You are not using any Identity Server
Ne koristite poslužitelja identiteta
4 years ago
Security & Privacy
Sigurnost i privatnost
4 years ago
4 years ago
User avatar mdimjasevic

Added to glossary

[Deprecated] Riot AndroidCroatian [Deprecated] Riot Android

4 years ago

At least on my phone in RiotX 0.21.0, the bug report item is located in the top-right menu, and not top-left. If this is the case in general, it should be updated accordingly. On the other hand, if the position of the item is not universal, the string should be changed to reflect this.

4 years ago

At least on my phone in RiotX 0.21.0, the bug report item is located in the top-right menu, and not top-left. If this is the case in general, it should be updated accordingly. On the other hand, if the position of the item is not universal, the string should be changed to reflect this.

4 years ago
4 years ago
Quick Reactions
Brze reakcije
4 years ago
You are already viewing this room!
Već se nalazite u toj sobi!
4 years ago
Other third party notices
Druge obavijesti trećih strana
4 years ago
Matrix SDK Version
Inačica Matrix SDK-a
4 years ago
Import e2e keys from file "%1$s".
Uvezi ključeve za E2E iz datoteke "%1$s".
4 years ago
The latest feature list is always in the %1$s, and if you find bugs please submit a report in the top left menu of Home, and we’ll fix them as quickly as we can.
Najnoviji popis značajki se uvijek nalazi na %1%s. Ako nađete greške u aplikaciji, budite ljubazni pa pošaljite izvještaj pomoću izbornika u gornje-lijevom kutu Početne stranice. Razvijatelji će ispraviti greške čim prije.
4 years ago
If you find bugs please submit a report in the top left menu of Home, and we’ll fix them as quickly as we can.
Ako nađete greške u aplikaciji, budite ljubazni pa pošaljite izvještaj pomoću izbornika u gornje-lijevom kutu Početne stranice. Razvijatelji će ispraviti greške čim prije.
4 years ago
Play Store description
Opis za trgovinu Play
4 years ago
The latest feature list is always in the %1$s, and if you find bugs please submit a report in the top left menu of Home, and we’ll fix them as quickly as we can.
Najnoviji popis značajki se uvijek nalazi na %1%s. Ako nađete greške u aplikaciji, pošaljite izvještaj pomoću izbornika u gornje-lijevom kutu Početne stranice. Razvijatelji će ispraviti greške čim prije.
4 years ago
While RiotX is in early development, some features may be missing and you may experience bugs.
Obzirom da je RiotX u fazi ranog razvoja, neke značajke mogu nedostajati i moguće su greške u aplikaciji.
4 years ago
Welcome to the beta!
Dobrodošli u radnu inačicu!
4 years ago
An error occurred getting keys backup data
Došlo je do greške pri dohvaćanju podataka iz sigurnosne kopije ključeva
4 years ago
Publish this room in the room directory
Objavi ovu sobu u popisu soba
4 years ago
