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No other method than background synchronization found.
Key English Esperanto State
attachment_type_selector_contact Contact
attachment_type_selector_text_formatting Text formatting
message_reaction_show_less Show less
message_reaction_show_more %1$d more
room_message_notify_everyone Notify the whole room
room_message_autocomplete_users Users
room_message_autocomplete_notification Room notification
screen_sharing_notification_title ${app_name} Screen Sharing
screen_sharing_notification_description Screen sharing is in progress
unifiedpush_getdistributors_dialog_title Choose how to receive notifications
unifiedpush_distributor_fcm_fallback Google Services
unifiedpush_distributor_background_sync Background synchronization
settings_notification_method Notification method Metodo de sciigo
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_title Available methods
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_gplay No other method than Google Play Service found.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_fdroid No other method than background synchronization found.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_many Found %d method.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor_title Method
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor Currently using %s.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_title Endpoint
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_success Current endpoint: %s
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_failed Cannot find the endpoint.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway_title Gateway
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway Current gateway: %s
live_location_labs_promotion_title Live location sharing Tuja Loko-kunhavigado
live_location_labs_promotion_description Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room. Bonvolu noti: ĉi tio estas funkcio de laboratorio uzanta provizoran efektivigon. Ĉi tio signifas, ke vi ne povos forigi vian lokhistorion, kaj progresintaj uzantoj povos vidi vian lokhistorion eĉ post kiam vi ĉesos kunhavigi vian tujan lokon kun ĉi tiu ĉambro.
live_location_labs_promotion_switch_title Enable location sharing Ebligi loko-kunhavigado
room_removed_messages %d message removed
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts Enable Element Call permission shortcuts Ebligi permesajn ŝparvojojn por Element Voko
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts_summary Auto-approve Element Call widgets and grant camera / mic access Aŭtomate aprobi Element Call-fenestaĵojn kaj doni aliron al fotilo / mikrofono
device_manager_sessions_other_title Other sessions
Key English Esperanto State
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_title Check background restrictions Kontroli fonajn limigojn
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_failed Some notifications are disabled in your custom settings. Iuj sciigoj estas malŝaltitaj en viaj propraj agordoj.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_success_with_warn Notice that some messages type are set to be silent (will produce a notification with no sound). Rimarku, ke iuj specoj de mesaĝoj estas silentaj (sciigas sensone).
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_title Custom Settings. Propraj agordoj.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor Currently using %s.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor_title Method
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_failed Cannot find the endpoint.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_success Current endpoint: %s
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_title Endpoint
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway Current gateway: %s
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway_title Gateway
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_failed Notifications are not enabled for this session.
Please check the ${app_name} settings.
Sciigoj ne estas ŝaltitaj por ĉi tiu salutaĵo.
Bonvolu kontroli la agordojn de ${app_name}.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_quickfix Enable Ŝalti
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_success Notifications are enabled for this session. Sciigoj estas ŝaltitaj por ĉi tiu salutaĵo.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_title Session Settings. Agordoj de salutaĵo.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_fdroid No other method than background synchronization found.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_gplay No other method than Google Play Service found.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_many Found %d method.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_title Available methods
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_failed Failed to register endpoint token to homeserver:
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_quick_fix Reset notification method Restarigi metodon de sciigo
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_success Endpoint successfully registered to homeserver.
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_title Endpoint Registration
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed Failed to retrieved FCM token:
Malsukcesis akiri ĵetonon de FCM:
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name}. There is no Google account on the phone. Please open the account manager and add a Google account.
Tiu ĉi eraro ne dependas de ${app_name}. La telefono ne havas konton de Google. Bonvolu malfermi la administrilon de kontoj kaj aldoni konton de Google.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing_quick_fix Add Account Aldoni konton
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_service_not_available [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name}. It can occur for several reasons. Maybe it will work if you retry later, you can also check that Google Play Service is not restricted in data usage in the system settings, or that your device clock is correct, or it can happen on custom ROM.
Tiu ĉi eraro ne dependas de ${app_name}. Ĝi povas okazi pro kelkaj kialoj. Eble ĝi funkcios se vi reprovos poste. Vi ankaŭ povas kontroli, ĉu la servo de Google Play ne estas datume limigita en la sistemaj agordoj, aŭ ĉu la horloĝo de via aparato ĝuste funkcias, aŭ ĉu ĝi ne okazas sur propra ROM.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_too_many_registration [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name} and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
Tiu ĉi eraro ne dependas de ${app_name}, kaj laŭ Google ĝi indikas, ke la aparato havas tro multajn aplikaĵojn registritajn je FCM. La eraro nur okazas kiam multegaj aplikaĵoj estas samtempe instalitaj, kaj ne devus koncerni ordinaran uzanton.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_success FCM token successfully retrieved:
Ĵetono de FCM sukcese akiriĝis:
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_title Firebase Token Ĵetono de Firebase


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English Esperanto
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Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eo/strings.xml, string 2451