
Key English Welsh State
identity_server_settings_disconnect Disconnect Datgysylltu
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Nid oes gan y gweinydd adnabod unrhyw delerau gwasanaethau
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service. Only continue if you trust the owner of the server. Nid oes gan y gweinydd adnabod rydych wedi'i ddewis unrhyw delerau gwasanaeth. Peidiwch â pharhau oni bai eich bod yn ymddiried yn berchennog y gweinydd.
identity_server_settings_alert_change_title Change identity server Newid gweinydd adnabod
identity_server_settings_alert_change Disconnect from the identity server %1$@ and connect to %2$@ instead? Datgysylltwch o'r gweinydd adnabod %1$@ a chysylltwch â %2$@ yn lle?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_title Disconnect identity server Datgysylltu gweinydd adnabod
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect Disconnect from the identity server %@? Datgysylltu o'r gweinydd adnabod %@?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_button Disconnect Datgysylltu
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid You are still sharing your personal data on the identity server %@.

We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.
Rydych chi'n dal i rannu'ch data personol ar y gweinydd adnabod %@.

Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn tynnu eich cyfeiriadau e-bost a'ch rhifau ffôn o'r gweinydd adnabod cyn datgysylltu.
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid_button Disconnect anyway Datgysylltu beth bynnag
identity_server_settings_alert_error_terms_not_accepted You must accept terms of %@ to set it as identity server. Rhaid i chi dderbyn telerau %@ i'w osod fel gweinydd adnabod.
identity_server_settings_alert_error_invalid_identity_server %@ is not a valid identity server. Nid yw %@ yn weinydd adnabod dilys.
room_details_title Room Details Manylion Ystafell
room_details_title_for_dm Details
room_details_people Members Aelodau
room_details_files Uploads Ffeil
room_details_polls Poll history
room_details_search Search room
room_details_integrations Integrations
room_details_settings Settings Gosodiadau
room_details_photo Room Photo Llun Ystafell
room_details_photo_for_dm Photo
room_details_room_name Room Name Enw Ystafell
room_details_room_name_for_dm Name
room_details_topic Topic Pwnc
room_details_favourite_tag Favourite Ffefryn
room_details_low_priority_tag Low priority Blaenoriaeth isel
room_details_notifs Notifications
room_details_mute_notifs Mute notifications Distewi hysbysebiadau
room_details_direct_chat Direct Chat Sgwrs Uniongyrchol
room_details_access_section Who can access this room? Pwy all gael mynediad i'r ystafell hon?
Key English Welsh State
room_details_direct_chat Direct Chat Sgwrs Uniongyrchol
room_details_fail_to_add_room_aliases Fail to add the new room addresses Methwyd ychwanegu cyfeiriadau ystafell newydd
room_details_fail_to_enable_encryption Fail to enable encryption in this room Methwyd galluogi amgryptio yn yr ystafell hon
room_details_fail_to_remove_room_aliases Fail to remove the room addresses Methwyd dileu y cyfeiriadau ystafell
room_details_fail_to_update_avatar Fail to update the room photo Methwyd diweddaru llun yr ystafell
room_details_fail_to_update_history_visibility Fail to update the history visibility Methwyd diweddaru gwelededd hanes
room_details_fail_to_update_room_canonical_alias Fail to update the main address Methwyd diweddaru'r prif gyfeiriad
room_details_fail_to_update_room_communities Fail to update the related communities Methwyd diweddaru'r cymunedau cysylltiedig
room_details_fail_to_update_room_direct Fail to update the direct flag of this room Methwyd diweddaru baner uniongyrchol yr ystafell hon
room_details_fail_to_update_room_directory_visibility Fail to update the room directory visibility Methwyd diweddaru gwelededd cyfeiriadur yr ystafell
room_details_fail_to_update_room_guest_access Fail to update the room guest access Methwyd diweddaru mynediad gwestai yr ystafell
room_details_fail_to_update_room_join_rule Fail to update the join rule Methwyd diweddaru'r rheol ymuno
room_details_fail_to_update_room_name Fail to update the room name Methwyd diweddaru enw'r ystafell
room_details_fail_to_update_topic Fail to update the topic Methwyd diweddaru'r pwnc
room_details_favourite_tag Favourite Ffefryn
room_details_files Uploads Ffeil
room_details_flair_invalid_id_prompt_msg %@ is not a valid identifier for a community Nid yw %@ yn ddynodwr dilys ar gyfer cymuned
room_details_flair_invalid_id_prompt_title Invalid format Fformat annilys
room_details_flair_section Show flair for communities Dangos dawn i gymunedau
room_details_history_section Who can read history? Pwy all ddarllen hanes?
room_details_history_section_anyone Anyone Unrhyw un
room_details_history_section_members_only Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option) Aelodau yn unig (ers y pryd ddewiswyd yr opsiwn hwn)
room_details_history_section_members_only_since_invited Members only (since they were invited) Aelodau yn unig (ers iddynt gael eu gwahodd)
room_details_history_section_members_only_since_joined Members only (since they joined) Aelodau yn unig (ers iddynt ymuno)
room_details_history_section_prompt_msg Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged. Dim ond i negeseuon yn y dyfodol yn yr ystafell hon y bydd newidiadau i bwy sy'n gallu darllen hanes yn berthnasol. Bydd gwelededd yr hanes presennol yr un fath.
room_details_history_section_prompt_title Privacy warning Rhybydd preifatrwydd
room_details_integrations Integrations
room_details_low_priority_tag Low priority Blaenoriaeth isel
room_details_mute_notifs Mute notifications Distewi hysbysebiadau
room_details_new_address Add new address Ychwanegu cyfeiriad newydd


User avatar elmomalmo

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSWelsh

4 years ago
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Things to check

Has been translated

Last translation was "Ffeil".

Fix string



English Welsh
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 834