
Picture change failed
Key English Icelandic State
room_event_encryption_info_unblock Unblacklist Taka af bannlista
room_event_encryption_info_key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.
room_event_encryption_verify_title Verify session

Sannprófa setu

room_event_encryption_verify_message To verify that this session can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this session matches the key below:

Session name: %@
Session ID: %@
Session key: %@

If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesnt, then someone else is intercepting this session and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.

In future this verification process will be more sophisticated.
room_event_encryption_verify_ok Verify Sannreyna
account_save_changes Save changes Vista breytingar
account_link_email Link Email Tengja tölvupóstfang
account_linked_emails Linked emails Tengd tölvupóstföng
account_email_validation_title Verification Pending Sannvottun í bið
account_email_validation_message Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue. Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn og smelltu á tengilinn sem hann inniheldur. Þegar því er lokið skaltu smella á að halda áfram.
account_email_validation_error Unable to verify email address. Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue Tókst ekki að sannreyna tölvupóstfang. Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn og smelltu á tengilinn sem hann inniheldur. Þegar því er lokið skaltu smella á að halda áfram
account_msisdn_validation_title Verification Pending Sannvottun í bið
account_msisdn_validation_message We've sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below. Við höfum sent SMS-skilaboð með virkjunarkóða. Settu þennan kóða inn hér fyrir neðan.
account_msisdn_validation_error Unable to verify phone number. Ekki var hægt að sannreyna símanúmer.
account_error_display_name_change_failed Display name change failed Breyting birtingarnafns mistókst
account_error_picture_change_failed Picture change failed Breyting á mynd mistókst
account_error_matrix_session_is_not_opened Matrix session is not opened Matrix-seta er ekki opnuð
account_error_email_wrong_title Invalid Email Address Ógilt tölvupóstfang
account_error_email_wrong_description This doesn't appear to be a valid email address Þetta lítur ekki út eins og gilt tölvupóstfang
account_error_msisdn_wrong_title Invalid Phone Number Ógilt símanúmer
account_error_msisdn_wrong_description This doesn't appear to be a valid phone number Þetta lítur ekki út eins og gilt símanúmer
account_error_push_not_allowed Notifications not allowed Tilkynningar ekki leyfðar
room_creation_name_title Room name: Heiti spjallrásar:
room_creation_name_placeholder (e.g. lunchGroup) (t.d. kaffiHópur)
room_creation_alias_title Room alias: Samnefni spjallrásar:
room_creation_alias_placeholder (e.g. (t.d. #eitthvað
room_creation_alias_placeholder_with_homeserver (e.g. #foo%@) (t.d. #eitthvað%@)
room_creation_participants_title Participants: Þátttakendur:
room_creation_participants_placeholder (e.g. @bob:homeserver1; @john:homeserver2...) (t.d.: @jon:heimaþjónn1; @sigga:heimaþjónn2...)
room_please_select Please select a room Veldu einhverja spjallrás
room_error_join_failed_title Failed to join room Mistókst að taka þátt í spjallrás
Key English Icelandic State
abort Abort Hætta
accept Accept Samþykkja
accessibility_button_label button hnappur
accessibility_checkbox_label checkbox hakreitur
accessibility_selected selected
account_email_validation_error Unable to verify email address. Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue Tókst ekki að sannreyna tölvupóstfang. Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn og smelltu á tengilinn sem hann inniheldur. Þegar því er lokið skaltu smella á að halda áfram
account_email_validation_message Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue. Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn og smelltu á tengilinn sem hann inniheldur. Þegar því er lokið skaltu smella á að halda áfram.
account_email_validation_title Verification Pending Sannvottun í bið
account_error_display_name_change_failed Display name change failed Breyting birtingarnafns mistókst
account_error_email_wrong_description This doesn't appear to be a valid email address Þetta lítur ekki út eins og gilt tölvupóstfang
account_error_email_wrong_title Invalid Email Address Ógilt tölvupóstfang
account_error_matrix_session_is_not_opened Matrix session is not opened Matrix-seta er ekki opnuð
account_error_msisdn_wrong_description This doesn't appear to be a valid phone number Þetta lítur ekki út eins og gilt símanúmer
account_error_msisdn_wrong_title Invalid Phone Number Ógilt símanúmer
account_error_picture_change_failed Picture change failed Breyting á mynd mistókst
account_error_push_not_allowed Notifications not allowed Tilkynningar ekki leyfðar
account_linked_emails Linked emails Tengd tölvupóstföng
account_link_email Link Email Tengja tölvupóstfang
account_logout_all Logout all accounts Skrá út af öllum notandaaðgöngum
account_msisdn_validation_error Unable to verify phone number. Ekki var hægt að sannreyna símanúmer.
account_msisdn_validation_message We've sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below. Við höfum sent SMS-skilaboð með virkjunarkóða. Settu þennan kóða inn hér fyrir neðan.
account_msisdn_validation_title Verification Pending Sannvottun í bið
account_save_changes Save changes Vista breytingar
action_logout Logout Útskráning
active_call Active Call Virkt símtal
active_call_details Active Call (%@) Virkt símtal (%@)
add Add Bæta við
all_chats_all_filter All Allt
all_chats_edit_layout Layout preferences Kjörstillingar framsetningar


User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Picture change failed
Breyting á mynd mistókst
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/is.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2172