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A text message has been sent to %s. Please enter the verification code it contains.
Key English Basque State
settings_discovery_identity_server_info You are currently using %1$s to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. Orain %1$s erabiltzen ari zara ezagunak aurkitzeko eta ezagunek zu aurkitzeko.
settings_discovery_identity_server_info_none You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, configure one below. Orain ez duzu identitate-zerbitzaririk erabiltzen. Kontaktuak aurkitzeko eta aurkigarria izateko, gehitu bat azpian.
settings_discovery_emails_title Discoverable email addresses E-mail helbide aurkigarria
settings_discovery_no_mails Discovery options will appear once you have added an email. Aurkitze aukerak behin e-mail bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.
settings_discovery_no_msisdn Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number. Aurkitze aukerak behin telefono zenbaki bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.
settings_discovery_disconnect_identity_server_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and you won’t be able to invite others by email or phone. Identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean beste erabiltzaileek ezin izango zaituzte e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu, eta zuk ezin izango dituzu e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu.
settings_discovery_msisdn_title Discoverable phone numbers Telefono zenbaki aurkigarriak
settings_discovery_confirm_mail We sent you a confirm email to %s, check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_confirm_mail_not_clicked We sent you a confirm email to %s, please first check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_mail_pending Pending Egiteke
settings_discovery_enter_identity_server Enter an identity server URL Sartu identitate-zerbitzari URLa
settings_discovery_bad_identity_server Could not connect to identity server Ezin izan da identitate-zerbitzarira konektatu
settings_discovery_please_enter_server Please enter the identity server url Sartu identitate-zerbitzariaren URL-a
settings_discovery_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik
settings_discovery_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of services. Only continue if you trust the owner of the service Hautatu duzun identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik. Jarraitu soilik zerbitzuaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu
settings_text_message_sent A text message has been sent to %s. Please enter the verification code it contains. SMS mezu bat bidali zaizu %s zenbakira. Sartu hemen mezu horrek daukan egiaztatze-kodea.
settings_text_message_sent_wrong_code The verification code is not correct. Egiaztaketa kodea ez da zuzena.
settings_discovery_disconnect_with_bound_pid You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server %1$s. You will need to reconnect to %2$s to stop sharing them. Orain e-mail helbideak edo telefono zenbakiak partekatzen dituzu %1$s zerbitzarian. %2$s zerbitzarira konektatu beharko zara partekatzeari uzteko.
settings_agree_to_terms Agree to the identity server (%s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number. Onartu %s identitate-zerbitzariaren erabilera baldintzak besteek zu e-mail helbidea edo telefonoa erabiliz aurkitzea ahalbidetzeko.
labs_allow_extended_logging Enable verbose logs. Gaitu egunkari xehetsuak.
labs_allow_extended_logging_summary Verbose logs will help developers by providing more logs when you send a RageShake. Even when enabled, the application does not log message contents or any other private data. Amorruz astintzean egunkari xehetsuak bidaltzeak garatzaileei laguntzen diete. Gaituta badago ere, aplikazioak ez ditu mezuen edukiak edo beste datu probaturik gordetzen egunkarian.
error_terms_not_accepted Please retry once you have accepted the terms and conditions of your homeserver. Saiatu berriro zure hasiera-zerbitzariaren erabilera baldintzak onartu eta gero.
error_network_timeout Looks like the server is taking too long to respond, this can be caused by either poor connectivity or an error with the server. Please try again in a while. Badirudi zerbitzariak luze hartu duela erantzuteko, hau konexio kaxkar baten ondorioz izan daiteke edo zerbitzarian errore bat dagoelako. Saiatu berriro geroago.
