The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.
Key English Basque State
settings_developer_mode Developer mode Garatzaile modua
settings_developer_mode_summary The developer mode activates hidden features and may also make the application less stable. For developers only! Garatzaile moduak aplikazioa ezegonkor bihurtu dezaketen ezaugarri ezkutuak aktibatzen ditu. Garatzaileentzat besterik ez!
settings_rageshake Rageshake Amorruz astintzea
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold Detection threshold Antzemate atalasea
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold_summary Shake your phone to test the detection threshold Astindu zure telefonoa antzemate atalasea probatzeko
rageshake_detected Shake detected! Astindua antzeman da!
settings Settings Ezarpenak
devices_current_device Current session Uneko saioa
devices_other_devices Other sessions Beste saioak
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters… Soilik lehen emaitzak erakusten, idatzi letra gehiago…
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_title Fail-fast Hutsegin-azkar
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_summary RiotX may crash more often when an unexpected error occurs RiotX aplikazioa ustekabeko erroreen aurrean maizago kraskatu daiteke
command_description_verify Request to verify the given userID Eskatu emandako erabiltzaile IDa egiaztatzea
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message Jarri ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ testu-soileko mezuaren aurretik
create_room_encryption_title Enable encryption Gaitu zifratzea
create_room_encryption_description Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled. Behin gaituta, zifratzea ezin da desgaitu.
login_error_threepid_denied Your email domain is not authorized to register on this server Ez da zure e-mail domeinuarekin zerbitzari honetan izena ematea onartzen
verification_conclusion_warning Untrusted sign in Saio hasiera ez fidagarria
verification_sas_match They match Bat datoz
verification_sas_do_not_match They don't match Ez datoz bat
verify_user_sas_emoji_help_text Verify this user by confirming the following unique emoji appear on their screen, in the same order. Egiaztatu erabiltzaile hau beheko emojiak bere pantailan, ordena berean agertzen direla baieztatuz.
verify_user_sas_emoji_security_tip For ultimate security, use another trusted means of communication or do this in person. Segurtasun gehiagorako, erabili beste komunikabide fidagarri bat, edo egin aurrez-aurre.
verification_green_shield Look for the green shield to ensure a user is trusted. Trust all users in a room to ensure the room is secure. Bilatu ezkutu berdea erabiltzailea fidagarritzat duzula baieztatzeko. Jo gelako erabiltzaile guztiak fidagarritzat gela segurua dela baieztatzeko.
verification_conclusion_not_secure Not secure Ez segurua
verification_conclusion_compromised One of the following may be compromised:

- Your homeserver
- The homeserver the user you’re verifying is connected to
- Yours, or the other users’ internet connection
- Yours, or the other users’ device
Hauetakoren bat konprometitua egon daiteke:

- Zure hasiera-zerbitzaria
- Egiaztatzen ari zaren erabiltzailearen hasiera-zerbitzaria
- Zure edo bestearen internet konexioa
- Zure edo bestearen gailua
sent_a_video Video. Bideoa.
sent_an_image Image. Irudia.
sent_an_audio_file Audio Audioa
sent_a_file File Fitxategia
send_a_sticker Sticker
verification_request_waiting Waiting… Itxaroten…
Key English Basque State
content_reported_as_spam_content This content was reported as spam.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
Eduki hau spam gisa salatu da.

Ez baduzu erabiltzaile honen eduki gehiago ikusi nahi, bere mezuak ezkutatzeko blokeatu dezakezu
content_reported_as_spam_title Reported as spam Spam gisa salatua
content_reported_content This content was reported.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
Eduki hau salatu da.

Ez baduzu erabiltzaile honen eduki gehiago ikusi nahi, bere mezuak ezkutatzeko blokeatu dezakezu
content_reported_title Content reported Edukia salatuta
_continue Continue Jarraitu
copied_to_clipboard Copied to clipboard Arbelera kopiatuta
copy Copy Kopiatu
create Create Sortu
create_account Create Account Sortu kontua
create_community Create Community Sortu komunitatea
create_new_room Create New Room Sortu gela berria
create_room_action_create CREATE SORTU
create_room_directory_description Publish this room in the room directory Argitaratu gela hau gelen direktorioan
create_room_directory_title Room Directory Gelen direktorioa
create_room_dm_failure We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again. Ezin izan dugu zure mezu zuena sortu. Egiaztatu gonbidatu nahi dituzun erabiltzaileak eta saiatu berriro.
create_room_encryption_description Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled. Behin gaituta, zifratzea ezin da desgaitu.
create_room_encryption_title Enable encryption Gaitu zifratzea
create_room_name_hint Room name Gelaren izena
create_room_public_description Anyone will be able to join this room Edonor elkartu daiteke gela honetara
create_room_public_title Public Publikoa
create_room_title New Room Gela berria
creating_direct_room Creating room… Gela sortzen…
crosssigning_other_user_not_trust Other users may not trust it Beste erabiltzaile batzuk ez fidagarritzat jo lezakete
cross_signing_verify_by_emoji Interactively Verify by Emoji Egiaztatu interaktiboki Emoji bidez
cross_signing_verify_by_text Manually Verify by Text Egiaztatu eskuz testu bidez
crosssigning_verify_session Verify login Egiaztatu saioa
crosssigning_verify_this_session Verify this login Egiaztatu saio hau
dark_theme Dark Theme Azal iluna
deactivate_account_content This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible</b>.

Deactivating your account <b>does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent</b>. If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.
Honek kontua behin betirako erabilgaitza bihurtuko du. Ezin izango duzu saioa hasi, eta ezin izango du beste inork ID hori erabili. Kontua dagoen gela guztietatik aterako da, eta kontuaren xehetasunak identitate-zerbitzaritik ezabatuko dira. <b>Ekintza hau ezin da desegin</b>. Kontua desaktibatzean <b>ez dira zuk bidalitako mezuak ahaztuko.</b> Mezuak ahaztea nahi baduzu markatu beheko kutxa. Matrix-eko mezuen ikusgaitasuna e-mail sistemaren antekoa da. Guk zure mezuak ahaztean ez dizkiogu erabiltzaile berriei edo izena eman ez dutenei erakutsiko, baina jada zure mezuak jaso dituzten erregistratutako erabiltzaileen bere kopia izaten jarraituko dute.
deactivate_account_delete_checkbox Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (Warning: this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) Ahaztu bidali ditudan mezu guztiak kontua desaktibatzean (Abisua: Honekin etorkizuneko erabiltzaileek elkarrizketaren bertsio ez oso bat ikusiko dute)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1460