
You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages if you sign out now
Key English Welsh State
key_backup_recover_from_passphrase_recover_action Unlock History Datgloi Hanes
key_backup_recover_from_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part1 Don’t know your Security Phrase? You can Ddim yn gwybod eich cyfrinair adfer? Gallwch chi
key_backup_recover_from_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part2 use your Security Key ddefnyddio eich allwedd adfer
key_backup_recover_from_passphrase_lost_passphrase_action_part3 . .
key_backup_recover_from_recovery_key_info Use your Security Key to unlock your secure message history Defnyddiwch eich allwedd adfer i ddatgloi eich hanes neges ddiogel
key_backup_recover_from_recovery_key_recovery_key_title Enter Allwedd Adfer
key_backup_recover_from_recovery_key_recovery_key_placeholder Enter Security Key Rhowch Allwedd Adfer
key_backup_recover_from_recovery_key_recover_action Unlock History Datgloi Hanes
key_backup_recover_from_recovery_key_lost_recovery_key_action Lost your Security Key You can set up a new one in settings. Wedi colli'ch allwedd adfer? Gallwch chi sefydlu un newydd yn gosodiadau.
key_backup_recover_success_info Backup Restored! Copi wrth gefn wedi'i Adfer!
key_backup_recover_done_action Done Wedi Gorffen
sign_out Sign out
sign_out_confirmation_message Are you sure you want to sign out?
sign_out_existing_key_backup_alert_title Are you sure you want to sign out? Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod chi am allgofnodi?
sign_out_existing_key_backup_alert_sign_out_action Sign out Allgofnodi
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_title You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages if you sign out now Byddwch yn colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig os byddwch chi'n allgofnodi rwan
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_setup_secure_backup_action Start using Secure Backup
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_discard_key_backup_action I don't want my encrypted messages Dydw i ddim eisiau i fy negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_title You'll lose your encrypted messages Byddwch yn colli ei'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_message You'll lose access to your encrypted messages unless you back up your keys before signing out. Byddwch yn colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig oni bai eich bod yn gwneud copi wrth gefn o'ch allweddi cyn allgofnodi.
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_sign_out_action Sign out Allgofnodi
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_backup_action Backup Creu Copi Wrth Gefn
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_title Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages. Creu copi allwedd wrth gefn ar y gweill. Os byddwch chi'n allgofnodi nawr byddwch chi'n colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon wedi'u hamgryptio.
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_discard_key_backup_action I don't want my encrypted messages Dydw i ddim eisiau i fy negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_cancel_action I'll wait Arosaf
key_verification_other_session_title Verify session
key_verification_new_session_title Verify your new session
key_verification_this_session_title Verify this session
key_verification_user_title Verify them Gwirio defnyddiwr
device_verification_security_advice_emoji Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order.
device_verification_security_advice_number Compare the numbers, ensuring they appear in the same order.
Key English Welsh State
side_menu_action_help Help
side_menu_action_invite_friends Invite friends
side_menu_action_settings Settings
side_menu_app_version Version %@
side_menu_coach_message Swipe right or tap to see all rooms
side_menu_reveal_action_accessibility_label Left panel
sign_out Sign out
sign_out_confirmation_message Are you sure you want to sign out?
sign_out_existing_key_backup_alert_sign_out_action Sign out Allgofnodi
sign_out_existing_key_backup_alert_title Are you sure you want to sign out? Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod chi am allgofnodi?
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_cancel_action I'll wait Arosaf
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_discard_key_backup_action I don't want my encrypted messages Dydw i ddim eisiau i fy negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_title Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages. Creu copi allwedd wrth gefn ar y gweill. Os byddwch chi'n allgofnodi nawr byddwch chi'n colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon wedi'u hamgryptio.
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_discard_key_backup_action I don't want my encrypted messages Dydw i ddim eisiau i fy negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_setup_secure_backup_action Start using Secure Backup
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_title You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages if you sign out now Byddwch yn colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig os byddwch chi'n allgofnodi rwan
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_backup_action Backup Creu Copi Wrth Gefn
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_message You'll lose access to your encrypted messages unless you back up your keys before signing out. Byddwch yn colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig oni bai eich bod yn gwneud copi wrth gefn o'ch allweddi cyn allgofnodi.
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_sign_out_action Sign out Allgofnodi
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_title You'll lose your encrypted messages Byddwch yn colli ei'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_up Sign up Cofrestri
skip Skip Hepgor
social_login_button_title_continue Continue with %@
social_login_button_title_sign_in Sign In with %@
social_login_button_title_sign_up Sign Up with %@
social_login_list_title_continue Continue with
social_login_list_title_sign_in Or
social_login_list_title_sign_up Or
space_avatar_view_accessibility_hint Change space avatar
space_avatar_view_accessibility_label avatar


User avatar elmomalmo

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSWelsh

You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages if you sign out now
Byddwch yn colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig os byddwch chi'n allgofnodi rwan
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Welsh
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1216