The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.

New Conversation
Key English Basque State
login.welcome-message Sign in to your account to get started. Hasi saioa zure kontuarekin.
login.form.username Username Erabiltzailea
login.form.password Password Pasahitza
login.form.homeserver Homeserver Zerbitzaria
login.form.homeserver-optional-explanation Homeserver is optional if you're using Ez da beharrezkoa zerbitzaria zehaztea erabilko bauduzu.
login.sign-in Sign in Hasi saioa Don't have an account yet? Oraindik ez duzu konturik?
login.register-not-yet-implemented Registering for new accounts is not yet implemented. Oraindik ez da gaitu kontu berriak sortzeko aukera.
login.failure-back-to-login Back to Login Egin atzera
loading.1 Reticulating splines Saretzen
loading.2 Discomfrobulating messages Mezuak nahasten
loading.3 Logging in Saioa hasten
loading.4 Restoring session Saioa berreskuratzen
loading.cancel Cancel Utzi
recent-rooms.accessibility-label.settings Settings Ezarpenak New Conversation Elkarrizketa berria New Message Mezu berria DM with %@, %@ %@ %@, %@ %@(r)ekin Mezu Zuzena Room %@, %@ %@ %@, %@ %@ gela %u new messages %u mezu berri
recent-rooms.pending-invitations.header Pending Invitations Onartzeke dauden gonbidapenak
recent-rooms.pending-invitations.leave.alert-title Reject Invitation? Gonbidapenari ezetza eman?
recent-rooms.rooms.header Rooms Gelak
recent-rooms.leave.alert-title Leave Room Irten gelatik
recent-rooms.leave.alert-body Are you sure you want to leave '%@'? This action cannot be undone. Ziur zaude '%@' utzi nahi duzula? Hau ezin da desegin. Send attachment Bidali erantsiak
room.attachment.type-photo Photo Argazkia
room.remove.title Remove? Kendu?
room.remove.message Are you sure you want to remove this message? Ziur zaude mezu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
room.remove.action Remove Kendu
room.invitation.fallback-title New Conversation Elkarrizketa berria
Key English Basque State
login.welcome-header Welcome to Ongi etorri
login.welcome-message Sign in to your account to get started. Hasi saioa zure kontuarekin.
new-conversation.alert-failed Failed To Start Chat Ezin izan da txata hasi
new-conversation.cancel Cancel Utzi
new-conversation.create-room Start Chat Hasi txata
new-conversation.done Done Egina
new-conversation.edit Edit Moldatu
new-conversation.for-example For example Adibidez
new-conversation.public-room Public Room Gela publikoa Room Name Gelako izena
new-conversation.title-chat New Chat Txat berria
new-conversation.title-room New Room Gela berria
new-conversation.username-placeholder Matrix ID Matrix IDa
reaction-picker.title Tap on an emoji to send that reaction. Egin ttap emoji batean erreakzio hori bidaltzeko. DM with %@, %@ %@ %@, %@ %@(r)ekin Mezu Zuzena New Conversation Elkarrizketa berria %u new messages %u mezu berri Room %@, %@ %@ %@, %@ %@ gela
recent-rooms.accessibility-label.settings Settings Ezarpenak
recent-rooms.leave.alert-body Are you sure you want to leave '%@'? This action cannot be undone. Ziur zaude '%@' utzi nahi duzula? Hau ezin da desegin.
recent-rooms.leave.alert-title Leave Room Irten gelatik New Message Mezu berria
recent-rooms.pending-invitations.header Pending Invitations Onartzeke dauden gonbidapenak
recent-rooms.pending-invitations.leave.alert-title Reject Invitation? Gonbidapenari ezetza eman?
recent-rooms.rooms.header Rooms Gelak Send attachment Bidali erantsiak
room.attachment.type-photo Photo Argazkia
room.invitation.fallback-title New Conversation Elkarrizketa berria
room.invitation.join-alert.join-button Join Batu
room.invitation.join-alert.message Accept invitation to join '%@'? '%@'(e)ra batzeko gonbidapena onartu?
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Nio/Nio
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Nio/Nio


User avatar punkrockgirl

New translation

Nio / NioBasque

New Conversation
Elkarrizketa berria
2 years ago
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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Nio/Supporting Files/eu.lproj/Localizable.strings, string 17