
You turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognised algorithm %@).
Key English Arabic State
notice_room_name_changed_by_you_for_dm You changed the name to %@. أنتَ قَد غيَّرتَ الاِسم إلى %@.
notice_placed_voice_call_by_you You placed a voice call أنتَ قَد أجرَيتَ مُكالَمَةً صَوتيَّة
notice_placed_video_call_by_you You placed a video call أنتَ قَد أجرَيتَ مُكالَمَةً مَرئيَّة
notice_answered_video_call_by_you You answered the call أنتَ قَد أجَبتَ عَلَى المُكالَمَة
notice_ended_video_call_by_you You ended the call أنتَ قَد أنهيتَ المُكالَمَة
notice_declined_video_call_by_you You declined the call أنتَ قَد رَفَضتَ المُكالَمَة
notice_conference_call_request_by_you You requested a VoIP conference أنتَ قَد طَلبتَ عَقد اِجتِمَاع VoIP
notice_room_name_removed_by_you You removed the room name أنتَ قَد أزَلتَ اِسم الغُرفَة
notice_room_name_removed_by_you_for_dm You removed the name أنتَ قَد أزَلتَ الاِسم
notice_room_topic_removed_by_you You removed the topic أنتَ قَد أزلتَ المَوضُوع
notice_event_redacted_by_you by you بِواسِطَتِك
notice_profile_change_redacted_by_you You updated your profile %@ أنتَ قَد حدَّثتَ مَلفَّكَ الشَّخصي %@
notice_room_created_by_you You created and configured the room. أنتَ قَد أنشأتَ الغُرفَة وَهَيَّأَتَها.
notice_room_created_by_you_for_dm You joined. أنتَ قَد اِنضَمَمت.
notice_encryption_enabled_ok_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption. أنتَ قَد فعَّلتَ تَعمِيَة النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة.
notice_encryption_enabled_unknown_algorithm_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognised algorithm %@). أنتَ قَد شَغَّلتَ تَعمِيَة النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة. (خَوارِزميَّة غَير مُتَعَرَّف عَليها %@).
notice_redaction_by_you You redacted an event (id: %@) أنتَ قَد نَقَّحتَ حَدَث (المُعَرِّف: %@))
notice_room_history_visible_to_anyone_by_you You made future room history visible to anyone. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخ الغُرفَة المُستَقبَليّ مَرئي لِأَيّ شَخص.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to all room members. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ الرَّسائِل المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّة لِجَميع أعضاء الغُرفَة.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخ الغُرفَة المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة، مِنَ النُّقطَةِ الَّتي تَمَّت دَعوَتُهُم فِيهَا.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they get invited. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ الرَّسائِلَ المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّة لِلجَميع، مُنذُ أن تَمَّت دَعوَتُهُم.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة، مِن النُّقطَة الَّتي اِنضَمُّوا فِيهَا.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they joined. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ الرَّسائِلَ المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّة لِلجَميع، مُنذُ أنِ اِنضَمُّوا.
send Send إرسَال
copy_button_name Copy نَسخ
resend Resend إعادَة الإرسَال
redact Remove إزالَة
share Share مُشارَكَة
delete Delete حَذف
action_logout Logout تَسجِيلُ الخُرُوج
Key English Arabic State
notice_crypto_error_unknown_inbound_session_id The sender's session has not sent us the keys for this message. إنَّ جَلسَةَ المُرسِل لَم تُرسِل إلَينا المَفاتيح لِهَذِهِ الرِّسَالَة.
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt ** Unable to decrypt: %@ ** ** يَتَعَذَّرُ فَكَّ التَّعميَة: %@ **
notice_declined_video_call %@ declined the call لَقَد رَفضَ %@ المُكالَمَة
notice_declined_video_call_by_you You declined the call أنتَ قَد رَفَضتَ المُكالَمَة
notice_display_name_changed_from %@ changed their display name from %@ to %@ لَقَد غيَّرَ %@ اِسمُهُ الظّاهِر مِن %@ إلى %@
notice_display_name_changed_from_by_you You changed your display name from %@ to %@ أنتَ قَد غيَّرتَ اِسمكَ الظّاهِر مِن %@ إلى %@
notice_display_name_changed_to %@ changed their display name to %@
notice_display_name_removed %@ removed their display name لَقَد أزالَ %@ اِسمهُ الظّاهِر
notice_display_name_removed_by_you You removed your display name أنتَ قَد أزَلتَ اِسمكَ الظّاهِر
notice_display_name_set %@ set their display name to %@ لَقَد عيَّنَ %@ اِسمُهُ الظّاهِر إلى %@
notice_display_name_set_by_you You set your display name to %@ أنتَ قَد عيَّنتَ اِسمكَ الظّاهِر إلى %@
notice_encrypted_message Encrypted message رِسَالَةٌ مُعمّاة
notice_encryption_enabled_ok %@ turned on end-to-end encryption. لَقَد شَغَّلَ %@ تَعميَة النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة.
notice_encryption_enabled_ok_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption. أنتَ قَد فعَّلتَ تَعمِيَة النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة.
notice_encryption_enabled_unknown_algorithm %1$@ turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognised algorithm %2$@). لَقَد شَغَّلَ %1$@ تَعميَة النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة (خَوارِزميَّة غَير مُتَعَرَّف عَليها %2$@).
notice_encryption_enabled_unknown_algorithm_by_you You turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognised algorithm %@). أنتَ قَد شَغَّلتَ تَعمِيَة النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة. (خَوارِزميَّة غَير مُتَعَرَّف عَليها %@).
notice_ended_video_call %@ ended the call لَقَد أنهَى %@ المُكالَمَة
notice_ended_video_call_by_you You ended the call أنتَ قَد أنهيتَ المُكالَمَة
notice_error_unexpected_event Unexpected event حَدَثٌ غَيرُ مُتَوَقَّع
notice_error_unformattable_event ** Unable to render message. Please report a bug ** غير قادر على عرض الرسالة. يُرجى الإبلاغ عن خلل
notice_error_unknown_event_type Unknown event type حَدثٌ غَيرُ مَعرُوفِ النَّوع
notice_error_unsupported_event Unsupported event حَدَثٌ غَيرُ مَدعُوم
notice_event_redacted <redacted%@> <مُنَقَّح%@>
notice_event_redacted_by by %@ بِواسِطَة %@
notice_event_redacted_by_you by you بِواسِطَتِك
notice_event_redacted_reason [reason: %@] [السَّبَب: %@]
notice_feedback Feedback event (id: %@): %@ حَدَثُ اِنطِباع (المُعَرِّف: %@): %@
notice_file_attachment file attachment مُرفَقُ مَلَفّ
notice_image_attachment image attachment مُرفَق صُّورَة
notice_in_reply_to In reply to رَدًّا عَلَى


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Arabic
algorithm خَوارِزميَّة Element iOS
encryption تَعمِيَة Element iOS
end-to-end النِّهايَة-إلى-النِّهايَة Element iOS

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ar.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2330