Maybe should be replaced with just Riot given the plan to merge it with RiotX

4 years ago
No valid Google Play Services APK found. Notifications may not work properly.
Nije pronađen valjajući APK Usluga za Google Play. Moguće je da obavijesti neće ispravno raditi.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
%1$s: %2$s
%1$s: %2$s
4 years ago
4 years ago
Only for errors
Samo za greške
4 years ago
For messages and errors
Za poruke i greške
4 years ago
4 years ago
Show the info area
Prikaži ovu informativnu zonu
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Sorry, an error occurred
Nažalost je došlo do greške
4 years ago
Your homeserver does not support lazy loading of room members yet. Try later.
Vaš poslužitelj ne podržava lijeno učitavanje članova soba. Pokušajte kasnije.
4 years ago
Increase performance by only loading room members on first view.
Povećaj performanse učitavanjem članova soba tek na prvo otvaranje.
4 years ago
Lazy load rooms members
Lijeno učitavanje članova soba
4 years ago
Please %s to continue using this service.
Molimo %s za nastavak korištenja Vašeovog servisa.
4 years ago

I'd suggest to redo this and closely related strings as using placeholders in subparts of an English sentence does not necessarily nicely correspond to the same construct in another language. In other words, full sentences without subsentence placeholders would be a preferred alternative.

4 years ago
Please %s to get this limit increased.
Obratite seMolimo %s za povećanje ovog ograničenja.
4 years ago
Please %s to continue using this service.
Molimo %s za nastavak korištenja Vašeg servisa.
4 years ago
