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Key English Icelandic State
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_content Revoke invite to %1$s? Afturkalla boð til %1$s?
member_banned_by Banned by %1$s Bannaður af %1$s
failed_to_unban Failed to UnBan user Tókst ekki að taka notanda úr banni
alert_push_are_disabled_title Push notifications are disabled Ýti-tilkynningar eru óvirkar
alert_push_are_disabled_description Review your settings to enable push notifications Yfirfarðu stillingarnar þínar til að virkja ýtitilkynningar
wrong_pin_message_remaining_attempts Wrong code, %d remaining attempt Rangur kóði, %d tilraun eftir
entries %d entry %d færsla
wrong_pin_message_last_remaining_attempt Warning! Last remaining attempt before logout! Aðvörun! Síðasta tilraunin sem eftir er áður en útskráning fer fram!
too_many_pin_failures Too many errors, you've been logged out Of margar villur, þú hefur verið skráð/ur út
create_pin_title Choose a PIN for security Veldu PIN-númer í öryggisskyni
create_pin_confirm_title Confirm PIN Staðfestu PIN-númer
create_pin_confirm_failure Failed to validate PIN, please tap a new one. Mistókst að fullgilda PIN-númer, ýttu á annað nýtt.
auth_pin_title Enter your PIN Settu inn PIN-númerið þitt
auth_pin_forgot Forgot PIN? Gleymt PIN-númer?
auth_pin_reset_title Reset PIN Endursetja PIN-númer
auth_pin_new_pin_action New PIN Nýtt PIN-númer
auth_pin_reset_content To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one. Til að endurstilla PIN-númerið, þarftu að skrá þig inn aftur og útbúa nýtt.
auth_biometric_key_invalidated_message Biometric authentication was disabled because a new biometric authentication method was recently added. You can enable it again in Settings.
settings_security_application_protection_title Protect access Verja aðgang
settings_security_application_protection_summary Protect access using PIN and biometrics. Verðu aðganginn með PIN-númeri og lífkennum.
settings_security_application_protection_screen_title Configure protection Stilla varnir
settings_security_pin_code_title Enable PIN Virkja PIN-númer
settings_security_pin_code_summary If you want to reset your PIN, tap Forgot PIN to logout and reset. Ef þú vilt endurstilla PIN-númerið þitt, geturðu ýtt á 'Gleymt PIN-númer?' og endurstillt það.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_title Enable biometrics Virkja lífkenni
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_summary_on Enable device specific biometrics, like fingerprints and face recognition. Virkjaðu sérstök lífkenni tækisins, eins og fingrafaraskönnun og andlitakennsl.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_summary_off PIN code is the only way to unlock ${app_name}. PIN-númer er eina leiðin til að aflæsa ${app_name}.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_error Could not enable biometric authentication. Gat ekki virkjað auðkenningu með lífkennum.
settings_security_pin_code_notifications_title Show content in notifications Birta efni í tilkynningum
settings_security_pin_code_notifications_summary_on Show details like room names and message content. Birta nánari upplýsingar eins og heiti spjallrása og efni skilaboða.
settings_security_pin_code_notifications_summary_off Only display number of unread messages in a simple notification. Aðeins birta fjölda ólesinna skilaboða í einfaldri tilkynningu.
settings_security_pin_code_grace_period_title Require PIN after 2 minutes Krefjast PIN-númers eftir 2 mínútur
Key English Icelandic State
audio_message_reply_content %1$s (%2$s) %1$s (%2$s)
audio_video_meeting_description Meetings use Jitsi security and permission policies. All people currently in the room will see an invite to join while your meeting is happening.
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Yfirfarðu og samþykktu reglur þessa heimaþjóns:
auth_biometric_key_invalidated_message Biometric authentication was disabled because a new biometric authentication method was recently added. You can enable it again in Settings.
auth_email_already_defined This email address is already defined. Þetta tölvupóstfang er nú þegar skráð.
authentication_error Failed to authenticate Tókst ekki að auðkenna
auth_forgot_password Forgot password? Gleymt lykilorð?
auth_invalid_email This doesn’t look like a valid email address Þetta lítur ekki út eins og gilt tölvupóstfang
auth_invalid_login_deactivated_account This account has been deactivated. Þessi notandaaðgangur hefur verið gerður óvirkur.
auth_invalid_login_param Incorrect username and/or password Rangt notandanafn og/eða lykilorð
auth_invalid_login_param_space_in_password Incorrect username and/or password. The entered password starts or ends with spaces, please check it.
auth_login Log in Innskráning
auth_login_sso Sign in with single sign-on Skrá inn með einfaldri innskráningu (single sign-on)
auth_msisdn_already_defined This phone number is already defined. Þetta símanúmer er nú þegar skráð.
auth_pin_forgot Forgot PIN? Gleymt PIN-númer?
auth_pin_new_pin_action New PIN Nýtt PIN-númer
auth_pin_reset_content To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one. Til að endurstilla PIN-númerið, þarftu að skrá þig inn aftur og útbúa nýtt.
auth_pin_reset_title Reset PIN Endursetja PIN-númer
auth_pin_title Enter your PIN Settu inn PIN-númerið þitt
auth_recaptcha_message This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot Þessi heimavefþjónn vill ganga úr skugga um að þú sért ekki vélmenni
auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email Gat ekki sannprófað tölvupóstfang: gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir smellt á tengilinn í tölvupóstinum
auth_reset_password_error_unverified Email not verified, check your inbox Tölvupóstfang ekki staðfest, athugaðu pósthólfið þitt
auth_submit Submit Senda inn
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters…
autodiscover_well_known_error Unable to find a valid homeserver. Please check your identifier
avatar Avatar Auðkennismynd
avatar_of_room Avatar of room %1$s
avatar_of_space Avatar of space %1$s
avatar_of_user Profile picture of user %1$s
backup Back up Taka öryggisafrit


Nýtt PIN-númer
2 years ago
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English Icelandic
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 2060