The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Key English Basque State
push_gateway_item_url Url: Url-a:
push_gateway_item_format Format: Formatua:
preference_voice_and_video Voice & Video Ahotsa eta bideoa
preference_root_help_about Help & About Laguntza eta honi buruz
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_quick_fix Register token Erregistratu token-a
send_suggestion Make a suggestion Egin iradokizun bat
send_suggestion_content Please write your suggestion below. Idatzi zure iradokizuna azpian.
send_suggestion_report_placeholder Describe your suggestion here Deskribatu zure iradokizuna hemen
send_suggestion_sent Thanks, the suggestion has been successfully sent Eskerrik asko, iradokizuna ongi bidali da
send_suggestion_failed The suggestion failed to be sent (%s) Huts egin su iradokizuna bidaltzean (%s)
settings_labs_show_hidden_events_in_timeline Show hidden events in timeline Erakutsi ezkutatutako gertaerak denbora lerroan
store_riotx_title RiotX - Next Generation Matrix Client RiotX - Hurrengo belaunaldiko Matrix bezeroa
store_riotx_short_description A faster and lighter client for Matrix using the latest Android frameworks Matrix-erako bezero azkarrago eta arinago bat azken Android tresnak erabiliz eginak
store_riotx_full_description RiotX is a new client for the Matrix protocol ( an open network for secure, decentralised communication. RiotX is a full rewrite of the Riot Android client, based on a full rewrite of the Matrix Android SDK.

Disclaimer: This is a beta version. RiotX is currently in active development and contains limitations and (we hope not too many) bugs. All feedback is welcome!

RiotX supports: • Login to an existing account • Create room and join public rooms • Accept and reject invitations • List users rooms • View room details • Send text messages • Send attachment • Read and write messages in encrypted rooms • Crypto: E2E keys backup, advance device verification, key share request and answer • Push notification • Light, Dark and Black themes

Not all features in Riot are implemented in RiotX yet. Main missing (and coming soon!) features: • Room settings (list room members, etc.) • Calls • Widgets • …
RiotX bezero berri bat da Matrix protokoloarentzako ( komunikazioa seguru eta deszentralizatuarentzako sare libre bat. RiotX Android plataformarako Riot bezeroaren berridazketa oso bat da, erabat berridatzitako Android SDK-n oinarritua.

Abisua: hau beta bertsio bat da. RiotX garapen aktiboan dago eta baditu mugak zein akatsak (gehiegi ez espero dugu). Iruzkin guztiak ongi etorriak dira!

RiotX bezeroak honakoa ahalbidetzen du: • Badagoen kontu batean saioa hasi • Gelak sortu eta gela publikoetara elkartu • Gonbidapenak onartu edo ukatu • Erabiltzailearen gelak zerrendatu • Gelaren xehetasunak ikusi • Testuzko mezuak bidali • Eranskinak bidali • Zifratutako geletan mezuak irakurri eta idatzi • Zifratzea: E2Egakoen babeskopia, gailuaren egiaztaketa aurreratua, gakoa partekatzeko eskaria eta erantzuna • Push jakinarazpena • Azal argia, iluna eta beltza

