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Examples: Verified · Last activity Yesterday at 6PM, Verified · Last activity Aug 31 at 5:47PM
Verified · Last activity %1$s
Key English Finnish State
a11y_device_manager_device_type_web Web
a11y_device_manager_device_type_desktop Desktop Työpöytä
a11y_device_manager_device_type_unknown Unknown device type Tuntematon laitetyyppi
device_manager_verification_status_verified Verified session Vahvistettu istunto
device_manager_verification_status_unverified Unverified session Vahvistamaton istunto
device_manager_verification_status_unknown Unknown verification status Tuntematon vahvistuksen tila
device_manager_verification_status_detail_current_session_verified Your current session is ready for secure messaging. Nykyinen istuntosi on valmina turvalliseen viestintään.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_other_session_verified This session is ready for secure messaging. Tämä istunto on valmiina turvalliseen viestintään.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_current_session_unverified Verify your current session for enhanced secure messaging.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_other_session_unverified Verify or sign out from this session for best security and reliability.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_other_session_unknown Verify your current session to reveal this session's verification status.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_session_encryption_not_supported This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.
device_manager_verify_session Verify Session Vahvista istunto
device_manager_view_details View Details Näytä tiedot
device_manager_other_sessions_view_all View All (%1$d) Näytä kaikki (%1$d)
device_manager_other_sessions_description_verified Verified · Last activity %1$s Vahvistettu · Viimeisin toiminta %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified Unverified · Last activity %1$s Vahvistamaton · Viimeisin toiminta %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified_current_session Unverified · Your current session Vahvistamaton · Nykyinen istuntosi
device_manager_other_sessions_description_inactive Inactive for %1$d+ day (%2$s) Käyttämättä %1$d+ päivän (%2$s)
device_manager_header_section_security_recommendations_title Security recommendations Turvallisuussuositukset
device_manager_header_section_security_recommendations_description Improve your account security by following these recommendations. Paranna tilisi turvallisuutta noudattamalla näitä suosituksia.
device_manager_unverified_sessions_title Unverified sessions Vahvistamattomat istunnot
device_manager_unverified_sessions_description Verify or sign out from unverified sessions. Vahvista nämä istunnot tai kirjaudu niistä ulos.
device_manager_inactive_sessions_title Inactive sessions Käyttämättä olevat istunnot
device_manager_inactive_sessions_description Consider signing out from old sessions (%1$d day or more) that you don’t use anymore. Harkitse vanhoista (yksi vuorokausi tai vanhemmista), käyttämättömistä istunnoista uloskirjautumista.
device_manager_current_session_title Current session Nykyinen istunto
device_manager_session_title Session Istunto
device_manager_device_title Device Laite
device_manager_session_last_activity Last activity %1$s Viimeisin toiminta %1$s
device_manager_filter_bottom_sheet_title Filter Suodata
device_manager_filter_option_all_sessions All sessions Kaikki istunnot
Key English Finnish State
device_manager_inactive_sessions_description Consider signing out from old sessions (%1$d day or more) that you don’t use anymore. Harkitse vanhoista (yksi vuorokausi tai vanhemmista), käyttämättömistä istunnoista uloskirjautumista.
device_manager_inactive_sessions_title Inactive sessions Käyttämättä olevat istunnot
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename_title Renaming sessions
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_encryption_not_supported This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.

Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive_title Inactive sessions
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but not been cross-verified.

You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified_title Unverified sessions
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_description Verified sessions are anywhere you are using this account after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.

This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_title Verified sessions
device_manager_other_sessions_clear_filter Clear Filter
device_manager_other_sessions_description_inactive Inactive for %1$d+ day (%2$s) Käyttämättä %1$d+ päivän (%2$s)
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified Unverified · Last activity %1$s Vahvistamaton · Viimeisin toiminta %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified_current_session Unverified · Your current session Vahvistamaton · Nykyinen istuntosi
device_manager_other_sessions_description_verified Verified · Last activity %1$s Vahvistettu · Viimeisin toiminta %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_hide_ip_address Hide IP address Piilota IP-osoite
device_manager_other_sessions_multi_signout_all Sign out of %1$d session Kirjaudu ulos yhdestä istunnosta
device_manager_other_sessions_multi_signout_selection Sign out Kirjaudu ulos
device_manager_other_sessions_no_inactive_sessions_found No inactive sessions found.
device_manager_other_sessions_no_unverified_sessions_found No unverified sessions found.
device_manager_other_sessions_no_verified_sessions_found No verified sessions found.
device_manager_other_sessions_recommendation_description_inactive Consider signing out from old sessions (%1$d day or more) you don’t use anymore. Harkitse vanhoista (yksi vuorokausi tai vanhemmista), käyttämättömistä istunnoista uloskirjautumista.
device_manager_other_sessions_recommendation_description_unverified Verify your sessions for enhanced secure messaging or sign out from those you don’t recognize or use anymore.
device_manager_other_sessions_recommendation_description_verified For best security, sign out from any session that you don’t recognize or use anymore. Parhaan turvallisuuden takaamiseksi kirjaudu ulos istunnoista, joita et tunnista tai et enää käytä.
device_manager_other_sessions_recommendation_title_inactive Inactive
device_manager_other_sessions_recommendation_title_unverified Unverified Vahvistamaton
device_manager_other_sessions_recommendation_title_verified Verified Vahvistetu
device_manager_other_sessions_select Select sessions
device_manager_other_sessions_show_ip_address Show IP address Näytä IP-osoite


Verified · Last activity %1$s
Vahvistettu · Viimeisin toiminta %1$s
a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Finnish
verified varmennettu (osapuolten välinen salaus) Element Android
verified (email verification) vahvistettu Element Android

Source information

Source string comment
Examples: Verified · Last activity Yesterday at 6PM, Verified · Last activity Aug 31 at 5:47PM
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml, string 2484