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Show some useful info to help debugging the application
Key English Basque State
notification_initial_sync Initial Sync… Lehen sinkronizazioa…
settings_advanced_settings Advanced settings Ezarpen aurreratuak
settings_developer_mode Developer mode Garatzaile modua
settings_developer_mode_summary The developer mode activates hidden features and may also make the application less stable. For developers only! Garatzaile moduak aplikazioa ezegonkor bihurtu dezaketen ezaugarri ezkutuak aktibatzen ditu. Garatzaileentzat besterik ez!
settings_rageshake Rageshake Amorruz astintzea
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold Detection threshold Antzemate atalasea
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold_summary Shake your phone to test the detection threshold Astindu zure telefonoa antzemate atalasea probatzeko
rageshake_detected Shake detected! Astindua antzeman da!
settings Settings Ezarpenak
devices_current_device Current session Uneko saioa
devices_other_devices Other sessions Beste saioak
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters… Soilik lehen emaitzak erakusten, idatzi letra gehiago…
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_title Fail-fast Hutsegin-azkar
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_summary ${app_name} may crash more often when an unexpected error occurs ${app_name} aplikazioa ustekabeko erroreen aurrean maizago kraskatu daiteke
settings_developer_mode_show_info_on_screen_title Show debug info on screen
settings_developer_mode_show_info_on_screen_summary Show some useful info to help debugging the application
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message Jarri ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ testu-soileko mezuaren aurretik
command_description_lenny Prepends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to a plain-text message
command_description_table_flip Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message
create_room_encryption_title Enable encryption Gaitu zifratzea
create_room_encryption_description Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled. Behin gaituta, zifratzea ezin da desgaitu.
show_advanced Show advanced
hide_advanced Hide advanced
create_room_disable_federation_title Block anyone not part of %s from ever joining this room
create_room_disable_federation_description You might enable this if the room will only be used for collaborating with internal teams on your homeserver. This cannot be changed later.
create_space_alias_hint Space address
create_room_alias_already_in_use This address is already in use
create_room_alias_empty Please provide a room address
create_room_alias_invalid Some characters are not allowed
create_room_in_progress Creating room…
create_space_in_progress Creating space…
Key English Basque State
settings_contacts_app_permission Contacts permission Kontaktuen baimena
settings_contacts_phonebook_country Phonebook country Telefono-liburuaren herrialdea
settings_containing_my_display_name Msgs containing my display name Nire pantaila-izena duten mezuak
settings_containing_my_user_name Msgs containing my user name Nire erabiltzaile izena duten mezuak
settings_copyright Copyright Copyright-a
settings_cryptography Cryptography Kriptografia
settings_cryptography_manage_keys Cryptography Keys Management Gako kriptografikoen kudeaketa
settings_crypto_version Crypto version
settings_deactivate_account_section Deactivate account Desaktibatu kontua
settings_deactivate_my_account Deactivate my account Desaktibatu nire kontua
settings_default_compression Default compression Lehenetsitako konpresioa
settings_default_media_source Default media source Lehenetsitako multimediaren iturria
settings_developer_mode Developer mode Garatzaile modua
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_summary ${app_name} may crash more often when an unexpected error occurs ${app_name} aplikazioa ustekabeko erroreen aurrean maizago kraskatu daiteke
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_title Fail-fast Hutsegin-azkar
settings_developer_mode_show_info_on_screen_summary Show some useful info to help debugging the application
settings_developer_mode_show_info_on_screen_title Show debug info on screen
settings_developer_mode_summary The developer mode activates hidden features and may also make the application less stable. For developers only! Garatzaile moduak aplikazioa ezegonkor bihurtu dezaketen ezaugarri ezkutuak aktibatzen ditu. Garatzaileentzat besterik ez!
settings_dev_tools Dev Tools Garapen tresnak
settings_discovery_bad_identity_server Could not connect to identity server Ezin izan da identitate-zerbitzarira konektatu
settings_discovery_category Discovery Aurkitzea
settings_discovery_confirm_mail We sent an email to %s, check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_confirm_mail_not_clicked We sent an email to %s, please first check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_consent_action_give_consent Give consent
settings_discovery_consent_action_revoke Revoke my consent
settings_discovery_consent_notice_off_2 Your contacts are private. To discover users from your contacts, we need your permission to send contact info to your identity server.
settings_discovery_consent_notice_on You have given your consent to send email addresses and phone numbers to this identity server to discover other users from your contacts.
settings_discovery_consent_title Send emails and phone numbers
settings_discovery_disconnect_identity_server_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and you won’t be able to invite others by email or phone. Identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean beste erabiltzaileek ezin izango zaituzte e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu, eta zuk ezin izango dituzu e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu.
settings_discovery_disconnect_with_bound_pid You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server %1$s. You will need to reconnect to %2$s to stop sharing them. Orain e-mail helbideak edo telefono zenbakiak partekatzen dituzu %1$s zerbitzarian. %2$s zerbitzarira konektatu beharko zara partekatzeari uzteko.


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English Basque
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1655