The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


We could not invite users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
Key English Russian State
cross_signing_verify_by_emoji Interactively Verify by Emoji Интерактивная проверка со смайлами
confirm_your_identity Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages. Подтвердите свою личность и получите доступ к зашифрованным сообщениям, подтвердив этот вход в другой сессии.
mark_as_verified Mark as Trusted
error_empty_field_choose_user_name Please choose a username. Пожалуйста, выберите имя пользователя.
error_empty_field_choose_password Please choose a password. Пожалуйста, выберите пароль.
external_link_confirmation_title Double-check this link
external_link_confirmation_message The link %1$s is taking you to another site: %2$s.

Are you sure you want to continue?
create_room_dm_failure We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
add_members_to_room Add members
invite_users_to_room_action_invite INVITE
inviting_users_to_room Inviting users…
invite_users_to_room_title Invite Users
invitation_sent_to_one_user Invitation sent to %1$s
invitations_sent_to_two_users Invitations sent to %1$s and %2$s
invitations_sent_to_one_and_more_users Invitations sent to %1$s and one more
invite_users_to_room_failure We could not invite users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
choose_locale_current_locale_title Current language
choose_locale_other_locales_title Other available languages
choose_locale_loading_locales Loading available languages…
open_terms_of Open terms of %s
disconnect_identity_server_dialog_content Disconnect from the identity server %s?
identity_server_error_outdated_identity_server This identity server is outdated. RiotX support only API V2.
identity_server_error_outdated_home_server This operation is not possible. The homeserver is outdated.
identity_server_error_no_identity_server_configured Please first configure an identity server.
identity_server_error_terms_not_signed Please first accepts the terms of the identity server in the settings.
identity_server_error_bulk_sha256_not_supported For your privacy, RiotX only supports sending hashed user emails and phone number.
identity_server_error_binding_error The association has failed.
identity_server_error_no_current_binding_error The is no current association with this identifier.
identity_server_set_default_notice Your homeserver (%1$s) proposes to use %2$s for your identity server
identity_server_set_default_submit Use %1$s
identity_server_set_alternative_notice Alternatively, you can enter any other identity server URL
Key English Russian State
incoming_call Incoming Call Входящий вызов
incoming_video_call Incoming Video Call Входящий видеовызов
incoming_voice_call Incoming Voice Call Входящий голосовой вызов
initialize_cross_signing Initialize CrossSigning
integration_manager_not_configured No integration manager configured. Менеджер интеграции не настроен.
invalid_or_expired_credentials You have been logged out due to invalid or expired credentials. Вы вышли из системы из-за недействительных или истекших учетных данных.
invitation_sent_to_one_user Invitation sent to %1$s
invitations_header Invites Приглашения
invitations_sent_to_one_and_more_users Invitations sent to %1$s and one more
invitations_sent_to_two_users Invitations sent to %1$s and %2$s
invite Invite Приглашение
invited Invited Приглашен
invited_by Invited by %s Приглашен %s
invite_no_identity_server_error Add an identity server in your settings to perform this action. Добавьте идентификационный сервер в свои настройки, чтобы выполнить это действие.
invite_users_to_room_action_invite INVITE
invite_users_to_room_failure We could not invite users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
invite_users_to_room_title Invite Users
inviting_users_to_room Inviting users…
join Join Присоединиться
joined Joined Присоединился
joining_room Joining room… Присоединение к комнате…
join_room Join Room Войти в Комнату
keep_it_safe Keep it safe
keys_backup_activate Use Key Backup Использовать резервную копию ключа
keys_backup_banner_in_progress Backing up keys… Резервное копирование ключей…
keys_backup_banner_recover_line1 Never lose encrypted messages Никогда не теряйте зашифрованные сообщения
keys_backup_banner_recover_line2 Use Key Backup Использовать резервное копирование ключей
keys_backup_banner_setup_line1 Never lose encrypted messages Никогда не теряйте зашифрованные сообщения
keys_backup_banner_setup_line2 Start using Key Backup Начать использовать резервное копирование ключей
keys_backup_banner_update_line1 New secure message keys Новые ключи зашифрованных сообщений


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English Russian
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml, string 1724