The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Key English Basque State
settings_active_sessions_show_all Show All Sessions Erakutsi saio guztiak
settings_active_sessions_manage Manage Sessions Kudeatu saioak
settings_active_sessions_signout_device Sign out of this session Amaitu saio hau
settings_failed_to_get_crypto_device_info No cryptographic information available Ez dago informazio kriptografikorik eskuragarri
settings_active_sessions_verified_device_desc This session is trusted for secure messaging because you verified it: Saio hau fidagarritzat jotzen da mezu seguruetarako egiaztatu duzulako:
settings_active_sessions_unverified_device_desc Verify this session to mark it as trusted & grant it access to encrypted messages. If you didn’t sign in to this session your account may be compromised: Egiaztatu saio hau fidagarritzat markatzeko eta zifratutako mezuetara sarbidea emateko. Ez baduzu saio hau zuk hasi agian zure kontua konprometituta dago:
settings_active_sessions_count %d active session Saio aktibo %d
crosssigning_verify_this_session Verify this login Egiaztatu saio hau
crosssigning_other_user_not_trust Other users may not trust it Beste erabiltzaile batzuk ez fidagarritzat jo lezakete
complete_security Complete Security Bete segurtasuna
verification_open_other_to_verify Use an existing session to verify this one, granting it access to encrypted messages. Erabili aurreko saio bat saio hau egiaztatzeko, mezu zifratuetara sarbidea emanez.
verification_profile_verify Verify Egiaztatu
verification_profile_verified Verified Egiaztatuta
verification_profile_warning Warning Abisua
room_member_profile_failed_to_get_devices Failed to get sessions Ezin izan dira saioak jaso
room_member_profile_sessions_section_title Sessions Saioak
trusted Trusted Fidagarria
not_trusted Not Trusted Ez fidagarria
verification_profile_device_verified_because This session is trusted for secure messaging because %1$s (%2$s) verified it: Saio hau fidagarritzat jotzen da mezu seguruetarako %1$s (%2$s)(e)k egiaztatu duelako:
verification_profile_device_new_signing %1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session: %1$s (%2$s) erabiltzaileak saio berria hasi du:
verification_profile_device_untrust_info Until this user trusts this session, messages sent to and from it are labelled with warnings. Alternatively, you can manually verify it. Erabiltzaile honek saio hau fidagarritzat jo arte, hara eta handik bidalitako mezuak abisu batekin markatuko dira. Bestela, eskuz egiaztatu dezakezu.
initialize_cross_signing Initialize CrossSigning Hasieratu zeharkako sinatzea
reset_cross_signing Reset Keys Berrezarri gakoak
a11y_qr_code_for_verification QR code QR kodea
qr_code_scanned_by_other_notice Almost there! Is %s showing the same shield? Ia bukatu duzu! %s-ek ezkutu bera erakusten du?
qr_code_scanned_by_other_yes Yes Bai
qr_code_scanned_by_other_no No Ez
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator Connectivity to the server has been lost Zerbitzariarekin konexioa galdu da
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator_airplane Airplane mode is on Hegaldi modua ezarrita dago
settings_dev_tools Dev Tools Garapen tresnak
settings_account_data Account Data Kontuaren datuak
Key English Basque State
room_list_rooms_empty_title Rooms Gelak
room_list_sharing_header_other_rooms Other rooms Beste gelak
room_list_sharing_header_recent_rooms Recent rooms Azken gelak
room_many_users_are_typing %1$s & %2$s & others are typing… %1$s eta %2$s eta beste batzuk idazten ari dira…
room_member_jump_to_read_receipt Jump to read receipt Saltatu irakurragirira
room_member_power_level_admin_in Admin in %1$s %1$s gelako administratzailea
room_member_power_level_admins Admins Administratzaileak
room_member_power_level_custom Custom Pertsonalizatua
room_member_power_level_custom_in Custom (%1$d) in %2$s Pertsonalizatua (%1$d) %2$s gelan
room_member_power_level_default_in Default in %1$s
room_member_power_level_invites Invites Gonbidapenak
room_member_power_level_moderator_in Moderator in %1$s %1$s gelako moderatzailea
room_member_power_level_moderators Moderators Moderatzaileak
room_member_power_level_users Users Erabiltzaileak
room_member_profile_failed_to_get_devices Failed to get sessions Ezin izan dira saioak jaso
room_member_profile_sessions_section_title Sessions Saioak
room_menu_search Search Bilatu
room_message_file_not_found File not found Ez da fitxategia aurkitu
room_message_placeholder Message… Mezua…
room_message_placeholder_encrypted Send an encrypted message… Bidali zifratutako mezua…
room_message_placeholder_not_encrypted Send a message (unencrypted)… Bidali mezua (zifratu gabe)…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_encrypted Send an encrypted reply… Zifratutako erantzuna bidalita…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_not_encrypted Send a reply (unencrypted)… Bidali erantzuna (zifratu gabea)…
room_new_messages_notification 1 new message Mezu berri 1
room_no_conference_call_in_encrypted_rooms Conference calls are not supported in encrypted rooms Konferentzia deiak ez daude onartuta zifratutako geletan
room_offline_notification Connectivity to the server has been lost. Zerbitzariarekin konexioa galdu da.
room_one_user_is_typing %s is typing… %s idazten ari da…
room_participants_action_ban Ban Debekatu
room_participants_action_cancel_invite Cancel invite
room_participants_action_cancel_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to cancel the invite for this user?
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1562