send_attachment Send attachment Bidali eranskina
a11y_open_drawer Open the navigation drawer Ireki nabigazio-tiradera
a11y_create_menu_open Open the create room menu Ireki gela sortzeko menua
a11y_create_menu_close Close the create room menu… Itxi gela sortzeko menua…
a11y_create_direct_message Create a new direct conversation Sortu elkarrizketa zuzen berria
a11y_create_room Create a new room Sortu gela berria
a11y_close_keys_backup_banner Close keys backup banner Itxi gakoen babes-kopiaren banda
a11y_show_password Show password Erakutsi pasahitza
Key English Basque State
settings_set_sync_timeout Sync request timeout Sinkronizazio eskaerak debora-muga gainditu du
settings_set_workmanager_delay Preferred Sync Interval Hobetsitako sinkronizazio tartea
settings_set_workmanager_delay_summary %s
The sync might be deferred depending on the resources (battery) or state of the device (sleep).
Sinkronizazioa atzeratu daiteke zure baliabideen arabera (bateria) edo gailuaren egoeraren arabera (lo).
settings_show_avatar_display_name_changes_messages Show account events Erakutsi kontuen gertaerak
settings_show_avatar_display_name_changes_messages_summary Includes avatar and display name changes. Abatar eta izen aldaketak barne-hartzen ditu.
settings_show_devices_list See all my sessions Ikusi nire saio guztiak
settings_show_join_leave_messages Show join and leave events Erakutsi batu eta ateratze gertaerak
settings_show_join_leave_messages_summary Invites, kicks, and bans are unaffected. Gonbidapen, kanporatze eta debekuei ez die eragiten.
settings_show_read_receipts Show read receipts Erakutsi irakurragiriak
settings_show_read_receipts_summary Click on the read receipts for a detailed list. Egin klik irakurragirietan zerrenda xehetsu bat ikusteko.
settings_show_redacted Show removed messages Erakutsi kendutako mezuak
settings_show_redacted_summary Show a placeholder for removed messages Erakutsi kendutako mezuek utzitako hutsunea
settings_silent_notifications_preferences Configure Silent Notifications Konfiguratu jakinarazpen isilak
settings_start_on_boot Start on boot Hasi abioan
settings_system_preferences_summary Choose LED color, vibration, sound… Hautatu LED-aren kolorea, bibrazioa, soinua…
settings_text_message_sent A text message has been sent to %s. Please enter the verification code it contains. SMS mezu bat bidali zaizu %s zenbakira. Sartu hemen mezu horrek daukan egiaztatze-kodea.
settings_text_message_sent_wrong_code The verification code is not correct. Egiaztaketa kodea ez da zuzena.
settings_theme Theme Azala
settings_third_party_notices Third party notices Hirugarrengoen adierazpenak
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic Troubleshooting diagnostics Arazoak egiaztatzen
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_no_quickfix One or more tests have failed, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Gutxienez proba batek kale egin du, bidali mesedez arazte-txosten bat ikertu dezagun.
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_with_quickfix One or more tests have failed, try suggested fix(es). Gutxienez proba batek kale egin du, saiatu proposatutako konponketa(k).
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_run_button_title Run Tests Abiatu probak
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_running_status Running… (%1$d of %2$d) Exekutatzen… (%1$d / %2$d)
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_success_status Basic diagnostic is OK. If you still do not receive notifications, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Oinarrizko diagnostikoa ongi dago. Oraindik ez badituzu jakinarazpenak jasotzen, bidali arazte-txosten bat ikertu dezagun.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_failed Notifications are disabled for your account.
Please check account settings.
Jakinarazpenak desaktibatuta daude zure kontuarentzat. Egiaztatu zure kontuaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_quickfix Enable Aktibatu
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_success Notifications are enabled for your account. Jakinarazpenak aktibatuta daude zure kontuarentzat.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_title Account Settings. Kontuaren ezarpenak.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_failed If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. This prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms. Erabiltzaile batek gailu bat deskonektatuta eta erabili gabe uzten badu denbora batez, pantaila itzalita duela, gailua kuluxka moduan sartzen da. Honek aplikazioak sarera konektatzea eragozten du eta beraien lanak atzeratzen ditu, baita ohiko alarmak.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


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English Basque
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1256