerbitzariak honako saio mota onartzen du: %1$s.

Web bezero batekin hasi nahi duzu saioa?
login_msisdn_confirm_hint Enter code Sartu kodea
login_msisdn_confirm_notice We just sent a code to %1$s. Enter it below to verify it’s you. Kode bat bidali dugu %1$s zenbakira. Sartu hemen azpian zu zarela baieztatzeko.
login_msisdn_confirm_send_again Send again Bidali berriro
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


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English Basque
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 233