Ez dira oraindik Riot bezeroaren ezaugarri guztiak ezarri RiotX bezeroan. Falta diren (eta laster etorriko direnen) artean nabarmenak dira: • Gelaren ezarpenak (gelako kideak zerrendatzea, eta abar.) • Deiak • Trepetak • …
bottom_action_people_x Direct Messages Mezu zuzenak
send_file_step_idle Waiting… Itxaroten…
send_file_step_encrypting_thumbnail Encrypting thumbnail… Iruditxoa zifratzen…
send_file_step_sending_thumbnail Sending thumbnail (%1$s / %2$s) Iruditxoa bidaltzen (%1$s / %2$s)
send_file_step_encrypting_file Encrypting file… Fitxategia zifratzen…
send_file_step_sending_file Sending file (%1$s / %2$s) Fitxategia bidaltzen (%1$s / %2$s)
downloading_file Downloading file %1$s… %1$s fitxategia deskargatzen…
downloaded_file File %1$s has been downloaded! %1$s fitxategia deskargatu da!
edited_suffix (edited) (editatua)
riotx_no_registration_notice %1$s to create an account. %1$s kontua sortzeko.
riotx_no_registration_notice_colored_part Use the old app Erabili aplikazio zaharra
message_edits Message Edits Mezuen edizioak
no_message_edits_found No edits found Ez da ediziorik aurkitu
room_filtering_filter_hint Filter conversations… Iragazi elkarrizketak…
room_filtering_footer_title Can’t find what you’re looking for? Ezin duzu bilatzen ari zarena aurkitu?
room_filtering_footer_create_new_room Create a new room Sortu gela berria
room_filtering_footer_create_new_direct_message Send a new direct message Bidali mezu zuzen berri bat
Key English Basque State
send_bug_report_app_crashed The application has crashed last time. Would you like to open the crash report screen? Aurrekoan aplikazioa kraskatu da. Kraskatze-txostena ireki nahi duzu?
send_bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened? Azaldu akatsa. Zer egin duzu? Zer espero zenuen? Zer gertatu da benetan?
send_bug_report_description_in_english If possible, please write the description in English. Ahal dela idatzi deskripzioa ingelesez.
send_bug_report_failed The bug report failed to be sent (%s) Huts egin du arazte-txostenaren bidalketak (%s)
send_bug_report_include_crash_logs Send crash logs Bidali kraskatze egunkariak
send_bug_report_include_logs Send logs Bidali egunkariak
send_bug_report_include_screenshot Send screenshot Bidali pantaila-argazkia
send_bug_report_logs_description In order to diagnose problems, logs from this client will be sent with this bug report. This bug report, including the logs and the screenshot, will not be publicly visible. If you would prefer to only send the text above, please untick: Akatsak aztertzeari begira, bezero honen egunkariak arazte-txosten honekin batera bidaliko dira. Arazte-txosten hau, egunkariak eta pantaila-argazkia barne, ez dira publikoki ikusgai egongo. Goiko testua besterik ez baduzu bidali nahi, desmarkatu:
send_bug_report_placeholder Describe your problem here Azaldu zure arazoa hemen
send_bug_report_progress Progress (%s%%) Aurrerapena (%s%%)
send_bug_report_rage_shake Rage shake to report bug Astindu amorruz akatsaren berri emateko
send_bug_report_sent The bug report has been successfully sent Arazte-txostena ongi bidali da
send_files_in Send into Bidali hona
send_file_step_encrypting_file Encrypting file… Fitxategia zifratzen…
send_file_step_encrypting_thumbnail Encrypting thumbnail… Iruditxoa zifratzen…
send_file_step_idle Waiting… Itxaroten…
send_file_step_sending_file Sending file (%1$s / %2$s) Fitxategia bidaltzen (%1$s / %2$s)
send_file_step_sending_thumbnail Sending thumbnail (%1$s / %2$s) Iruditxoa bidaltzen (%1$s / %2$s)
send_images_with_original_size Send image with the original size Bidali irudia jatorrizko tamainan
send_suggestion Make a suggestion Egin iradokizun bat
send_suggestion_content Please write your suggestion below. Idatzi zure iradokizuna azpian.
send_suggestion_failed The suggestion failed to be sent (%s) Huts egin su iradokizuna bidaltzean (%s)
send_suggestion_report_placeholder Describe your suggestion here Deskribatu zure iradokizuna hemen
send_suggestion_sent Thanks, the suggestion has been successfully sent Eskerrik asko, iradokizuna ongi bidali da
send_you_invite Sent you an invitation Gonbidapen bat bidali dizu
sent_a_file File Fitxategia
sent_an_audio_file Audio Audioa
sent_an_image Image. Irudia.
sent_a_video Video. Bideoa.
set_recovery_passphrase Set a %s Ezarri %s bat
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1205