
Stop sharing
Key English Basque State
call_actions_unhold Resume
no_voip_title Incoming call Deia jasotzen
no_voip %@ is calling you but %@ does not support calls yet.
You can ignore this notification and answer the call from another device or you can reject it.
%@ zu deitzen ari da baina %@(e)k ez ditu deiak onartzen oraindik.
Jakinarazpen hau ezikusi dezakezu eta deia beste gailu batetik hartu, edo deia baztertu.
analytics_prompt_title Help improve %@
analytics_prompt_message_new_user Help us identify issues and improve %@ by sharing anonymous usage data. To understand how people use multiple devices, we’ll generate a random identifier, shared by your devices.
analytics_prompt_message_upgrade You previously consented to share anonymous usage data with us. Now, to help understand how people use multiple devices, we’ll generate a random identifier, shared by your devices.
analytics_prompt_terms_new_user You can read all our terms %@.
analytics_prompt_terms_link_new_user here
analytics_prompt_terms_upgrade Read all our terms %@. Is that OK?
analytics_prompt_terms_link_upgrade here
analytics_prompt_point_1 We <b>don't</b> record or profile any account data
analytics_prompt_point_2 We <b>don't</b> share information with third parties
analytics_prompt_point_3 You can turn this off anytime in settings
analytics_prompt_not_now Not now
analytics_prompt_yes Yes, that's fine
analytics_prompt_stop Stop sharing
e2e_enabling_on_app_update %@ now supports end-to-end encryption but you need to log in again to enable it.

You can do it now or later from the application settings.
%@ek orain muturretik muturrerako zifratzea onartzen du baina berriro hasi behar duzu saioa hau gaitzeko.

Orain egin dezakezu edo gero aplikazioaren ezarpenetatik.
e2e_need_log_in_again You need to log back in to generate end-to-end encryption keys for this session and submit the public key to your homeserver.
This is a once off; sorry for the inconvenience.
Berriro hasi behar duzu saioa muturretik muturrerako zifratzerako saio honek gakoak sortzeko eta gako publikoa zure hasiera zerbitzarira bidali behar duzu.
Hau behin bakarrik egin behar duzu, barkatu eragozpenak.
e2e_key_backup_wrong_version_title New Key Backup Gakoen babes-kopia berria
e2e_key_backup_wrong_version A new secure message key backup has been detected.

If this wasn’t you, set a new Security Phrase in Settings.
Mezu seguruen gakoen babes-kopia berri bat antzeman da.

Zu izan ez bazara, ezarri pasaesaldi berria ezarpenetan.
e2e_key_backup_wrong_version_button_settings Settings Ezarpenak
e2e_key_backup_wrong_version_button_wasme It was me Ni izan naiz
bug_report_title Bug Report Arazte-txostena
bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened? Azaldu akatsa. Zer egin duzu? Zer uste zenuen gertatuko zela? Zer gertatu da benetan?
bug_crash_report_title Crash Report Kraskatze-txostena
bug_crash_report_description Please describe what you did before the crash: Azaldu zer zeunden egiten programa kraskatu aurretik:
bug_report_logs_description In order to diagnose problems, logs from this client will be sent with this bug report. If you would prefer to only send the text above, please untick: Arazoak aztertzeari begira, bezero honen egunkariak arazte-txosten honekin batera bidaliko dira. Goiko testua besterik ez baduzu bidali nahi, desmarkatu:
bug_report_send_logs Send logs Bidali egunkariak
bug_report_send_screenshot Send screenshot Bidali pantaila-argazkia
bug_report_progress_zipping Collecting logs Egunkariak biltzen
bug_report_progress_uploading Uploading report Txostena igotzen
Key English Basque State
all_chats_empty_unreads_placeholder_message This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some.
all_chats_empty_view_information The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Create a chat, or join an existing room, to get started.
all_chats_empty_view_title %@
is looking a little empty.
all_chats_nothing_found_placeholder_message Try adjusting your search.
all_chats_nothing_found_placeholder_title Nothing found.
all_chats_section_title Chats
all_chats_title All chats
all_chats_user_menu_accessibility_label User menu
all_chats_user_menu_settings User settings
analytics_prompt_message_new_user Help us identify issues and improve %@ by sharing anonymous usage data. To understand how people use multiple devices, we’ll generate a random identifier, shared by your devices.
analytics_prompt_message_upgrade You previously consented to share anonymous usage data with us. Now, to help understand how people use multiple devices, we’ll generate a random identifier, shared by your devices.
analytics_prompt_not_now Not now
analytics_prompt_point_1 We <b>don't</b> record or profile any account data
analytics_prompt_point_2 We <b>don't</b> share information with third parties
analytics_prompt_point_3 You can turn this off anytime in settings
analytics_prompt_stop Stop sharing
analytics_prompt_terms_link_new_user here
analytics_prompt_terms_link_upgrade here
analytics_prompt_terms_new_user You can read all our terms %@.
analytics_prompt_terms_upgrade Read all our terms %@. Is that OK?
analytics_prompt_title Help improve %@
analytics_prompt_yes Yes, that's fine
answer_call Answer Call Erantzun deia
attach_media Attach Media from Library Erantsi media liburutegitik
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Utzi deskarga?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Utzi deskarga?
attachment_e2e_keys_file_prompt This file contains encryption keys exported from a Matrix client.
Do you want to view the file content or import the keys it contains?
Fitxategi honek Matrix bezero batetik esportatutako zifratze gakoak ditu.
Fitxategiaren edukia ikusi nahi duzu edo dauzkan gakoak inportatu?
attachment_e2e_keys_import Import... Inportatu…
attachment_large Large (~%@) Handia: %@
attachment_large_with_resolution Large %@ (~%@)


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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1054