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They don't match
Key English Basque State
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold_summary Shake your phone to test the detection threshold Astindu zure telefonoa antzemate atalasea probatzeko
rageshake_detected Shake detected! Astindua antzeman da!
settings Settings Ezarpenak
devices_current_device Current session Uneko saioa
devices_other_devices Other sessions Beste saioak
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters… Soilik lehen emaitzak erakusten, idatzi letra gehiago…
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_title Fail-fast Hutsegin-azkar
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_summary RiotX may crash more often when an unexpected error occurs RiotX aplikazioa ustekabeko erroreen aurrean maizago kraskatu daiteke
command_description_verify Request to verify the given userID Eskatu emandako erabiltzaile IDa egiaztatzea
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message Jarri ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ testu-soileko mezuaren aurretik
create_room_encryption_title Enable encryption Gaitu zifratzea
create_room_encryption_description Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled. Behin gaituta, zifratzea ezin da desgaitu.
login_error_threepid_denied Your email domain is not authorized to register on this server Ez da zure e-mail domeinuarekin zerbitzari honetan izena ematea onartzen
verification_conclusion_warning Untrusted sign in Saio hasiera ez fidagarria
verification_sas_match They match Bat datoz
verification_sas_do_not_match They don't match Ez datoz bat
verify_user_sas_emoji_help_text Verify this user by confirming the following unique emoji appear on their screen, in the same order. Egiaztatu erabiltzaile hau beheko emojiak bere pantailan, ordena berean agertzen direla baieztatuz.
verify_user_sas_emoji_security_tip For ultimate security, use another trusted means of communication or do this in person. Segurtasun gehiagorako, erabili beste komunikabide fidagarri bat, edo egin aurrez-aurre.
verification_green_shield Look for the green shield to ensure a user is trusted. Trust all users in a room to ensure the room is secure. Bilatu ezkutu berdea erabiltzailea fidagarritzat duzula baieztatzeko. Jo gelako erabiltzaile guztiak fidagarritzat gela segurua dela baieztatzeko.
verification_conclusion_not_secure Not secure Ez segurua
verification_conclusion_compromised One of the following may be compromised:

- Your homeserver
- The homeserver the user you’re verifying is connected to
- Yours, or the other users’ internet connection
- Yours, or the other users’ device
Hauetakoren bat konprometitua egon daiteke:

- Zure hasiera-zerbitzaria
- Egiaztatzen ari zaren erabiltzailearen hasiera-zerbitzaria
- Zure edo bestearen internet konexioa
- Zure edo bestearen gailua
sent_a_video Video. Bideoa.
sent_an_image Image. Irudia.
sent_an_audio_file Audio Audioa
sent_a_file File Fitxategia
send_a_sticker Sticker
verification_request_waiting Waiting… Itxaroten…
verification_request_other_cancelled %s cancelled %s(e)k ezeztatu du
verification_request_you_cancelled You cancelled Zuk ezeztatu duzu
verification_request_other_accepted %s accepted %s(e)k onartu du
verification_request_you_accepted You accepted Zuk onartu duzu
Key English Basque State
verification_profile_device_untrust_info Until this user trusts this session, messages sent to and from it are labelled with warnings. Alternatively, you can manually verify it. Erabiltzaile honek saio hau fidagarritzat jo arte, hara eta handik bidalitako mezuak abisu batekin markatuko dira. Bestela, eskuz egiaztatu dezakezu.
verification_profile_device_verified_because This session is trusted for secure messaging because %1$s (%2$s) verified it: Saio hau fidagarritzat jotzen da mezu seguruetarako %1$s (%2$s)(e)k egiaztatu duelako:
verification_profile_verified Verified Egiaztatuta
verification_profile_verify Verify Egiaztatu
verification_profile_warning Warning Abisua
verification_request Verification Request Egiaztaketa eskaria
verification_request_alert_description For extra security, verify %s by checking a one-time code on both your devices.

For maximum security, do this in person.
Segurtasun gehiagorako, egiaztatu %s aldi-bakarrerako kode bat bi gailuetan egiaztatuz.

Are segurtasun gehiagorako, egin aurrez-aurre.
verification_request_notice To be secure, verify %s by checking a one-time code. Segurtasun gehiagorako, egiaztatu %s aldi-bakarrerako kode bat egiaztatuz.
verification_request_other_accepted %s accepted %s(e)k onartu du
verification_request_other_cancelled %s cancelled %s(e)k ezeztatu du
verification_request_start_notice To be secure, do this in person or use another way to communicate. Ziurtatzeko, egin hau aurrez aurre edo komunikabide seguru baten bidez.
verification_request_waiting Waiting… Itxaroten…
verification_request_waiting_for Waiting for %s… %s itxaroten…
verification_request_you_accepted You accepted Zuk onartu duzu
verification_request_you_cancelled You cancelled Zuk ezeztatu duzu
verification_sas_do_not_match They don't match Ez datoz bat
verification_sas_match They match Bat datoz
verification_scan_emoji_subtitle If you're not in person, compare emoji instead Ez bazaude aurrez aurre, konparatu emojiak
verification_scan_emoji_title Can't scan Ezin da eskaneatu
verification_scan_notice Scan the code with the other user's device to securely verify each other Eskaneatu kodea beste erabiltzailearen gailuarekin elkar egiaztatzeko
verification_scan_their_code Scan their code Eskaneatu bestearen kodea
verification_sent Verification Sent Egiaztaketa bidalita
verification_use_passphrase If you can’t access an existing session Ezin baduzu badagoen saio bat erabili
verification_verified_user Verified %s %s egiaztatuta
verification_verify_device Verify this session Egiaztatu saio hau
verification_verify_device_manually Manually verify Eskuzko egiaztaketa
verification_verify_user Verify %s Egiaztatu %s
verify_by_emoji_description If you can’t scan the code above, verify by comparing a short, unique selection of emoji. Ezin baduzu goiko kodea eskaneatu, egiaztatu emoji sorta labur bat konparatuz.
verify_by_emoji_title Verify by Emoji Egiaztatu emoji bidez
verify_cancelled_notice Verify your devices from Settings. Egiaztatu gailuak ezarpenetatik.


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English Basque
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1464