
%@ joined.
Key English Arabic State
reject_call Reject Call رَفضُ المُكالَمَة
end_call End Call إنهَاءُ المُكالَمَة
resume_call Resume اِستِئنَاف
ignore Ignore تَجاهُل
ignore_user Ignore User
unignore Unignore إلغَاءُ التَّجاهُل
notice_avatar_changed_too (avatar was changed too) (غُيِّرَت الصُّورَة الرَّمزية أيضًا)
notice_room_name_removed %@ removed the room name لَقَد أزالَ %@ اِسمَ الغُرفَة
notice_room_name_removed_for_dm %@ removed the name لَقَد أزالَ %@ الاِسم
notice_room_topic_removed %@ removed the topic لَقَد أزالَ %@ المَوضُوع
notice_event_redacted <redacted%@> <مُنَقَّح%@>
notice_event_redacted_by by %@ بِواسِطَة %@
notice_event_redacted_reason [reason: %@] [السَّبَب: %@]
notice_profile_change_redacted %@ updated their profile %@ لَقَد حدَّثَ %@ مَلفَّهُ الشَّخصي %@
notice_room_created %@ created and configured the room. لَقَد أنشأ %@ الغُرفَة وَهَيَّأَها.
notice_room_created_for_dm %@ joined. لَقَد اِنضَمَّ %@.
notice_room_join_rule The join rule is: %@ قاعِدَة الاِنضِمام هِيَ: %@
notice_room_join_rule_invite %@ made the room invite only. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ الغُرفَةَ بِالدَّعوَةِ فَقَط.
notice_room_join_rule_invite_for_dm %@ made this invite only. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ هَذِهِ بِالدَّعوَةِ فَقَط.
notice_room_join_rule_invite_by_you You made the room invite only. أنتَ قَد جَعلتَ الغُرفَةَ بالدَّعوَةِ فَقَط.
notice_room_join_rule_invite_by_you_for_dm You made this invite only. أنتَ قَد جَعلتَ هَذِهِ بالدَّعوَةِ فَقَط.
notice_room_join_rule_public %@ made the room public. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ الغُرفَةَ عَامَّة.
notice_room_join_rule_public_for_dm %@ made this public. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ هَذِهِ عَامَّة.
notice_room_join_rule_public_by_you You made the room public. أنتَ قَد جَعلتَ الغُرفَةَ عَامَّة.
notice_room_join_rule_public_by_you_for_dm You made this public. أنتَ قَد جَعلتَ هَذِهِ عَامَّة.
notice_room_power_level_intro The power level of room members are: مُستَوى القُوَّة لِأعضاءِ الغُرفَة هُوَ:
notice_room_power_level_intro_for_dm The power level of members are: مُستَوى القُوَّة لِلأعضاءِ هُوَ:
notice_room_power_level_acting_requirement The minimum power levels that a user must have before acting are: مُستَوى القُوَّة الأدنَى الَّذي يَجِبُ عَلَى المُستَخدِم اِمتِلاكُه قَبلَ التَّفاعُل هُوَ:
notice_room_power_level_event_requirement The minimum power levels related to events are: مُستَوى القُوَّة الأدنَى المُتَعلِّقُ بِالأحداث هُوَ:
notice_room_aliases The room aliases are: %@ الاَسماءُ البَديلَة لِلغُرفَة هِيَ: %@
notice_room_aliases_for_dm The aliases are: %@ الاَسماءُ البَديلَة هِيَ: %@
Key English Arabic State
notice_placed_video_call %@ placed a video call لَقَد أجرَى %@ مُكالَمَة مَرئيَّة
notice_placed_video_call_by_you You placed a video call أنتَ قَد أجرَيتَ مُكالَمَةً مَرئيَّة
notice_placed_voice_call %@ placed a voice call لَقَد أجرَى %@ مُكالَمَة صَوتيَّة
notice_placed_voice_call_by_you You placed a voice call أنتَ قَد أجرَيتَ مُكالَمَةً صَوتيَّة
notice_profile_change_redacted %@ updated their profile %@ لَقَد حدَّثَ %@ مَلفَّهُ الشَّخصي %@
notice_profile_change_redacted_by_you You updated your profile %@ أنتَ قَد حدَّثتَ مَلفَّكَ الشَّخصي %@
notice_redaction %@ redacted an event (id: %@) لَقَد نَقَّحَ %@ حَدَث (المُعَرِّف: %@)
notice_redaction_by_you You redacted an event (id: %@) أنتَ قَد نَقَّحتَ حَدَث (المُعَرِّف: %@))
notice_room_aliases The room aliases are: %@ الاَسماءُ البَديلَة لِلغُرفَة هِيَ: %@
notice_room_aliases_for_dm The aliases are: %@ الاَسماءُ البَديلَة هِيَ: %@
notice_room_ban %@ banned %@ إنَّ %@ قَد حَظَرَ %@
notice_room_ban_by_you You banned %@ أنتَ قَد حَظرتَ %@
notice_room_created %@ created and configured the room. لَقَد أنشأ %@ الغُرفَة وَهَيَّأَها.
notice_room_created_by_you You created and configured the room. أنتَ قَد أنشأتَ الغُرفَة وَهَيَّأَتَها.
notice_room_created_by_you_for_dm You joined. أنتَ قَد اِنضَمَمت.
notice_room_created_for_dm %@ joined. لَقَد اِنضَمَّ %@.
notice_room_history_visible_to_anyone %@ made future room history visible to anyone. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِأَيّ شَخص.
notice_room_history_visible_to_anyone_by_you You made future room history visible to anyone. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخ الغُرفَة المُستَقبَليّ مَرئي لِأَيّ شَخص.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members %@ made future room history visible to all room members. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to all room members. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ الرَّسائِل المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّة لِجَميع أعضاء الغُرفَة.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_for_dm %@ made future messages visible to all room members. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ الرَّسائِلَ المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّةٌ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point %@ made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة، مِنَ النُّقطَةِ الَّتي تَمَّت دَعوَتُهُم فِيهَا.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخ الغُرفَة المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة، مِنَ النُّقطَةِ الَّتي تَمَّت دَعوَتُهُم فِيهَا.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they get invited. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ الرَّسائِلَ المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّة لِلجَميع، مُنذُ أن تَمَّت دَعوَتُهُم.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_for_dm %@ made future messages visible to everyone, from when they get invited. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ الرَّسائِلَ المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّةٌ لِلجَميع، مُنذُ أن تَمَّت دَعوَتُهُم.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point %@ made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة، مِنَ النُّقطَةِ الَّتي اِنضَمُّوا فِيهَا.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ تَأريخَ الغُرفَةِ المُستَقبَليّ مَرئيٌّ لِجَميعِ أعضاءِ الغُرفَة، مِن النُّقطَة الَّتي اِنضَمُّوا فِيهَا.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they joined. أنتَ قَد جَعَلتَ الرَّسائِلَ المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّة لِلجَميع، مُنذُ أنِ اِنضَمُّوا.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_for_dm %@ made future messages visible to everyone, from when they joined. لَقَد جَعَلَ %@ الرَّسائِلَ المُستَقبَليَّة مَرئيَّةٌ لِلجَميع، مُنذُ أنِ اِنضَمُّوا.


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English Arabic
join الاِنضِمام Element iOS

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ar.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2070