
Key English Estonian State
room_participants_remove_prompt_title Confirmation Kinnitus
room_participants_remove_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to remove %@ from this chat? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid eemaldada %@ sellest vestlusest?
room_participants_remove_third_party_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to revoke this invite? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid tühistada selle kutse?
room_participants_invite_prompt_title Confirmation Kinnitus
room_participants_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to invite %@ to this chat? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid kutsuda %@ vestlusele?
room_participants_invite_prompt_to_msg Are you sure you want to invite %@ to %@? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid kutsuda %@ %@ jututuppa?
room_participants_invite_unknown_participant_prompt_to_msg Unable to find profiles for this Matrix ID. Are you sure you want to invite %@ to %@? Sellele Matrix'i kasutajatunnuse profiili ei leidu. Kas sa ikkagi tahaksid saata kutset kasutajale %@ jututuppa %@?
room_participants_invite_anyway Invite anyway Kutsu siiski
room_participants_filter_room_members Filter room members Filtreeri jututoa liikmeid
room_participants_filter_room_members_for_dm Filter members Filtreeri jututoa liikmeid
room_participants_invite_another_user Search / invite by User ID, Name or email Otsi või kutsu uut kasutajat tema kasutajatunnuse, nime või e-posti aadressi alusel
room_participants_invite_malformed_id_title Invite Error Viga kutse saatmisel
room_participants_invite_malformed_id Malformed ID. Should be an email address or a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain' Vigane kasutajatunnus. Peaksid kasutama kas e-posti aadressi või õiget Matrix'i kasutajatunnust vormingus ''
room_participants_invited_section INVITED KUTSUTUD
room_participants_start_new_chat_error_using_user_email_without_identity_server No identity server is configured so you cannot start a chat with a contact using an email. Ühtegi isikutuvastusserverit pole seadistatud ning sul ei ole võimalik alustada vestlust teise osapoole e-posti aadressi alusel.
room_participants_online Online Võrgus
room_participants_offline Offline Võrgust väljas
room_participants_unknown Unknown Teadmata olek
room_participants_idle Idle Jõude
room_participants_now now praegu
room_participants_ago ago tagasi
room_participants_action_section_admin_tools Admin tools Haldustoimingud
room_participants_action_section_direct_chats Direct chats Otsevestlused
room_participants_action_section_devices Sessions Sessioonid
room_participants_action_section_other Options Valikud
room_participants_action_section_security Security Turvalisus
room_participants_action_invite Invite Kutsu
room_participants_action_leave Leave this room Lahku sellest jututoast
room_participants_action_remove Remove from this room Eemalda sellest jututoast
room_participants_action_ban Ban from this room Keela ligipääs siia jututuppa
room_participants_action_unban Unban Taasta ligipääs
Key English Estonian State
room_participants_invite_malformed_id_title Invite Error Viga kutse saatmisel
room_participants_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to invite %@ to this chat? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid kutsuda %@ vestlusele?
room_participants_invite_prompt_title Confirmation Kinnitus
room_participants_invite_prompt_to_msg Are you sure you want to invite %@ to %@? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid kutsuda %@ %@ jututuppa?
room_participants_invite_unknown_participant_prompt_to_msg Unable to find profiles for this Matrix ID. Are you sure you want to invite %@ to %@? Sellele Matrix'i kasutajatunnuse profiili ei leidu. Kas sa ikkagi tahaksid saata kutset kasutajale %@ jututuppa %@?
room_participants_leave_processing Leaving Lahkumine
room_participants_leave_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to leave the room? Kas oled kindel, et soovid lahkuda jututoast?
room_participants_leave_prompt_msg_for_dm Are you sure you want to leave? Kas oled kindel, et soovid lahkuda jututoast?
room_participants_leave_prompt_title Leave room Lahku jututoast
room_participants_leave_prompt_title_for_dm Leave Lahku
room_participants_leave_success Left room Sa oled jututoast lahkunud
room_participants_multi_participants %d participants %d osalejat
room_participants_now now praegu
room_participants_offline Offline Võrgust väljas
room_participants_one_participant 1 participant 1 osaleja
room_participants_online Online Võrgus
room_participants_remove_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to remove %@ from this chat? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid eemaldada %@ sellest vestlusest?
room_participants_remove_prompt_title Confirmation Kinnitus
room_participants_remove_third_party_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to revoke this invite? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid tühistada selle kutse?
room_participants_security_information_room_encrypted Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.

Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
Sõnumid siin jututoas kasutavad läbivat krüptimist.

Sinu sõnumid on turvatud ning ainult sinul ja saaja(te)l on unikaalsed võtmed selliste sõnumite lugemiseks.
room_participants_security_information_room_encrypted_for_dm Messages here are end-to-end encrypted.

Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
Sõnumid siin jututoas kasutavad läbivat krüptimist.

Sinu sõnumid on turvatud ning ainult sinul ja saaja(te)l on unikaalsed võtmed selliste sõnumite lugemiseks.
room_participants_security_information_room_not_encrypted Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted. See jututuba ei ole läbivalt krüptitud.
room_participants_security_information_room_not_encrypted_for_dm Messages here are not end-to-end encrypted. See jututuba ei ole läbivalt krüptitud.
room_participants_security_loading Loading… Laadime…
room_participants_start_new_chat_error_using_user_email_without_identity_server No identity server is configured so you cannot start a chat with a contact using an email. Ühtegi isikutuvastusserverit pole seadistatud ning sul ei ole võimalik alustada vestlust teise osapoole e-posti aadressi alusel.
room_participants_title Participants Osalejad
room_participants_unknown Unknown Teadmata olek
room_place_voice_call Voice call Häälkõne
room_please_select Please select a room Palun vali jututuba
room_predecessor_information This room is a continuation of another conversation. See jututuba on järg varasemale vestlusele.


User avatar jrtriot

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSEstonian

4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Estonian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/et.lproj/Vector.strings, string 374