
View poll in timeline
Key English Icelandic State
room_waiting_other_participants_message Once invited users have joined %@, you will be able to chat and the room will be end-to-end encrypted
space_selector_title My spaces Svæðin mín
space_selector_empty_view_title No spaces yet. Engin svæði ennþá.
space_selector_empty_view_information Spaces are a way to group rooms and people. Create a space to get started. Svæði eru ný leið til að hópa fólk og spjallrásir. Útbúðu svæði til að komast í gang.
space_selector_create_space Create Space Búa til svæði
space_detail_nav_title Space detail Nánar um svæði
space_invite_nav_title Space invite Boð á svæði
poll_history_title Poll history Breytingaskrá könnunar
poll_history_loading_text Displaying polls
poll_history_active_segment_title Active polls Virkar kannanir
poll_history_past_segment_title Past polls Fyrri kannanir
poll_history_no_active_poll_text There are no active polls in this room
poll_history_no_past_poll_text There are no past polls in this room
poll_history_no_active_poll_period_text There are no active polls for the past %@ days. Load more polls to view polls for previous months
poll_history_no_past_poll_period_text There are no past polls for the past %@ days. Load more polls to view polls for previous months
poll_history_detail_view_in_timeline View poll in timeline
poll_history_load_more Load more polls
poll_history_fetching_error Error fetching polls.
poll_edit_form_create_poll Create poll Búa til könnun
poll_edit_form_poll_type Poll type Tegund könnunar
poll_edit_form_poll_question_or_topic Poll question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni könnunar
poll_edit_form_question_or_topic Question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni
poll_edit_form_input_placeholder Write something Skrifaðu eitthvað
poll_edit_form_create_options Create options Búa til valkosti
poll_edit_form_option_number Option %lu Valkostur %lu
poll_edit_form_add_option Add option Bæta við valkosti
poll_edit_form_post_failure_title Failed to post poll Mistókst að birta könnun
poll_edit_form_post_failure_subtitle Please try again Endilega reyndu aftur
poll_edit_form_update_failure_title Failed to update poll Mistókst að uppfæra könnun
poll_edit_form_update_failure_subtitle Please try again Endilega reyndu aftur
poll_edit_form_poll_type_open Open poll Opna könnun
Key English Icelandic State
poll_edit_form_create_poll Create poll Búa til könnun
poll_edit_form_input_placeholder Write something Skrifaðu eitthvað
poll_edit_form_option_number Option %lu Valkostur %lu
poll_edit_form_poll_question_or_topic Poll question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni könnunar
poll_edit_form_poll_type Poll type Tegund könnunar
poll_edit_form_poll_type_closed Closed poll Lokuð könnun
poll_edit_form_poll_type_closed_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll Niðurstöður birtast einungis eftir að þú hefur lokað könnuninni
poll_edit_form_poll_type_open Open poll Opna könnun
poll_edit_form_poll_type_open_description Voters see results as soon as they have voted Kjósendur sjá niðurstöðurnar þegar þeir hafa kosið
poll_edit_form_post_failure_subtitle Please try again Endilega reyndu aftur
poll_edit_form_post_failure_title Failed to post poll Mistókst að birta könnun
poll_edit_form_question_or_topic Question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni
poll_edit_form_update_failure_subtitle Please try again Endilega reyndu aftur
poll_edit_form_update_failure_title Failed to update poll Mistókst að uppfæra könnun
poll_history_active_segment_title Active polls Virkar kannanir
poll_history_detail_view_in_timeline View poll in timeline
poll_history_fetching_error Error fetching polls.
poll_history_loading_text Displaying polls
poll_history_load_more Load more polls
poll_history_no_active_poll_period_text There are no active polls for the past %@ days. Load more polls to view polls for previous months
poll_history_no_active_poll_text There are no active polls in this room
poll_history_no_past_poll_period_text There are no past polls for the past %@ days. Load more polls to view polls for previous months
poll_history_no_past_poll_text There are no past polls in this room
poll_history_past_segment_title Past polls Fyrri kannanir
poll_history_title Poll history Breytingaskrá könnunar
poll_timeline_decryption_error Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted
poll_timeline_ended_text Ended the poll Lauk könnuninni
poll_timeline_loading Loading...
poll_timeline_not_closed_subtitle Please try again Endilega reyndu aftur
poll_timeline_not_closed_title Failed to end poll Mistókst að ljúka könnun


No matching activity found.

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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/is.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1788