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SAS Errors
The user cancelled the verification
Key English Basque State
sas_view_request_action View request Ikusi eskaria
sas_waiting_for_partner Waiting for partner to confirm… Kideak baieztatu bitartean zain…
sas_verified Verified! Egiaztatuta!
sas_verified_successful You've successfully verified this session. Ongi egiaztatu duzu saio hau.
sas_verified_successful_description Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties. Kide honekin partekatutako mezu seguruak muturretik muturrera zifratuta daude eta ezin ditu beste inork irakurri.
sas_got_it Got it Ulertuta
sas_verifying_keys Nothing appearing? Not all clients supports interactive verification yet. Use legacy verification. Ez da ezer agertzen? Bezero guztiek ez dute onartzen egiaztaketa interaktiboa oraindik. Erabili egiaztaketa metodo zaharra.
sas_legacy_verification_button_title Use legacy verification. Erabili egiaztaketa metodo zaharra.
sas_verification_request_notification_channel_title Key Verification Gako-egiaztaketa
sas_cancelled_dialog_title Request Cancelled Eskaria ezeztatuta
sas_cancelled_by_other The other party cancelled the verification.
Beste aldeak egiaztaketa ezeztatu du.
sas_cancelled_by_me The verification is canceled.
Reason: %s
Egiaztaketa ezeztatu da.
Arrazoia: %s
sas_verification_request_notification_channel Interactive Session Verification Saio-egiaztaketa interaktiboa
sas_incoming_request_notif_title Verification Request Egiaztaketa eskaria
sas_incoming_request_notif_content %s wants to verify your session %s erabiltzaileak zure saioa egiaztatu nahi du
sas_error_m_user The user cancelled the verification Erabiltzaileak egiaztaketa ezeztatu du
sas_error_m_timeout The verification process timed out Egiaztaketarako denbora-muga agortu da
sas_error_m_unknown_transaction The session does not know about that transaction Saioak ez du transakzio horren berri
sas_error_m_unknown_method The session can’t agree on a key agreement, hash, MAC, or SAS method Saioa ez dator bat gako adostasunean, hash, MAC, edo SAS metodoan
sas_error_m_mismatched_commitment The hash commitment did not match Hash-a ez dator bat
sas_error_m_mismatched_sas The SAS did not match SAS-a ez dator bat
sas_error_m_unexpected_message The session received an unexpected message Saioak ustekabeko mezu bat jaso du
sas_error_m_invalid_message An invalid message was received Baliogabeko mezu bat jaso da
sas_error_m_key_mismatch Key mismatch Gakoa ez dator bat
sas_error_m_user_error User mismatch Erabiltzailea ez dator bat
sas_error_unknown Unknown Error Errore ezezaguna
identity_server_not_defined You are not using any Identity Server Ez duzu identitate zerbitzaririk erabiltzen
identity_server_not_defined_for_password_reset No identity server is configured, it is required to reset your password. Ez da identitate zerbitzaririk konfiguratu, zure pasahitza berrezartzeko beharrezkoa da.
security_warning_identity_server Previous versions of Riot had a security bug which could give your Identity Server (%1$s) access to your account. If you trust %2$s, you can ignore this; otherwise please logout and login again.

Read more details here:
Riot bertsio zaharrek segurtasun akats bat zuten eta zure identitate zerbitzariak (%1$s) zure kontua atzitu zezakeen. %2$s fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu hau ezikusi dezakezu, bestela maiatu saioa eta hasi berriro.

Xehetasun gehiago hemen:
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? Badirudi beste hasiera-zerbitzari batera konektatzen saiatzen ari zarela. Saioa amaitu nahi duzu?
global_retry Retry Saiatu berriro
Key English Basque State
room_widget_webview_access_microphone Use the microphone Mikrofonoa erabili
room_widget_webview_read_protected_media Read DRM protected Media DRM bidez babestutako multimedia irakurri
sas_cancelled_by_me The verification is canceled.
Reason: %s
Egiaztaketa ezeztatu da.
Arrazoia: %s
sas_cancelled_by_other The other party cancelled the verification.
Beste aldeak egiaztaketa ezeztatu du.
sas_cancelled_dialog_title Request Cancelled Eskaria ezeztatuta
sas_decimal_description Verify this session by confirming the following numbers appear on the screen of the partner Egiaztatu saio hau honako zenbaki hauek kidearen pantailan agertu direla baieztatuz
sas_emoji_description Verify this session by confirming the following emoji appear on the screen of the partner Egiaztatu saio hau honako emojia kidearen pantailan agertu dela baieztatuz
sas_error_m_invalid_message An invalid message was received Baliogabeko mezu bat jaso da
sas_error_m_key_mismatch Key mismatch Gakoa ez dator bat
sas_error_m_mismatched_commitment The hash commitment did not match Hash-a ez dator bat
sas_error_m_mismatched_sas The SAS did not match SAS-a ez dator bat
sas_error_m_timeout The verification process timed out Egiaztaketarako denbora-muga agortu da
sas_error_m_unexpected_message The session received an unexpected message Saioak ustekabeko mezu bat jaso du
sas_error_m_unknown_method The session can’t agree on a key agreement, hash, MAC, or SAS method Saioa ez dator bat gako adostasunean, hash, MAC, edo SAS metodoan
sas_error_m_unknown_transaction The session does not know about that transaction Saioak ez du transakzio horren berri
sas_error_m_user The user cancelled the verification Erabiltzaileak egiaztaketa ezeztatu du
sas_error_m_user_error User mismatch Erabiltzailea ez dator bat
sas_error_unknown Unknown Error Errore ezezaguna
sas_got_it Got it Ulertuta
sas_incoming_request_description Verify this session to mark it as trusted. Trusting sessions of partners gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages. Egiaztatu saio hau fidagarri gisa markatzeko. Saioak fidagarritzat jotzeak lasaitasuna ematen dizu muturretik-muturrera zifratutako mezuak erabiltzean.
sas_incoming_request_description_2 Verifying this session will mark it as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to the partner. Saio hau egiaztatzean fidagarri gisa markatuko da, eta zure saioa fidagarri gisa markatuko zaio ere zure kideari.
sas_incoming_request_notif_content %s wants to verify your session %s erabiltzaileak zure saioa egiaztatu nahi du
sas_incoming_request_notif_title Verification Request Egiaztaketa eskaria
sas_incoming_request_title Incoming Verification Request Jasotako egiaztaketa eskaria
sas_incoming_verification_request_dialog You received an incoming verification request. Egiaztaketa eskari bat jaso duzu.
sas_legacy_verification_button_title Use legacy verification. Erabili egiaztaketa metodo zaharra.
sas_security_advise For maximum security, we recommend you do this in person or use another trusted means of communication. Segurtasun gehiagorako, hau aurrez aurre edo komunikatzeko beste bide fidagarri bat erabiliz egitea aholkatzen dizugu.
sas_verification_request_notification_channel Interactive Session Verification Saio-egiaztaketa interaktiboa
sas_verification_request_notification_channel_title Key Verification Gako-egiaztaketa
sas_verified Verified! Egiaztatuta!
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


The user cancelled the verification
Erabiltzaileak egiaztaketa ezeztatu du
5 years ago
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English Basque
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SAS Errors
String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1091